The B.A. (English Studies) and B.Ed. (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme or ELED programme was restructured in 2008 from the B.Ed. (Language Education) Programme which was first offered in 1998. The ELED programme is now a five-year full-time undergraduate programme offered by the Faculty of Education, in collaboration with the Department of English and the English Language Teaching Unit of the Faculty of Arts. It is our mission to provide solid and sound English and teaching knowledge, develop positive personal attributes, and nourish intellectual and professional qualities of each teacher-to-be. It is our vision to build a strong teaching force with competent individuals and a collaborative teaching community that supports and sustains professional growth. Advisory Committee


The ELED programme focuses on three major disciplines: English language and literature, educational issues, and English language teaching methodology. Upon successful completion of the programme, graduates will be awarded two degrees: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education, including a recognition as equivalent to a Postgraduate Diploma in Education qualification. Graduates are also considered to have met the HKSAR Government’s Language Proficiency Requirement and exempted from the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English at Level 3, and will be recognized as subject trained teachers of English in local primary and secondary schools by the Education Bureau.

Programme Learning Outcomes

  1. To nurture professional English teachers with conceptual and theoretical knowledge in subject matter, curricular and pedagogy;
  2. To develop reflective English teachers with a comprehensive view and insight on educational issues in the local and global contexts; and
  3. To produce effective English teachers with solid and strong application skills for communication, teaching and research.