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College Orientation Camp 2021


The major objectives of the College Orientation Camnp (O' Camp) are to create a convivial environment that will cultivate a sense of community among the incoming students, and to offer an opportunity for growth and goal setting as regards the transition into university life.

The main parameters of the College O' Camp for 2021 are as follows:

1–2 September 2021 (Wednesday–Thursday) 
Students of CW Chu College are highliy encouraged to attend the College O' Camp. To facilitate the logistic arrangement for O' Camp activities, new students who are unable to join the College O' Camp are required to inform the College via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) by 29 August (Sunday).
Student helpers
A group of students have formed the Organizing Committee (OC) and there are also group leaders (組爸媽).
Composition of 
student groups
To facilitate communication and offer prompt assistance to new students, freshmen from different places of origin will be arranged into several groups, with 34 group leaders in each group, and at least one of the group leaders will be proficient in English/ Putonghua/ Cantonese.

Ms Anna Ip, President of the Organizing Committee of College O' Camp 2021
Tel: 9141 1169/ Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Programmes (On-campus day-time activities)
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Ice-breaking games
  • Mass games
  • Society game
  • Small group gatherings
  • CU hunt
  • Closing Ceremony
Remarks: The College Office and the Organising Committee of College O' Camp will contact all students by email and phone (for those who are in Hong Kong), and notify them in late August 2021 about the detailed arrangements for the above programmes.

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