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Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund


Call for Application

Do you want to become an agent of positive change?  The Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office (SRSDO) offers the Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund, which encourages CUHK staff and students to develop creative and actionable projects which actively respond to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.

Project Requirements

Projects must

  • respond to one or more of the 17 SDGs;
  • be self-initiated; and
  • be conducted in Hong Kong.
Application Deadlines
Application Procedures

Funded Projects


Understanding and Experiencing Nature and Ecosystem in a Canoeing Ecotour by 180DC@CUHK

Date: 26 June 2022 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15
Project Description: The project aims to allow the participants to appreciate the value of nature through understanding the beauty and complexity and relevance to humans of ecosystems

A canoeing ecotour to a mangrove in Tai Po was organized to let the participants understand the importance of keeping the sea clean since it is the habitat of many living things as well as a hub of human leisure activities

A canoeing ecotour to a mangrove in Tai Po was organized to let the participants understand the importance of keeping the sea clean since it is the habitat of many living things as well as a hub of human leisure activities

A total of 13 CUHK students participated in the activity to learn about different species of plants and animals under the guidance of ecotour guides

A total of 13 CUHK students participated in the activity to learn about different species of plants and animals under the guidance of ecotour guides

Post was issued on social media of 180DC@CUHK to introduce this ecotour and enhance viewers' awareness of the ecotourism and protection of marine ecosystems

Post was issued on social media of 180DC@CUHK to introduce this ecotour and enhance viewers' awareness of the ecotourism and protection of marine ecosystems

Survey was conducted to evaluate the participants’ gain of knowledge on marine ecology and environmental protection

Survey was conducted to evaluate the participants’ gain of knowledge on marine ecology and environmental protection


6th Sustainability & CSR Communication Forum: Stakeholder Communication in the Sustainability Journey and Experiencing

Date: 12 March 2022 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: The project aims to enhance students and alumni's understanding and knowledge of sustainable development by providing examples from various dimensions, e.g., inclusive community, recycling habit, to encourage individuals to think and act towards sustainable life

An online forum with 4 speakers from different sectors was organized

About 250 participants joined the forum

About 250 participants joined the forum

The participants were from various jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China

The participants were from various jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China

The video recording of the forum was uploaded onto the website of the School of Journalism and Communication for viewing

The video recording of the forum was uploaded onto the website of the School of Journalism and Communication for viewing


Improving Food Security: Education Campaign for Sub-divided Flats Residents in Hong Kong 

Date: December 2021 – March 2022
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 02E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03
Project Description: The project aims to provide immediate food relief and improve food security for families living in sub-divided units (SDUs) in Hong Kong

Questionnaire surveys were conducted via phone for more than 120 families to study the food insecurity problem of households residing in subdivided flats during the 5th wave of covid-19

Questionnaire surveys were conducted via phone for more than 120 families to study the food insecurity problem of households residing in subdivided flats during the 5th wave of covid-19

Two online health talks on

Two online health talks on "healthy eating on a budget" were conducted by the dietitians

Fresh food packs were delivered to 40 families without contact to prevent the transmission of diseases

Fresh food packs were delivered to 40 families without contact to prevent the transmission of diseases

Information sheet with knowledge on covid-19, nutrition and recipes was delivered to the SDU residents

Information sheet with knowledge on covid-19, nutrition and recipes was delivered to the SDU residents


Sustainability in life by ThinkOcrean CUHK

Date: September 2021 – February 2022
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15
Project Description: The project aims to encourage the audiences to make changes in their own lifestyle, adopt habits that support environmental sustainability, or spread the green messages to people around them

An activity was held to clean up the Wu Kai Sha beach

An activity was held to clean up the Wu Kai Sha beach

Two talks were held to illustrate the food sustainability and the importance of sharks in ecosystem

Two talks were held to illustrate the food sustainability and the importance of sharks in ecosystem

A webinar was held to introduce the technology of 3D-printed coral reefs

A webinar was held to introduce the technology of 3D-printed coral reefs

Social media posts were issued to raise public awareness of marine protection

Social media posts were issued to raise public awareness of marine protection


Composting Our Way to Sustainability in Nam Chung

Date: November 2021 – January 2022
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: The project aims to support local organic food production in an eco-community in Nam Chung, Sha Tau Kok through composting

Two workshops were organized to educate the participants about Hong Kong’s food waste problems and sustainable farming

Two workshops were organized to educate the participants about Hong Kong’s food waste problems and sustainable farming

A total of 20 participants, including farmers and members of Nam Chung community, were trained

A total of 20 participants, including farmers and members of Nam Chung community, were trained

