Minchao Qin and Yuhao Li won the poster award during the 25th User’s Meeting & Workshop (September 17 – 20, 2019) at the Taiwan Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan.
Recent News: Congratulations! Minchao won a poster award.
Minchao Qin won the poster award during the Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy Related Applications (June 2 – 4, 2019) at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Research Highlights: Manipulating the Mixed-Perovskite Crystallization Pathway Unveiled by In Situ GIWAXS
Mixed perovskites have achieved substantial successes in boosting solar cell efficiency, but the complicated perovskite crystal formation pathway remains mysterious. Here, we report for the first time the detailed crystallization process of mixed perovskites (FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3) during spin-coating by in situ GIWAXS measurements, and three phase formation stages have been identified: I.… Read More
Recent News: Congratulations! Minchao Qin won the C N Yang Scholarships in the academic year of 2018-2019.
Minchao Qin won the C N Yang Scholarships in the academic year of 2018-2019.
Research Highlights: Ag-Doped Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Tunable Band Structure and Efficient Charge Transport
Heterovalent doping of halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs), offering potential tunability in optical and electrical properties, remains a grand challenge. Here, we report for the first time a controlled doping of monovalent Ag+ into CsPbBr3 NCs via a facile room temperature synthesis method. Our results suggest that Ag+ ions act as substitutional dopants to replace Pb2+ ions in the perovskite NCs, shifting the Fermi level down-towards the valence band and in turn inducing a heavy p-type character.… Read More
Recent News: Exchange Workshop at Shenzhen University
Recently, our group visited Prof. Zhou Ye’s Functional Materials & Electronics Group in the College of Electronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen University. The purpose of this trip is to promote the academic exchanges between the two groups in different research areas including halide perovskites, organic semiconductors, two-dimensional materials and related optoelectronic devices.… Read More
Recent News: Welcome Junjie Ma to join our group!
Junjie Ma from Wuhan University joins our group as a junior research assistant.
Recent News: Welcome Zhaotong Qin to join our group!
Zhaotong Qin joins our group as a graduate student majoring in MSE.
Recent Activities: 2018 Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering at CityU
During 9-14th July, I attended the 2018 Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering held at the City University of Hong Kong. The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) in Dongguan has already been open to user this yeaThis course aims at training potential users for the newly built facility. Neutrons interact only with the nucleus of materials, giving it excellent sensitivity to light atoms as well as isotopes, which is the advantages over X-rays.… Read More
Research Highlights: Hidden structure ordering along backbone of fused-ring electron acceptors enhanced by ternary bulk heterojunction
Fused-ring electron acceptors (FREAs), as a family of non-fullerene acceptors, have achieved tremendous success in pushing the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells. Here, we reported the detailed molecular packing motifs of two extensively studied FREAs – ITIC and ITIC-Th, which is revealed for the first time the long-range structure ordering along the backbone direction originated from favored end group π-π stacking.… Read More