School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - News Archive
Created Date Title
01/2009 Visiting Scholar Programme 2009 - "New Media Events Workshop: Networking, civil society and power Relationships in today's media"
01/2009 Professor Saskia Witteborn awarded the Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award 2008
01/2009 碩士課程 培育學員與世界接軌
12/2008 The School co-organized Ms. Dai Qing's talk on "The Lure of Truth: Who Can be an Investigative Journalist?"
12/2008 「華人傳播想像」會議
11/2008 Sichuan Earthquake: Reflections of Hong Kong Journalists
11/2008 第六屆全國挑戰杯共奪三獎 中大學生創業計劃著先機
11/2008 Hong Kong Culture and Society Forum
11/2008 《四川地震—香港記者反思錄》
10/2008 "Deer in the Box" Concert
09/2008 "Deer in the Box" Exhibition
08/2008 中大新聞與傳播學院校友會晚宴
07/2008 The School published the book "Life of Exchange Students"
06/2008 Mr. Henry Tang Banquet
05/2008 2008-09 Admission Talk
05/2008 Farewell Party for Professor Kenneth Leung
04/2008 新聞系衝出香港 採訪當地人心情 準記者實習直擊京奧
04/2008 Visiting Scholar Programme
03/2008 Undergraduate students joined study tour to Beijing to make news reports on Olympic Games facilities and to visit news organizations
03/2008 Undergraduate students joined study tour to make news reports on Taiwan Presidential Election
03/2008 The School co-organized a seminar on "The Challenges Faced by Traditional Media in the Era of Web 2.0"
02/2008 都市報崛起對於當代中國報業發展的意義與價值
02/2008 新世紀以來中國大陸的輿論監督
02/2008 Information Day For Taught Postgraduate Programmes 2008
02/2008 The 4th Corridor Exhibition & Forum - Urban China: Media2.0