300kg of soya pulp were converted to about 100kg of compost

300kg of soya pulp were converted to about 100kg of compost

The compost was used in an eco-farm in Nam Chung to improve its soil quality

The compost was used in an eco-farm in Nam Chung to improve its soil quality


Future of Food: Plant-based Living by Lee Woo Sing College

Date: September – December 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: This project helps students understand various topics including plant-based diets, global warming and pollution, food crisis, diet and health, animal rights, etc.
Supporting Organization:

Green Monday

A total of 13 talks on plant-based living were organized

A total of 13 talks on plant-based living were organized

A total of 13 classes on cooking the plant-based dishes were provided to students

A total of 13 classes on cooking the plant-based dishes were provided to students

Over 500 participants joined the talks and cooking classes

Over 500 participants joined the talks and cooking classes

Participants were motivated to make an attempt of 7-day vegetarian challenge

Participants were motivated to make an attempt of 7-day vegetarian challenge


Green Impact Carnival by Lee Woo Sing College

Date: 29 November 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15
Project Description: The carnival aims at enhancing students' awareness on climate change and promoting green lifestyle
Supporting Organization:

Green Monday

Opening ceremony and exhibitions were held during the carnival

Opening ceremony and exhibitions were held during the carnival

A total of 10 game booths were set up by the students of Lee Woo Sing College

A total of 10 game booths were set up by the students of Lee Woo Sing College

The themes of the exhibitions and games included plant-based food, upcycling, climate change, biodiversity, etc.

The themes of the exhibitions and games included plant-based food, upcycling, climate change, biodiversity, etc.

About 250 participants took part in the event

About 250 participants took part in the event


Sustainability Story-telling Project 

Date: February – October 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 09E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15
Project Description: This project aims to enhance students and alumni's awareness and knowledge of sustainable development by providing examples from various dimensions

5th CSR Communication and Sustainability Forum

Media Coverage:

1. Sustainable Fashion in Hong Kong

2. L'Oréal Hong Kong's Green Retail Project

3. Watsons Water's Bottle Recycling Project

4. The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels' Sustainability Journey

A forum on product consumption and recycling habit was held to cultivate individuals to think and to act towards sustainable life

A forum on product consumption and recycling habit was held to cultivate individuals to think and to act towards sustainable life

Over 210 participants joined the forum and over 100 online viewers were from various places, including HK, Taiwan, Mainland China, US and France

Over 210 participants joined the forum and over 100 online viewers were from various places, including HK, Taiwan, Mainland China, US and France

Sustainability video series introduce how various organizations tackle social/environmental issues and contribute to the sustainable development

Sustainability video series introduce how various organizations tackle social/environmental issues and contribute to the sustainable development

These videos are used as teaching materials in various classes in the School of Journalism and Communication and external seminars

These videos are used as teaching materials in various classes in the School of Journalism and Communication and external seminars


HK Wet Market Go Plastic Free! 

Date: May – October 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 08E SDG goals icons individual rgb 09E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: This project aims to explore the feasibility of the reduction of plastic bag usage in Hong Kong wet markets

Plastic Free Hong Kong --- Chapters on Wet Markets

Media Coverage: Ming Pao

A total of 12 students were trained as investigators to measure the usage of the plastic bags by the stalls in Shatin Wet Market

A total of 12 students were trained as investigators to measure the usage of the plastic bags by the stalls in Shatin Wet Market

A debriefing session was organized to encourage the students to think of urgent action to mitigate climate change and how the use of plastic bags may affect the oceans, freshwater bodies, and marine resources

A debriefing session was organized to encourage the students to think of urgent action to mitigate climate change and how the use of plastic bags may affect the oceans, freshwater bodies, and marine resources

The study has provided preliminary results to different stakeholders and let them understand the consumption pattern of plastic bags in wet markets and relevant cultural meanings on this topic

The study has provided preliminary results to different stakeholders and let them understand the consumption pattern of plastic bags in wet markets and relevant cultural meanings on this topic

A brainstorming event engaging environmental practitioners, intellectuals and community members was conducted as a wrap up to share the study findings and let the participants exchange their ideas

A brainstorming event engaging environmental practitioners, intellectuals and community members was conducted as a wrap up to share the study findings and let the participants exchange their ideas


Hong Kong Climate Emergency Summit (HKCES2021)

Date: 28 and 29 August 2021 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15
Project Description: The summit aims to raise youth awareness on climate change by building an understanding of the impacts of climate change with different fields of study
Webpage: https://www.nesshk.org/hkces2021

Over 70 youths were engaged in HKCES which was held virtually in August 2021

Over 70 youths were engaged in HKCES which was held virtually in August 2021

The summit gathered various speakers ranging from leaders in environmental NGOs, professionals in business sustainability and academics from universities

The summit gathered various speakers ranging from leaders in environmental NGOs, professionals in business sustainability and academics from universities

