College Teaching Staff - Prof. WONG Chak
Chak WONG (王澤基) is a professor in the Department of Finance at CUHK, programme director of the MSc Finance programme, associate director of the MBA programme, and director of the Asia Pacific Institute of Business. His academic research is mainly in the macroeconomic impact of finance and theoretical modeling of financial systems. Other than academic research, he writes articles for Chinese newspapers and magazines, such as CNN (美國有線電視新聞網), Financial Times (金融時報), FT Chinese (FT中文網), China Daily (中國日報) and iMoney (智富), commenting on government policies and other related economic issues. Before returning to academia in 2010, he was Managing Director and Head of Structuring of Investment Banking Division for Asia including Japan of Barclays Capital. He was responsible for client risk advisory and risk management solutions across all asset classes. Prior to that, he was Managing Director and trader in UBS London and Hong Kong co-heading the APAC structured products groups which trades and designs products including all asset classes and hybrids. He also spent a number of years in London in Goldman Sachs as Executive Director, working as a strategist/quant and trader for rate, FX and inflation. Prior to that, he was a quantitative analyst in credit derivative and emerging markets in Morgan Stanley, London. He worked as a software engineer helping factories to computerize while he was a student, founding a software company after graduation. Professor Wong studied in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and UC Berkeley. His major was Electronic Engineering with minors in Pure Mathematics and French. He obtained his DPhil and MPhil degrees in Economics from the University of Oxford. He was Rhodes Scholar of Hong Kong 1995. More information can be found on the departmental webpage. |