Henry Choi, Lecturer at a Community College
While not visually noticeable at first, the MA ELT programme at CUHK offers a truly all-rounded learning experience for Hong Kong local educators that is personally engaging and self-rewarding. This unique demographic allows for a more tailored approach towards equipping teachers with the educational challenges and opportunities in this ever-changing diverse sector. The course covers a variety of fundamental concepts to ensure students are enriched with dynamic techniques to apply to their schools, resulting in a better conducive learning environment. The level of commitment, dedication, and passion shown by instructors, is all apparent as you are guided meticulously through a robust and meaningful curriculum.
Kathy Chan, English teacher at a primary school
With a very flexible choice of modules, the course has given me an in-depth theoretical understanding of different aspects like the four skills, literature, assessment and how they are related to learning and teaching. If you want to pursue your professional development in English teaching, this is the course for you!
Becky Cheung, School Development Officer at a university
The time I spent as a student of MA in ELT was a journey of insight, new opportunities, and discovery. I had the honor of learning from inspiring professors, who helped me gain deeper insights into how theory and practice can be synthesized, as well as discover my interest and ability in sharing teaching ideas with in-service teachers. I am thankful that my MA journey has reinforced my determination to commit myself to a career in teacher development and to seek further professional development by enrolling in the Doctor of Education programme at CUHK.
Jenny Leung, Head of 21st century learning design, performing arts and English teacher at a secondary school
The MA in English Language Teaching programme has equipped me with professional knowledge and innovative and practical pedagogies to teach in school. Not only have I got a master’s degree, but I have also built a professional network with other enthusiastic teachers in Hong Kong so that I can continue to learn from them even after graduation. Most importantly, this programme has excellent and top-notch professors and instructors who offer us their time and patience to support and guide us in our teaching journey even after we graduate. These are way more precious than the certificate itself.
Ivy Ng, English panel head at a secondary school
Studying the MA ELT at CUHK has been a fulfilling and fruitful experience. The programme design allowed me to keep abreast of the current trends in education. What I treasured most from the programme was a team of high-calibre professors who gave us fascinating insights about English language learning. The intellectual discussion among my peers and the mini research project on giving feedback made me reflect on my current practice and inspired me to try out some new ideas. I wouldn’t be the teacher I am today without studying this programme!
Kevin Wong, Assistant Professor at a US university (formerly deputy English panel head at a HK primary school)
The MA in ELT programme provided me with a holistic understanding of curriculum development, second language teaching and learning practices, and English language subject knowledge (since I was not subject-knowledge qualified). It also provided me with opportunities for workplace mobility as I was able to incorporate lessons learned into department conversations, and was promoted to deputy panel head soon after receiving my degree. Most importantly, I was able to cultivate relationships with faculty members and colleagues who were passionate about enhancing the quality of English instruction for students in Hong Kong schools.
Eunice Tang, Lecturer at the Language Centre of a university
The MA in ELT programme at CUHK has taken me beyond day-to-day teaching and got me thinking about the rationale behind things that take place in a language classroom and the changes that I can make to my own teaching. This programme allows teachers who are always on the go to take the time and refresh themselves with new ideas for teaching. It was a totally refreshing experience!
Leo Zen Clark, English teacher at an international school
The knowledge and skills I acquired through the MA in ELT programme proved essential to my personal growth as an educator and in paving the way for new professional opportunities. The courses, while substantially grounded in theory, were ultimately focused on practice, and provided useful instructional strategies and methods of assessment that could be brought immediately into classrooms for both second language learners and native speakers. The range of courses offered allow participants to shape the programme towards their own interests and needs, and I found the professors and instructors to be passionate about their subjects and responsive to the current issues and challenges teachers face in schools today.