Talks were delivered by experts, industry leaders, advocators and activists to an audience of student participants to promote knowledge and skill-learning

Talks were delivered by experts, industry leaders, advocators and activists to an audience of student participants to promote knowledge and skill-learning

Workshops were organized to provide hands-on experience for the participants

Workshops were organized to provide hands-on experience for the participants


Animations for SDGs and their Targets by Dr Kenneth Li, Office of Unviersity General Education

Date: August 2020 – September 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 01E SDG goals icons individual rgb 02E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 08E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 15
Project Description: This project aims to produce short animation videos for the promotion of selected SDGs and their targets

A YouTube Channel called "SDG Animations" was created with a playlist "SDG律師事務所"

Nine short animations were produced for the promotion of the nine SDGs and 88 targets

Nine short animations were produced for the promotion of the nine SDGs and 88 targets

A loop-play screening event and a production team sharing session were organized to disseminate the animations, SDGs and production experience

A loop-play screening event and a production team sharing session were organized to disseminate the animations, SDGs and production experience

These three deliverables have reached about 1,000 students, staff and public

These three deliverables have reached about 1,000 students, staff and public


Understanding and Experiencing Upcycling by 180DC@CUHK

Date: 8 – 31 August 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: This project aims to raise students' awareness on sustainable development and integrate the concept of upcycling into CUHK students' lives

A 3-hour interactive workshop was held

A 3-hour interactive workshop was held

15 participants joined the activity

15 participants joined the activity

A short video of the workshop was filmed to extend the impact

A short video of the workshop was filmed to extend the impact

Instagram post was issued to share the experience of upcycling


絕膠設思:綠色設計思維工作坊 by 180DC@CUHK 

Date: 8 – 31 August 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: This project aims to increase the understanding towards design thinking through experiencing the work of social consultant and to encourage the discussion of plastic waste reduction with innovative and human-centred solution

A 3-day interactive workshop was held

A 3-day interactive workshop was held

15 participants joined the workshop and 50 online viewers joined the sharing session

15 participants joined the workshop and 50 online viewers joined the sharing session

3 prototypes for improving CUHK sustainability facilities were produced

3 prototypes for improving CUHK sustainability facilities were produced

A short video of the workshop was filmed and Instagram posts were issued to promote plastic waste reduction

A short video of the workshop was filmed and Instagram posts were issued to promote plastic waste reduction


Students as Partners to Promote Physical and Mental Well-being among Elementary Students

Date: 30 July 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04
Project Description: A territory wide survvey revealed that study pressures and after-school activities were identified as key determinants of unhappiness and anxiety for students.  In this project, yoga was chosen to develop positive health outcomes and mental well-being across lifespans for school teenagers.

1. Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service

2. 150th Kowloon Group, the Scout Association of Hong Kong

2 animal yoga activities were organized for kids aged 5 to 12 years old

2 animal yoga activities were organized for kids aged 5 to 12 years old

Lee Woo Sing (LWS) College Social Service Team designed group games for the participants

Lee Woo Sing (LWS) College Social Service Team designed group games for the participants

LWS students assisted in the activities and led the participants for summer homework

LWS students assisted in the activities and led the participants for summer homework

50 kids engaged in the activities


Experiental Learning on Sustainability via Mushrooms 

Date: 1 June – 19 July 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 02E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14E SDG goals icons individual rgb 17
Project Description: To organize sustainability workshops using mushrooms for CUHK students, and hence to develop a first-ever set of nature-educating card decks incorporating student's spore print artworks to promote sustainability and raise awareness regarding nature based education in a truly sustainable way
Education Partner: Mushroom-X  

2 workshops were held to showcase mushroom’s application and its importance on sustainability

2 workshops were held to showcase mushroom’s application and its importance on sustainability

40 participants engaged in the activities

40 participants engaged in the activities

80 spore prints and 40 spore print collage images were generated

80 spore prints and 40 spore print collage images were generated

Informative posts on Instagram with around 300 views


Promoting Geoscience and Raising Environmental Awareness in Hong Kong 

Date: 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 11E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12
Project Description: A project which enhances the public understanding on geoscience and raises the awareness of protecting both the heritage and the environment among the young generation
YouTube Channel: Geoguy_HK  

4 videos were produced covering the hiking routes and geological features in Hong Kong

4 videos were produced covering the hiking routes and geological features in Hong Kong

3 online workshops on basic geoscience were held for secondary school students

3 online workshops on basic geoscience were held for secondary school students

A field trip was held for secondary school students to enhance their geology information in Hong Kong and pick up litter for proper disposal or recycling

A field trip was held for secondary school students to enhance their geology information in Hong Kong and pick up litter for proper disposal or recycling

