School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - News Archive
Created Date Title
02/2011 Monday.COME "Egypt: Beyond Pyramids and Sphinx"
02/2011 A short talk on journalism
02/2011 “Media Digest on Anti-Express Rail Link Movement”
02/2011 Monday.COME "Media Digest on Anti-Express Rail Link Movement"
01/2011 Monday.COME "Let The Bullets Fly"
01/2011 Information Day for Postgraduate Programmes 2011
01/2011 Public Lecture by Reuters Asian Managing Editor Brian Rhoads
01/2011 中大新聞與傳播學院碩士課程 培育新聞廣告企業傳播生力軍
01/2011 Visiting Scholar Programme 2011 - "TV Drama in Changing Chinese Societies"
12/2010 M.Sc. in New Media Programme – 10th Anniversary Dinner
12/2010 Apply the PhD Program in Communication, CUHK via Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2011/12
11/2010 Monday.COME "Deconstructing Foxconn"
10/2010 Monday.COME "Is there any prospect for the young who pursue a career in politics?"
10/2010 The Internet Turning 40: Never-Ending Novelty of New Media Research?
10/2010 Stand-up Comedy by Chan Ka Ming & Opening Ceremony of the "Out of the Box" Exhibition
10/2010 Monday.COME "Reflections on Social Commentary and Editorial Independence"
10/2010 2010-11 Admission Talk
10/2010 Banquet in Celebration of the 45th Anniversary of School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK
09/2010 Monday.COME "Mr. Lo's 20-year Collection of Cameras"
09/2010 Monday.COME "Reflections on the Manila Hostage Crisis"
07/2010 Book launch of "One Person, One Story"
07/2010 "One Person, One Story" book
06/2010 香港新聞行政人員協會及新聞教育基金:傳媒管理課程2010
05/2010 2010 Singapore academic exchange study tours
05/2010 2010 Taiwan academic exchange study tours