Newsletter No. 376
6 No. 376, 19.4.2011 ACHIEVEMENTS 成 就 三學者獲裘槎科研獎 Three CUHK Scholars Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 中 大計算機科學與工程學系系主任呂自成教授( 中 ),獲頒授裘槎基金會2011至12年 度「優秀科研者獎」,內科及藥物治療學系陳力元教授( 左 )及黃家星教授( 右 )則 獲授「優秀醫學科研學者獎」,頒獎禮於3月24日舉行,由香港特別行政區政府教育局局 長孫明揚主持。 呂自成教授的研究範疇為設計及分析電腦及通訊系統;黃家星教授則專攻腦中風的流行 病學、神經影像學和治療等領域,他率先提出並確認腦血管收窄是亞洲中風患者最常見的 血管病變;陳力元教授是享譽國際的肝病專家,開創以聚乙二醇干擾素治療乙型肝炎的 嶄新療法,他亦是華人非酒精性脂肪肝研究的先驅,成功列出脂肪肝的臨床特徵和自然 發展史。 裘槎科研獎於1997年設立,頒予在科研工作上表現卓越的學者。「優秀科研者獎」或「優秀 醫學科研學者獎」的得獎者所屬大學分別可獲八十萬港元及九十萬港元的資助,以另聘講 師,代替得獎者執掌教職一年。得獎人另可獲得六萬港元研究補助金,在該年度全力投入 研究工作。 P rof. Lui Chi-shing John ( middle ), chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, received the Senior Research Fellowship of The Croucher Foundation 2010–11, while Prof. Chan Lik-yuen Henry ( left ) and Prof. Wong Ka-sing Lawrence ( right ) of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics were awarded the Senior Medical Research Fellowship. The awards were presented by Mr. Suen Ming- yeung Michael, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR Government, on 24 March. Professor Lui’s research interests are in the design and analysis of computer and communication systems. Professor Wong’s major research interests lie in the epidemiology, neuroimaging and treatment of stroke. He is the first to confirm that the narrowing of vessel around the brain was the most common vascular lesion among Asian stroke patients. Professor Chan is a world renowned expert in liver diseases. He is among the first to describe the use of peginterferon treatment in chronic hepatitis B and to define the clinical characteristics and natural progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Chinese. Founded in 1997, the Croucher Senior Research Fellowships scheme aims at recognizing research excellence with prizes of HK$800,000 for the Senior Research Fellowship and HK$900,000 for the Senior Medical Research Fellowship. Funds are awarded to the universities of the fellowship recipients to recruit replacement teachers to take over the award winner’s duties for the period of the fellowship. This enables the awardees to devote more time and effort to research work. Each winner will also receive a grant of HK$60,000 towards research expenses. 中 大女子壁球隊於2月27日首奪「大專盃壁球團體錦標賽」冠軍。隊長梁善雅( 左 二 )表示,各隊員均具超卓球技及豐富作賽經驗,實力毋庸置疑;麥珮軒( 左一 )指 出,隊員的努力是致勝關鍵;馬嘉璐( 左三 )體會到一分耕耘、一分收穫;麥穎文( 右二 ) 欣賞隊員勝不驕、敗不餒的體育精神;劉詠怡( 右三 )雖課業繁重,但也設法出席球隊的 練習和比賽。當然,她們認為最不可或缺的是壁球隊教練陳志明導師( 右一 ),他除了教導 隊員實戰技巧外,亦給予心理輔導及支援,帶領隊員再創高峰。 T he women’s squash team clinched the first championship in the Inter-university Squash Competition on 27 February. Leung Shin-nga Shina ( 2nd left ), captain of the team, said all the team members were skilled squash players with plenty of experience in squash matches. Mak Pui-hin Christina ( 1st left ) attributed the success to the effort of her teammates. Carole Ma ( 3rd left ) learnt that hard work pays off. Mak Wing-man Bonnie ( 2nd right ) appreciated the sportsmanship demonstrated by her team. Lau Wing- What is it that you appreciate? Colleagues often wonder if they should say ‘I appreciate…’ or ‘I appreciate it…’. According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th ed.) , the word appreciate has three meanings: (1) recognize the value of; (2) be grateful for; and (3) rise in value. In the first two senses, appreciate is a transitive verb and should take an object. It is therefore correct to say or write as follows: ‘We’ll provide all necessary assistance to you.’ ‘I appreciate it.’ And since what follows appreciate in (1) below is a clause rather than a noun or noun phrase, the sentence would appear doubtful from a grammatical point of view. (1) I would appreciate if you would let me know. Grammatically, the sentence should look like: (2) I would appreciate it if you would let me know. The Chicago Manual of Style , now in its 16th edition, is another invaluable companion to any editor. As far as the usage of appreciate is concerned, it says that the second sense (to express gratitude) often results in verbose constructions such as in (2) above. It advises that in such a case the editor should instead consider: I would appreciate your letting me know. Editor 女子壁球首報捷 Squash Team Wins First-ever Championship yee Valerie ( 3rd right ) said she always tried her best to attend training sessions regardless of the pressure of her academic studies. All thought the guidance of the coach Mr. Chan Chi-ming ( 1st right ) was the ultimate reason for their success. He focused not only on the squash skills of the players but also cared about the psychological needs of the team members.
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