- ▸ Haoran Xu, Mehrana R. Nejad, Julia M. Yeomans, Yilin Wu (2022) Geometrical control of interface patterning underlies active matter invasion. Submitted. [arXiv]
- ▸ Siyu Liu, Ye Li, Haoran Xu, Daniel B. Kearns, Yilin Wu (2022) Active bulging promotes biofilm formation in a bacterial swarm. Submitted. [bioRxiv]
- ▸ Haoran Xu, Yulu Huang, Rui Zhang, Yilin Wu (2021) Autonomous waves and global motion modes in living active solids. In revision. [arXiv]
- ▸ Ding Cao, Mariia Dvoriashyna, Song Liu, Eric Lauga, Yilin Wu (2021) on Bacterial swimming in viscoelastic polymer fluids, in revision.
- ▸ Ye Li, Shiqi Liu, Yingdan Zhang, Zi Jing Seng, Haoran Xu, Liang Yang, Yilin Wu (2021) Self-organized canals enable long range directed material transport in bacterial communities. In revision. [bioRxiv]
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NSFC News [Link] ; Nature Research
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