Newsletter No. 350
No. 350, 4.1.2010 中大保安員獲殊榮 Security Guard Wins Silver 2008年3月一天晚上,保安組保安員馮榮新值夜班,負責巡邏本部 校園,在巡經中央道近新亞路入口垃圾站時,聽到一陣金屬碰撞 的聲音,並發現一名可疑男子正在垃圾站旁的地盤搬運鐵枝上客貨 車。馮先生覺得事有蹺蹊,立刻上前制止,並通知保安隊長到場。最 後發現屬盜竊案件,即時報警處理。 馮榮新先生因這次警覺敏銳和處變不驚的工作表現,得到上司推薦參 加2008 – 2009年度新界南總區最佳保安員選舉,並在七百多名參選者 中脫穎而出,獲評審委員選為工商組別銀獎得主。 對於這次得獎,馮先生說:「我感到很榮幸,並且認為可以讓其他部門的同事明白保安組工作的重要性。」 加入保安組十五年的他回憶說:「以前守大門是比較辛苦的差事。在大門還沒有電動閘桿的日子,要靠人手 拉起和放下閘桿。鐵造的閘桿很重,曾有同事因此扭傷了手。現在科技進步,保安員的工作也方便多了。」 One night in March 2008, Mr. Fung Wing-sun, a CUHK security guard, was on night patrol. When he arrived at the garbage station at the intersection between Central Avenue and New Asia Road, he heard the clatter of iron objects and saw a suspicious man hauling iron bars from the site near the garbage station into a van. Smelling a rat, Mr. Fung stopped the man and notified his supervisor. It turned out the man was stealing iron bars, so, they reported the case to the Police. Due to his vigilance and cool-headed handling of the incident, Mr. Fung was nominated by his supervisor for the 2008–2009 New Territories South Best Security Personnel Awards, winning silver in the industrial and commercial properties division. Mr. Fung said, ‘I feel honoured and believe that it may help colleagues of other departments to appreciate the importance of the Security Unit’s work.’ Mr. Fung, who has been with the Security Unit for 15 years, recalled, ‘It was quite hard to man the main gate in those days when we didn’t have electrical barriers. The manual barriers were made of iron and very heavy. A colleague strained his arm while trying to raise one of them. Technology has made our job easier.’ NEWS & EVENTS registration at the gates enter and leave the University daily, not to mention cars with parking labels that do not require registration, of which there are currently over 2,400. The headquarters team is responsible for rendering support to large-scale functions on campus, such as implementing crowd management measures after biweekly college assemblies to ensure the safety of participants leaving the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and preventing traffic accidents. The team is also responsible for fire prevention and ensuring that fire extinguishers work. Plus they organize fire drills in student hostels and teach students the correct way of using fire extinguishers. Mr. Wong Pak-nin Philip, Director of Security and Transport, says, ‘Theft is the most common crime on campus. Having said that, the number of cases is actually very low. We report the numbers to the Committee on Security every six months. Mostly, the number of cases is lower than 10. Compared to the figures released by Ma On Shan Police Station, they are insignificant.’ Despite the campus’s good safety records, the Security Unit never let their guard down. At present, they have launched the winter precaution campaign, which includes reminding campus residents to stay alert by sending leaflets to hostels. Security guards and patrol cars have also stepped up patrols to deter potential criminals. Mr. Wong says, ‘The Police have started their winter precaution campaign at this time. If we don’t do that, the burglars would think that we are easy.’ With an area of 134 hectares, the CUHK campus is about the size of 17 Hong Kong Parks. Although the manpower of the Security Unit can cover such a large campus, Mr. Wong expects that additional staff will be needed following the addition of Area 39 and the increase in student and staff population in 2012. ‘It will be difficult for us to cover so many areas with our existing manpower. And we expect requests for assistance to increase as the university population grows. We may need two to three extra security guards per team. Additional patrol cars may also be needed.’ To make sure staff carry out their duties professionally, the unit invites professionals from outside to give them training from time to time, such as in crowd management (接上頁 Continued ) measures. Mr. Wong says, ‘Unlike the Police Force, the job of the Security Unit is to serve. The focus of our work is to provide assistance, answering inquiries and controlling traffic on campus.’ Unlike some universities, CUHK does not outsource its security service. All security guards are CUHK staff. Mr. Wong says, ‘Outsourced security guards lack a sense of belonging and have a high turnover. CUHK is a small community. It’s better in terms of efficiency and service to have our own team to serve this community.’ Prior to joining CUHK, Mr. Wong was a chief superintendent of the Police Force. He believes that the most important thing he learned from the force is integrity. ‘The Police Force emphasizes this quality. I hope I can convince colleagues here of the importance of integrity and give them encouragement in their work.’ 中大與國家語委續簽合作協議 CUHK Renews Contract with State Language and Writing Commission • 2 009年12月16日,劉遵義校長( 右 )代表本校普通話教 育研究及發展中心,與國家語言文字工作委員會普通 話培訓測試中心姚喜雙主任( 左 )續簽合作協議。劉校長 在致辭時提到,普通話是十三億同胞的共通語言;本校一 直重視培養學生的兩文三語。十一年來,本校舉辦的普通 話水平測試有近兩萬人參加,是最受港人歡迎的測試中心 之一。 A contract renewal ceremony between the Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education, CUHK and the Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers (CTTPTS) of the State Language and Writing Commission was held on 16 December 2009. The contract was signed by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, and Mr. Yao Xishuang (left), director of CTTPTS, on behalf of the two parties. In his welcoming speech, Professor Lau mentioned that Putonghua was the common language of 1.3 billion Chinese citizens. In line with CUHK’s continuous endeavours to nurture students’ ability to command bi-literacy and tri-lingualism, nearly 20,000 candidates have taken the Putonghua Proficiency Test organized by the centre over the past 11 years. The centre is one of the most popular test centres for the national language in Hong Kong.
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