Social Services Chung Chi College

Jointly organized by Chung Chi College and Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, University YMCA® (CCC CUHK) has been established since 2007. Students are provided with opportunities to serve the local and global communities by participating in local service campaigns and overseas service trips to countries such as Fiji, Germany, Romania, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Malaysia etc. The activities aim to raise students’ awareness of the needs of various social groups, shaping them into future social leaders with strong adaptability, problem solving skills and creativity.


Uni-Y® (CCC CUHK) is providing a wide range of local and overseas service programmes, in response to the three key areas of focus below:

(1) Global Citizenship

To broaden members' horizons and nurture them into responsible global citizens through study and service trips

(2) Community Engagement

To raise members' awareness and understanding of social issues and promote their concern for the disadvantaged through voluntary services and activities related to social issues

(3) Christian Action

To spread the Christian teachings and facilitate members to become humble servant leaders through diversified experiences


Enquiries: 3943 9236


Facebook: Uni-Y (CCC CUHK)

Instagram: uniy.ccccuhk

Join the Uni-Y membership: Membership Form Download




  • Global Citizenship: Tibet Natural and Cultural Study Tour


  • Global Citizenship: “Construction@Cambodia” Service Trip

  • Community Engagement: “Love Without Borders” Serving the Abandoned Dogs

  • Community Engagement: "Serve with Haircutting"

  • CUHK Art Fair