Divinity School of Chung Chi College Chung Chi College

Educational Aims


The basic educational aims of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College are threefold: (1) to help students grow as mature persons, (2) to equip them in every way so that they can minister in the Spirit of Christ, (3) to promote theological research, enable inter-disciplinary dialogue and facilitate intellectual and cultural development in Hong Kong, China and overseas Chinese communities.


The Divinity School of Chung Chi College takes an ecumenical approach to theological studies. The Bible is accepted to be the main authority for faith and life. Through historical, literary, sociological, and critical approaches to the Scriptures, students and faculty endeavour to be faithful to the living Word of God and to interpret the Bible in the context of contemporary Church and the world. Students are not required to accept any specific doctrinal position but all are encouraged to develop and defend their chosen theological position by means of the highest standards of scholarship. Mutual respect in spite of differences in doctrine is heavily stressed as the prerequisite for community life and good scholarship.


The curricula of the various degree programmes in the Divinity School of Chung Chi College are oriented toward Missio Dei. Practical training for ministry is stressed along with intellectual and spiritual development.


Brief History


In Chung Chi College, the traditions of theological education from the mainland churches and thirteen Christian colleges of China have been preserved and developed. The historical roots of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College go back as far as 1864 when the Training School of Canton Presbyterian Mission was established at Fati, Guangdong. In 1914, this School joined with the Anglican Church and the Methodist Church to form the Canton Union Theological College, Guangdong. During the War, this College had, at various times, affiliated with the University of Central China and with Lingnan University. After the War, the Anglican Church, Wei Li Kung Hui and Christian Mission to Buddhists joined together to establish the Hong Kong Union Theological College. The Church of Christ in China and the Chinese Methodist Church supported Trinity Theological College, in Singapore.


Chung Chi College had been having religious education and theological training as part of the academic programme since 1957. Before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1963, the theological training was separately provided by the Chung Chi Theological Seminary. This Seminary was established as a joint effort by the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, the Anglican Church, the Chinese Methodist Church, the Wei Li Kung Hui, the Swatow Baptist Church and the Tsung Tsin Mission, with the Hong Kong Theological Institute of the Church of Christ in China as the nucleus. Chung Chi Theological Seminary continued the affiliation with Chung Chi College until 1968. The Board of the Seminary which was formed by representatives from the supporting churches planned for the construction of the Theology Building on the campus of Chung Chi College. In 1966 the Tsung Tsin Lok Yuk Seminary joined the Chung Chi Theological Seminary. Lok Yuk Seminary had a history which went back to 1864 when it was first established in Lilong of Po On District. After changing location for several times it was re-established in Sai Kung, Hong Kong in 1955.


In 1968 the Seminary as such had ceased to exist and its function was transferred to the Theology Division in the reorganized Department of Philosophy and Religion of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, later known as the Department of Religion in 1978 and restructured to be the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies in 2004. The Theology Division was renamed as the Divinity School of Chung Chi College since August 1, 2004. The Theology Building was completed and began to function in 1969 and was renovated in 2000. The Divinity School Chapel with a seating capacity of 350 was built in 2011. Under the delegation of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College, the Theological Council is responsible for the management of the Divinity School. Independent from the funding of University Grants Committee and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Divinity School is funded by private funds, supporting churches, donations from the public and tuition fee income. Academically, it is a recognized part of the University to offer degree programmes in Theology and Christian Studies. It is also a full member of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) and the Hong Kong Theological Education Association.


Supporting Denominations and Churches


The Divinity School is supported by various denominations in Hong Kong. Its theological orientation thus upholds an ecumenical perspective and a catholic spirit. At present, the supporting churches include: the Church of Christ in China (Hong Kong Council), the Tsung Tsin Mission, the Methodist Church Hong Kong, and Pentecostal Holiness Church.