School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - News Archive
Created Date Title
04/2010 "Band Sound" Campus Concert
03/2010 Monday.COME "Does China Reporting Matter in World Affairs?"
03/2010 Monday.COME "Is there room for values in a university?"
03/2010 Monday.COME "Men who love Photography"
03/2010 Public Lecture by Fulbright Senior Specialist Mike Chinoy
03/2010 Now TV visit
02/2010 Monday.COME "Generations of New Youths"
02/2010 中國經驗對於傳播研究的價值和意義
02/2010 文化自覺:對當代中國新聞傳播的一點檢討
02/2010 新媒體環境下輿論監督的結構化發展
02/2010 中國大陸的傳播符號學研究:理論淵源與現實關切
02/2010 Information Day For Taught Postgraduate Programmes 2010
02/2010 中大新聞與傳播學院 課程緊貼社會趨勢 理論實踐並重
02/2010 Monday.COME "Political Columns and Public Opinion in Hong Kong"
01/2010 Monday.COME 年輕沒路?還是香港變了?
01/2010 Visiting Scholar Programme 2010 - "Crisis Communication in Risk Society"
01/2010 Professor Anthony Fung awarded the Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award 2009
01/2010 Phoenix TV visit
12/2009 星島日報,中大新聞獎特刊
12/2009 香港經濟日報,中大新聞獎特刊
12/2009 第四屆中大新聞獎傳播報導
12/2009 The 4th Chinese University Journalism Award
11/2009 Monday.COME "Reflecting on the Ideas of University (2009): Progress, Profit and Plight"
11/2009 Monday.COME ""Lets Take a Show" Short Film Sharing: Storytelling in Visuals"
11/2009 Monday.COME "Chic China Chic: Mocumentary"