Congratulations to Recipients of 2017-2018 Faculty Dean’s Honours List

We would like to commend the twenty-one ELED students who were placed on the Faculty Dean’s Honours List for academic year 2017-2018 for their honorable academic achievements. Each awardee received a certificate at the award presentation ceremony held on Saturday, 30 March 2019 in Auditorium B6, Ho Tim Building.
Read More >Pre-Teaching Practice CoP Meeting

The fourth year students are doing their first Teaching Practice in primary schools. They met the Community of Practice (CoP) mentors on 9 March 2019 for a pre-Teaching Practice meeting. The Teaching Practice lasts for 7 weeks from 11 March to 4 May 2019.
Read More >ELED 20th Anniversary Dinner

“Pass on knowledge, they grow. Add in love, they flourish.”
2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the ELED programme. Over 80 alumni from different cohorts joined the celebratory dinner on 8 September 2018 at the Stage Gastronomy Club, to reunite and to share fond memories of the past two decades.