Newsletter No. 404

4 No. 404, 4.10.2012 銀聯金融捐資支持經濟及金融研究 BCT Donation Supports Economics Research 銀聯金融有限公司(銀 聯)慷慨捐贈中文大學六 百萬元,支持全球經濟及 金融研究所(研究所)的 發展。支票頒贈儀式在 8月21日舉行,由沈祖堯 校長( 左七 )、銀聯董事總 經理及行政總裁劉嘉時女 士( 中 ),以及研究所常務 所長莊太量教授( 左四 ) 主禮。銀聯代表團、研究 所傑出研究員任志剛教授 ( 右六 )蒞臨觀禮。 研究所以該捐款設立研究 員席,以推動中國金融體 制的研究,並特別以集團嘉名命名「BCT銀聯集團傑出研究員」,由商學院榮譽教授劉明康教授出任。 BCT Financial Limited (BCT) donated HK$6 million to support the development of the Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF). The cheque presentation ceremony was held on 21 August. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 7th left ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Ms. Lau Ka-shi ( centre ), managing director and CEO of BCT; and Prof. Terence Chong ( 4th left ), executive director, IGEF. Delegates from BCT and Prof. Joseph Yam ( 6th right ), distinguished research fellow of IGEF, took part in the ceremony. To acknowledge the generosity of BCT, the IGEF has established a fellowship named ‘BCT Distinguished Research Fellowship’. The establishment of the fellowship comports with mission of IGEF in conducting quality research on China’s financial system. Prof. Liu Mingkang was made the BCT Distinguished Research Fellow. 余宇康伉儷資助成立腎科中心 Carol and Richard Yu Renal Centre Established 醫學院獲內科及藥物治療學系名譽教授余宇康教授( 前排左五 )及其夫人余雷覺雲女士( 前排左四 )慨贈逾七百萬 元,予該系腎科設立余宇康余雷覺雲腹膜透析研究中心。支票捐贈儀式於8月23日舉行,由余宇康伉儷、沈祖堯校 長( 前排右五 )、醫學院院長霍泰輝教授( 第二排右二 )及內科及藥物治療學系腎科主任李錦滔教授( 第二排右三 ) 主禮。 The Faculty of Medicine received a generous donation of over HK$7 million from Prof. Yu Yue-hong Richard ( front row, 5th left ), honorary professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and his wife, Mrs. Carol Yu ( front row, 4th left ) to support the Nephrology Division of the department to establish the Carol and Richard Yu Peritoneal Dialysis Research Centre. A cheque presentation ceremony was held on 23 August. Professor Yu, Mrs. Yu, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( front row, 5th right ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 2nd row, 2nd left ), Dean of Faculty of Medicine; and Prof. Philip K.T. Li ( 2nd row, 3rd right ), chief of the Nephrology Division, officiated at the ceremony. 一站式遺傳病門診投入服務 First One-Stop Outpatient Genetic Clinic in Service 中大與美國貝勒醫學院於9月14日簽署合作備忘錄,共 同提供臨床遺傳病學訓練,並設立本港首個一站式遺傳 病門診服務。診所位於沙田威爾斯親王醫院,為市民提 供遺傳病諮詢、風險評估及基因化驗服務。美方專家將 定期來港舉辦研討會及進行培訓,同時為診所提供診斷 及諮詢服務。 The University signed a memorandum of understanding on 14 September with the Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) in the US for a collaboration to provide clinical genetic training, and set up the territory’s first outpatient genetic clinic. Located at the Prince of Wales Hospital, the clinic provides consultation services, including genetic counselling, risk assessment and genetic and genomic testing. Experts from BCM will regularly visit Hong Kong to conduct seminars and clinical training. 醫學院院長霍泰輝教授(左)及貝勒醫學院Arthur Beaudet 教授簽署合作備忘錄 Prof. Fok Tai-fai (left), Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; and Prof. Arthur Beaudet, Baylor College of Medicine, present the memorandum of understanding. 曾漢奇獲國際棋聯大師榮銜 Tsang Hon-ki Wins FIDE Master Title 電子工程學系系主任曾漢奇教授( 穿白衣 )在9月上旬,於 第四十屆世界國際象棋奧林匹克勇奪國際棋聯大師榮 銜。大賽在土耳其伊斯坦布爾舉行,每隊要比賽十一輪, 曾教授八盤連勝,成為今屆十三位獲國際棋聯大師銜者 的其中一人。他在完成十盤棋賽後,得分7.5,在七百七十 九名選手中位列第二十二。 Prof. Tsang Hon-ki ( in white shirt ), chairman of Department of Electronic Engineering, won the FIDE Master title at the 40th World Chess Olympiad 2012 organized by the Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) in Istanbul, Turkey in early September. The 40th Chess Olympiad consisted of 11 rounds of matches between teams. Professor Tsang won eight games in a row, and was one of 13 players to achieve the FIDE Master title at this Olympiad. He scored 7.5 from 10 games, ranking 22nd among the 779 players in this competition.