50 participants engaged in the activities

50 participants engaged in the activities


Econ in Sign Language – Promoting an Inclusive Education Environment for DHH Students


Date: 1 June – 5 December 2020
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 08E SDG goals icons individual rgb 10E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: A project that alleviates the major barriers to learning economics faced by deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) students, and allows DHH students to have the same access to mainstream curriculum
Media Coverage: South China Morning Post
YouTube Channel: 手說經濟

180 participants engaged in the activities

180 participants engaged in the activities

50 videos were produced covering HKDSE economics topics and supplemented by sign language

50 videos were produced covering HKDSE economics topics and supplemented by sign language

Two focus group interviews were conducted with DHH students and teachers to investigate how the project helped learning and teaching

Two focus group interviews were conducted with DHH students and teachers to investigate how the project helped learning and teaching

An online workshop was conducted to enhance DHH students’ interview skills

An online workshop was conducted to enhance DHH students’ interview skills


Think Forward Webinar Series

by ThinkOcean CUHK


Date: 23 October–6 November 2020
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14
Project Description: A webinar series covering various sustainability topics
Promotion: Think Forward

90 participants engaged in three webinars

90 participants engaged in three webinars

Learnt more about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues in the ocean

Learnt more about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues in the ocean

Explored the relationship between diets and the climate

Explored the relationship between diets and the climate

Revealed how fast fashion and textile waste bring about devastating environmental impacts

Revealed how fast fashion and textile waste bring about devastating environmental impacts


Books for Asylum Seekers Children

by Rolling Books (a social enterprise founded by a CUHK alumnus)


Date: 1 September 2019 – 31 August 2020
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 10
Project Description: A project that collects books from the public for the children from ethnic minorities and asylum seekers family
Media Coverage: HKGoodPost

Book distribution and storytelling activities
Service areas
Books given out

Plogging in CUHK

by CUHK Goes Plogging (a group of CUHK students)


Date: 10 November 2019
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: A plogging trip, mixture of jogging and picking up litter, on Ma On Shan trail

Promoted plogging as an alternative method of physical training

Promoted plogging as an alternative method of physical training

Picked up litter for proper disposal or recycling

Picked up litter for proper disposal or recycling

Encouraged our participants to follow more environmentally conscious consumption habits

Encouraged our participants to follow more environmentally conscious consumption habits

Beautified the environment of public space like country parks and hiking trails

Beautified the environment of public space like country parks and hiking trails


Sustainability and CSR Forum & Workshop

by M.S.Sc Program of Corporate Communication from the School of Journalism and Communication


Date: 29 October 2019
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: A project that enhances students, alumni and selected professionals' awareness and knowledge of the environment, society and governance (ESG) and SDGs
Webpage: M.S.Sc Program of Corporate Communication
Forum participants engaged face-to-face
Forum participants engaged online
Participants engaged in 2 workshops
Minutes long video highlight (Watch here)

Umbrella Upcycling Workshops

by Fafa (a group of CUHK staff)


Date: July to September 2019
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 02E SDG goals icons individual rgb 03E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 06E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 16
Project Description: An upcycling project that turns broken umbrellas into flowery accessories for charity sales
Venue Partner: Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change

47 participants engaged in 2 workshops

47 participants engaged in 2 workshops

50 umbrellas saved from disposing of to landfills

50 umbrellas saved from disposing of to landfills

Promoted the concept of upcycling

Promoted the concept of upcycling

Contributed the proceeds from the charity sales to UNICEF

Contributed the proceeds from the charity sales to UNICEF



by 'Dozen Design Studio' from the School of Architecture


Date: 22-27 December 2018 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 04E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13
Project Description: An egg cartons upcycling education project for the underprivileged children in Sham Shui Po
Education Partner: IM Creative (Social Enterprise)
Venue Partner: Sham Shui Po Community Green Station
Media Coverage: Kong Gu Mini

Restaurants engaged<
Children engaged
Exhibition visitors
Egg cartons transformed

Wu Yee Sun College 11th Anniversary Celebration:

523 Banquet and Sunny Festival


Date: 7-8 November 2018 
Fulfilled SDGs:
E SDG goals icons individual rgb 12E SDG goals icons individual rgb 13E SDG goals icons individual rgb 14
Project Description:

Adaptation of green measures in large-scale event

Encouraged vendors to ditch disposables, estimate and prepare the right amount of food

Encouraged vendors to ditch disposables, estimate and prepare the right amount of food

Provided discounts for participants who bring along their own cutlery

Provided discounts for participants who bring along their own cutlery

Provided reusable cutlery and bottled drinks of large volume only

Provided reusable cutlery and bottled drinks of large volume only

Turned reclaimed wood, newspaper and recycled paper into event props

Turned reclaimed wood, newspaper and recycled paper into event props

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