Prof. ZHOU Sihan

Assistant Professor

Sihan completed her PhD in Education at the University of Oxford (fully funded Swire Scholar) and an MPhil at the University of Cambridge (Distinction). She formerly served as Lecturer at English Language Teaching Unit, CUHK, Tutor in Applied Linguistics at Faculty of Education, University of Oxford, and Associate in TESOL at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. Courses taught include Materials and Assessment in Language Teaching, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Individual Differences in Language Learning, and English for Academic/Specific Purposes (Education, Business). As a teacher educator, Sihan has taught pre- and in-service teachers from primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions worldwide, and delivered training workshops both in China and the UK. She is now a key member of English Medium Instruction (EMI) Oxford Research Group, and has collaborated with academics in UCL (IOE), Edinburgh, and Oxford on research projects including a Knowledge Transfer Partnership funded by Innovate UK (UKRI), and an EMI project funded by British Council.
Research areas
  • English medium instruction (EMI), including EMI policy and planning, language support mechanism, pedagogical strategy, and learner perceptions
  • Self-regulated language learning
  • Second language listening strategy, motivation, and self-efficacy
  • Digital game-based language learning

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Selected publications
  1. Zhou, S., & Thompson, G. (Under review). A longitudinal study on students’ self-regulated listening at an English-medium transnational university in China. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching.
  2. Zhou, S., & Thompson, G. (Under review). Exploring the role of English proficiency, self-efficacy, and motivation in listening for learners transitioning to an English-medium transnational university in China. System.
  3. Zhou, S., & Rose, H. (Under review). A longitudinal study of lecture comprehension during transition from high school to an English-medium university in China: Challenges and self-regulated learning strategies. Language Teaching Research.
  4. Zhou, S. (In press). A quantitative longitudinal design on students’ listening experience during transition from high school to an English-medium transnational university. In J. Pun & S. Curle (Eds.). Advanced quantitative methodologies in EMI. Bloomsbury.
  5. Rose, H., Sahan, K., & Zhou, S. (2022). Global English Medium Instruction: Perspectives at the crossroads of Global Englishes and EMI. Asian Englishes. doi: 10.1080/13488678.2022.2056794
  6. Zhou, S., & Rose, H. (2021). Self-regulated listening of students at transition from high school to an English medium instruction (EMI) transnational university in China. System 103, 102644. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2021.102644.
  7. Zhou, S., McKinley, J., Rose, H., & Xu, X. (2021). English medium higher education in China: Challenges and ELT support. ELT Journal, 76(2), 267-271. doi: 10.1093/elt/ccab082.
  8. Zhou, S., & Rose, H. (2021). English medium instruction in mainland China: National trends, and institutional developments. In J. McKinley & N. Galloway (Eds). English-medium instruction practices in higher education: International perspectives (pp.35-36). Bloomsbury. doi: 10.5040/
  9. Rose, H., Macaro, E., Sahan, K., Aizawa, I., Zhou, S., & Wei, M. (2021). Defining English medium instruction: Striving for comparative equivalence. Language Teaching. doi: 10.1017/S0261444821000483.
  10. Xu, X., Rose, H., McKinley, J., & Zhou, S. (corresponding author). (2021). The incentivisation of English medium instruction in Chinese universities: Policy misfires and misalignments. Applied Linguistics Review. doi: 10.1515/applirev-2021-0181.
  11. McKinley, J., Rose, H., & Zhou, S. (2021). Transnational universities and EMI in China: How admissions, language support and language use differ from EMI programs in Chinese universities. RELC Journal, 52(2), 236-252. doi: 10.1177/00336882211020032.
  12. Rose, H., McKinley, J., Xu, X., & Zhou, S. (2019). Investigating policy and implementation of English medium instruction in higher education institutions in China. London: British Council.

Selected conference presentations
  1. Zhou, S. (2021, December). Self-regulation and listening in the context of EMI higher education. Invited talk at the 4th Oxford English Medium Instruction Symposium, Oxford, UK.
  2. Zhou, S. (2020, March). Learning to swim: Year one students’ self-regulated listening in an English-medium transnational university in China. Paper presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference (virtual), USA.
  3. Zhou, S., Galloway, N., & Rennie, R. (2018, November). Chinese primary school English teachers’ attitudes towards digital game-based learning. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference of Innovation in Language Learning, Florence, Italy.
  4. Galloway, N., Rennie, R., & Zhou, S. (2018, March). University/Industry collaboration: Digital game-mediated second language education in China. Paper presented at the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
  5. Galloway, N., Rennie, R., & Zhou, S. (2017, November). Digital game-mediated second language education for Chinese young learners. Paper presented at the 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain.
  6. Zhou, S., Rennie. R., & Galloway, N. (2017, July). Teachers’ perspectives on digital game-mediated language education. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.
  7. Zhou, S. (2017, May). Teachers’ attitudes towards digital game-based learning in China: A case of Tornado English. Paper presented at Interweaving Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
  8. Zhou, S. (2016, June). A mixed methods study on Chinese EFL learners’ oral English learning strategies and self-efficacy beliefs. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Chinese Educational Research Association (CERA), London, UK.