Newsletter No. 308

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 陳家亮教授 獲頒臨牀治療獎 Prof. Francis Chan Receives Most Outstanding Contribution Award 中 大醫學院助理院長兼內科及藥物治療學講 座教授陳家亮教授於9月29日舉行的2007年 衛生醫護研討會中,獲頒最傑出貢獻(臨牀治療) 獎。評審委員會讚揚陳教授參與的兩項研究,對本 港的公共衛生發展有卓越貢獻。該兩項研究分別是 關於胃幽門螺旋桿菌及上消化道出血的關係以及潰 瘍出血的治療,均獲食物及衛生局醫療服務研究基 金撥款資助。 P rof. Francis Chan Ka-leung, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, was awarded the Most Outstanding Contribution Award (Clinical Therapeutics) at the Health Research Symposium 2007 held on 29 September. Prof. Chan’s participation in the projects titled ‘Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection for secondary prevention of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with ischemic heart disease and stroke: a prospective randomized study’ and ‘Prevention of ulcer bleeding in high-risk patients: is the enthusiasm for COX-2 selective NSAIDs justified?’, both supported by the Health Services Research Fund of the Food and Health Bureau, were cited by the assessment panel as contributing greatly to the advancement of public health in Hong Kong. 校友參與諾貝爾和平獎得獎研究 CUHKAlumnus Contributes to Nobel Prize Research 美 國前副總統戈爾與聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組 共同獲得2007年諾貝爾和平獎,中大聯合書院 校友劉雅章教授是撰寫氣候變遷研究報告物理科學部 分小組成員之一。劉教授表示此獎肯定了各小組學者 成員共同為人類福祉努力、為解決迫切的環境問題的 無私奉獻,他期望這份肯定可推動青年科學家積極參 與有關工作。 劉雅章教授1974年畢業於中大物理系,1978年獲華盛 頓大學博士學位,及後加入普林斯頓大學任教,並於 該校地球物理流體動力學實驗室工作。劉教授自氣候 變遷小組1988年成立起,已參與其研究工作。該小組 致力提倡針對氣候變遷的政策,於2007年發表的第四 份報告集結了逾2000學者的努力,有關物理科學的部 分由來自全球100個國家的約450位作者參與撰寫。 T he 2007 Nobel Peace Prize is shared by former US Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). United College alumnus Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung, Gabriel, is one of the contributing authors of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report which laid out the latest knowledge on the physical basis of global climate change. Prof. Lau said the prize recognizes the efforts of many selfless individuals who shared their expertise in addressing one of the most pressing issues of modern time — global climate change. He hopes the honour will motivate the next generation of scientists and students to devote their talent and knowledge to tackle the environmental problems facing humanity. Majoring in physics, Prof. Lau graduated from CUHK in 1974 and received his PhD from the University of Washington in 1978. He joined Princeton University then and worked in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. He has been involved in the scientific research covered by the IPCC since its establishment in 1988. The IPCC works to provide objective policy advice on climate change. The fourth report, released early this year, featured over 2,000 contributors. About 450 authors from more than 100 nations were involved in drafting the part on the physical basis of climate change. 劉雅章教授於他工作了29年的地球物理流體動力學實驗室外攝 Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung outside the laboratory where he has been working for the past 29 years 大專越野賽中大女子組衛冕 Women’s Team Clinches Intervarsity Cross-country Championship Again 中 大在11月4日舉 行的香港大專 體育協會越野賽中勇 奪女子組團體冠軍、 女子組個人冠軍及男 女子組團體季軍。其 中女子組團體成功衛 冕,心理學系三年級 學生麥素寧(左三) 更連續三年摘取女子 組個人冠軍。 今年共有 1 1 所大專 院 校 參 賽 , 人 數 達 170人。當天賽程全長 4.6公里,由中大夏鼎 基運動場出發至逸夫書院、再繞百萬大道返回田徑場。麥素寧以19分25秒時間衝線,拋離第二名達一分 鐘。對於能夠連續三年奪冠,她感到十分興奮,並特別多謝教練及同學的支持。 麥素寧表示,隊友在開學後,每週練習兩晚,以應付比賽。教練陳麗子及韓雪均指越野隊齊心團結,隊員 都希望能衛冕冠軍,所以無論練習或比賽,均傾盡全力。 T he CUHK team captured the women’s team championship, woman’s individual championship and overall second runner-up at the 21st Universities Sports Federation of Hong Kong Cross-country Race held on 4 November. The women’s team won the contest for the second time, while Miss Mak So-ning, Tania (3rd left), a year-three student in psychology, bagged the individual championship for the third year in a row. The competition, participated by 170 athletes from 11 institutions, was held at CUHK. The 4.6 km route began at Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field, wound around Shaw College, before making its way back to the Sports Field through the University Mall. Tania completed the race in 19’25”, leading the first runner-up by one minute. She expressed thanks to her coaches and peers for their support. Tania said the members of the CUHK team had been training twice a week for the race since school began in September. Coaches Miss Chan Lai-chee and Miss Hon Suet, Snowy, were very pleased with the results. All the athletes had worked extremely hard to recapture the championship.