QSIP-CEAL (2017/18-2021/22)

(English version only)


The “Quality School Improvement Project: Tracking Students’ Learning through Comprehensive Enhancement of Assessment Literacy” Project (QSIP-CEAL) is a school-based professional support programme that endeavours to enhance English Language teachers’ assessment literacy and assist them to develop effective assessment practices in Key Stage II (upper primary levels) and Key Stage III (junior secondary levels).

QSIP-CEAL is one of the initiatives implemented by the Quality School Improvement Project (QSIP) which aims to build professional capacity for comprehensive school improvement. The Project is a university-school support programme, which was commissioned by the School-based Professional Support Section of the Education Bureau and financed by the Education Development Fund in September 2017. It has been operated under the programme, the Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks-Tertiary Institutes (QTN-T), since September 2019.

Main Objectives

  1. Equip English teachers, along with the entire teaching staff of schools, with knowledge, skills and attitudes which build effective assessment practices to inform their instruction
  2. Strengthen the capacity of school leaders, curriculum leaders and instructional leaders to lead assessment-informed improvement activities
  3. Develop school-based practices of effective assessment at both classroom and curriculum levels in English Language
  4. Empower students to engage themselves in self-assessment practices to monitor and regulate their own individual learning