
Prof. Amy Sau-ching HA


Prof. Amy Sau-Ching HA
Professor, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Education
BA (First Hon) (Fu-jen Catholic University)
MPE (Springfield College)
PhD (Walden University)
+852 3943 6083
Professor Amy Ha is currently the Associate Dean for research (2015–present) of the Faculty of Education and formerly the Chairperson (2009–2015) of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education. She leads the Sport Pedagogy & Physical Activity Assessment Laboratory, with the aim of generating high quality research evidence and social impact in terms of individuals’ physical activity and health, and quality of life. Her research interests include application of information technology in physical education, family-based physical activity, fundamental movement skills, physical literacy, and teachers' professional development. She has secured a range of competitive research funding (e.g., RGC GRF/RIF) and worked on collaborative projects (e.g., SUNRISE) and publications (e.g., Lancet Physical Activity Series) with researchers around the globe.
Research Interests
  • Family- and school-based interventions to promote physical literacy
  • Teachers’ professional development and application of information technology in physical education
Selected Publications
  1. Ha AS*, Cheng J, Chan CHS, Jiang G, Yang Y, Ng JYY. Examining the criterion validity of two scalable, information technology-based systems designed to measure the quantity and quality of movement behaviors of children from Hong Kong primary schools: A cross-sectional validation study. BMJ Open (in press).
  2. Ha AS*, He Q, Lubans DR, Chan CHS, Ng JYY. Parent-focused online intervention to promote parents’ physical literacy and support children’s physical activity: Results from a quasi-experimental trial. BMC Public Health 2022, 22:1330. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13739-z
  3. Ha AS*, Ng JYY, Wong RS. Examining the relationship between children's health-related quality of life and their perception of parental support toward physical activity: A longitudinal study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 2022; 14:383-396. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12308
  4. Ha AS*, Zeng T, Wang L, Ng JYY. Parental support, children’s physical activity, dietary behaviors and health-related quality of life: Evidence from three Asian cities. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022. doi: 10.1007/s12529-022-10056-y
  5. He Q, Ha AS*, Ng JYY, Cairney J, Bedard C. Associations between parent perceived social cognitive factors and child objectively measured physical activity behaviors among preschool-aged children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2022, 61:102200. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102200
  6. Ng JYY, He Q, Chong KH, Okely A, Chan HS, Ha AS*. The impact of COVID-19 on preschool-aged children’s movement behaviors in Hong Kong: A longitudinal analysis of accelerometer-measured data, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 18:11907. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182211907
  7. Kariippanon KE*, Chong KH, Janssen X, Tomaz SA, Ribeiro EH, Munambah N, Chan CH, Chathurangana P, Draper CE, Hamdouchi AE, Florindo AA, Guan H, Ha AS, Hossain MS, Kim DH, Kim TV, Koh DC, Löf M, Pham BN, Poh BK, Reilly JJ, Staiano AE, Suherman A, Tanaka C, Tang HK, Tremblay MS, Webster EK, Wickramasinghe VP, Wong JE, Okely AD. Levels and correlates of objectively measured sedentary behaviour in young children: SUNRISE study results from 19 countries. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2022, 54: 1123-1130. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002886
  8. van Sluijs EMF*, Ekelund U, Silva IC, Guthold R, Ha AS, Lubans DR, Oyeyemi AL, Ding D, Katzmarzyk PT. Physical activity behaviours in adolescence: current evidence and opportunities for intervention. Lancet 2021, 398: 429-442. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(21)01259-9
  9. Ha AS*, Lonsdale C, Lubans DR, Ng FF, Ng JYY. Improving children's fundamental movement skills through a family-based physical activity program: Results from the "Active 1+FUN" randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2021, 18: 99. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01160-5
  10. Ha AS*, Lonsdale C, Lubans DR, Ng JYY. Increasing students' activity in physical education results of the self-determined exercise and learning for fitness trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2020, 52:696-704. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002172
Funded Research Grants as Principal Investigator (in the past five years)
  • Physical Activity Routines, Education, Assessment, Literacy, and Information Technology application in Young children (PA REALITY): A social cognitive theory-based movement education programme for preschool students. RGC Research Impact Fund (RIF), 2022-2025
  • Role of family routines and parenting practices in Hong Kong preschool children’s 24-hour movement behaviours and physical health. Direct Grant, CUHK, 2021-2022
  • Increasing students’ involvement and enjoyment in physical activities through fitness infusion and creating an autonomy supportive learning environment: Scaling up the SELF-FIT intervention. Project Impact Enhancement Fund, CUHK, 2019-2021 – SELF-FIT teacher platform
  • Using Innovative Pedagogy and Technology to Support Teaching and Assessment in Preschool Classrooms. Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning (PDTL) Grant, CUHK, 2019-2020
  • Promoting physical activity of children by improving parental behaviours and family-based physical activity: A randomised controlled trial. RGC General Research Fund (GRF), 2018-2021 – Videos produced under project
  • Sport and physical activity development model for primary schools. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust, 2017-2023 – Project website
  • The validation and calibration of accelerometer-based activity monitors’ output for the measurement of physical activity. Direct Grant, CUHK, 2017-2018
Courses Taught
  • Sports pedagogy and technology
  • Pedagogy of primary and secondary physical education
  • Adapted physical education and sports
Selected Honours and Awards
  • Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Education, CUHK 2020
  • Leader of the Year 2016 (Sports/Culture/Performing Arts category) – on behalf of the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, China
  • Research Excellence Award 2015
  • University Long Service Award 2015
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, 2010
Selected Professional Services
  • Invited Editorial Board Member, European Physical Education Review
  • Elected Board Member, International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP)
  • Founding President, Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association China
  • Invited Consultant, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China
  • Invited Member, International Rope Skipping Federations
  • Invited Consultant, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China
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