General Qualifications for Admission

General Qualifications for Admission

Who Should Apply
1. Chinese language subject or curriculum leaders in primary or secondary schools such as panel heads and curriculum development officers.
2. Practising teachers aspiring to a leadership role in Chinese language teaching.
3. Practising teachers wishing to enhance their capability to teach the Chinese language subject.
4. Holders of a bachelor’s degree in Chinese language who are working in a field relevant to Chinese language education.
General Qualifications for Admission

Applicants should fulfil the following requirements for admission:

1. Hold the following degree or academic qualifications:
  • Graduated from a recognised university and obtained a bachelor’s degree, normally with honours not lower than second class; or
  • Graduated from an honours programme of a recognised university with a bachelor’s degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than “B”; or
  • Completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree.
2. Hold a postgraduate diploma in education or an equivalent educational qualification and / or have relevant professional experience;
3. Pass an entrance examination or interview conducted by the Graduate Division of Education;
4. Fulfill the “English language proficiency requirement” as stipulated by the Graduate School. Please refer to the “Postgraduate prospectus 2021 – 2022” or website: for details on this requirement.
Additional Qualifications for Admission

Applicants should be serving Chinese language teachers in primary or secondary schools, although those with no relevant professional experience but who have obtained a bachelor’s degree in Chinese language and worked in a field relevant to Chinese language education may also apply.