Professor Raymond Sum is a committee member of advocacy and collaboration, and ambassador of the International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA). He leads the Sports and Society Research Group, which focuses on examining physical literacy, its application to different populations, operationalizing physical literacy and assessment of the interventions of physical literacy on PE teachers’ professional development and students learning outcomes. Raymond is the founding president of the Chinese Physical Literacy Association (CPLA) and the Chairman of the executive committee of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong China (PFAHK). He has published more than 100 publications including scientific papers, book chapters/books, and conference proceedings in the areas of physical literacy and PE teachers’ professional development.
Research Interests
Physical literacy and its application to different populations
Professionalization of PE teachers and their learning communities
Selected Publications
Li MH, Sit HPC, Wong HSS, Wing YK, Ng CK, Sum KWR*. (2021). Promoting physical literacy and 24-hour movement in Hong Kong primary school children through a blended classroom-based intervention: protocol of the “Stand+Move” cluster-randomized controlled trial. Trials 2021;22:944
Choi SM, Sum KWR*, Leung FLE, Sit HPC. Examining the predictors of physical activity levels in the university physical education curriculum implementing Sport Education through SOFIT. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2021;20:516–524.
Choi SM, Sum KWR*, Wallhead T, Leung FLE, Ha SCA, Sit HPC. Operationalizing physical literacy through sport education in a university physical education program. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 2021.
Li MH, Sum KWR*, Sit HPC, Wong HSS, Ha SCA. Perceived and Actual Physical Literacy and Physical Activity: A Test of Reverse Pathway among Hong Kong Children. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness 2021.
Ma RS, Sum KWR,* Li MH, Huang Y, Niu XL. Association between physical literacy and physical activity: A multilevel analysis study among Chinese undergraduates. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17:7874.
Huang Y, Sum KWR*, Yang YJ, Yeung CYN. Measurements of older adults’ physical competence under the concept of physical literacy: A scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17:1-18.
Li MH, Sum KWR*, Tremblay M, Sit HPC, Ha SCA, Wong HSS. Cross-validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition (CAPL-2): the case of a Chinese population. Journal of Sports Sciences 2020;1-8.
Choi SM, Sum KWR*, Leung FLE, Wallhead T, Morgan K, Milton D, Ha SCA, Sit HPC. Effect of sport education on students’ perceived physical literacy, motivation and physical activity levels in university required physical education: A cluster-randomized trial. Higher Education 2020;81:1137-1155.
Sum KWR, Whitehead M. Getting up close with Taoist – Chinese perspectives on physical literacy. UNESCO Prospects – Special Issue 2020;110.
Sum KWR., Li MH, Choi SM, Huang Y, Ma RS. In/visible physical education and the public health agenda of physical literacy development in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17:3304.
Funded Research Grants/Community Projects as Principal Investigator (in the past five years)
Physical Literacy Academy for Children and Youth (PLACY®). Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF), CUHK, 2022-2024
Hong Kong Physical Education Teachers Conference 2021-2022. Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR, 2021-2022
IntergenerationABILITY: Enhancement of Physical Literacy of Students with Disabilities and Older Baby Boomers in Hong Kong. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) & Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF), CUHK, 2021-2022
Effects of Physical Education Continuing Professional Development on Teachers’ Physical Literacy and Self-Efficacy and Students' Learning Outcomes. General Research Fund, Research Grant Committee, 2016-2018
Courses Taught
Sociology of PE and Sports
Cultural Issues of Physical Activity
Selected Honours and Awards
Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Education, CUHK, 2022-2013, 2019
University Education Award (Teams), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 2019
Excellence Oral Presentation (2012). International Conference on the Philosophy of Sport, 22-24 December 2012, Taiwan, ROC.
Selected Professional Services
Founding President (2022- ). Chinese Physical Literacy Association, China.
Managing Editor (2022-2023). Special Issue (Cultural Perspectives on Physical Literacy) of the Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, Elsevier
Chairman (2022-2025). Executive Committee of the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China