Research & Knowledge Transfer Projects
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction has conducted various research and knowledge transfer projects.
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
BAI Barry | ||
Promoting Primary School English Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: Developing Primary Students’ Ability to Assess and Improve Their Learning of English and 21st Century Skills Supported with E-learning Tools | Quality Education Fund, HK | |
Tender of Provision Service of Professional Onsite Support for English Learning Circle among GPS (2021-2023) | Education Bureau, HK | |
CHIU Kin Fung Thomas | The Curriculum Development of Artificial Intelligence and Education in Hong Kong Schools | Quality Education Fund, HK |
LAU Kit Ling Dinky | Hong Kong Students’ Acceptance of Using Flipped Classroom in Chinese Language Subject and Influencing Factors | Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, HK |
LEE Kit Bing Icy | The Development of Feedback Literacy for Writing Teachers in the Secondary English Classroom | Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, HK |
TSANG Wai Chung Arthur | The Journey of Empathy Development through On-campus Intercultural Engagement: A Mixed-methods Phenomenological Case Study | Spencer Foundation |
WONG Yu Ka Gary | Facilitating Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students’ Chinese Literacy Development: An Evidence-based Approach | Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, HK |
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
BAI Barry | ||
SCOLAR English Alliance 2020/21: e-Writing in Action and Learning English with Drama Fun | Education Bureau, HK | |
Using e-Learning to Develop Primary School Students’ 21st Century Skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Self-regulation) in English Language Learning and Teachers’ Assessment Literacy | Quality Education Fund, HK | |
CHIU Kin Fung Thomas | Developing Digital Learning Course for Internationalization of Curriculum Through Contemporary Learning Environments | Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, CUHK |
JONG Siu Yung Morris | Hong Kong as an Outdoor Museum: EduVenture supports Non-Chinese Speaking Students in Learning Chinese Culture | Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), HKSAR |
KOU Zhihui Christy, JONG Siu Yung Morris |
A flipped Classroom Approach for Enhancing Putonghua language competencies and Chinese Language teaching abilities in Teacher Education | Courseware Development Grant, CUHK |
TSANG Wai Chung Arthur | A Holistic Examination of the Relationships between Language Proficiency and Input beyond the Classroom | Language Learning Early Career Research Grant |
TSANG Wai Chung Arthur, AUBREY Scott |
Capitalizing on CUHK International Students to Learn about English Language Education and Use across the Globe: A Simple and Sustainable laH Initiative | Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, CUHK |
WAN Wai Yan Sally | Global Dialogues on Education for Sustainability (EfS) | Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, CUHK |
WONG Yu Ka Gary | The Development of Chinese Literacy Proficiency and Its Relationship with Learning Motivation in Ethnic-minority Primary School Students | Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme, HKSAR |
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
BAI Barry | ||
Enhancing Secondary Students’ English Writing through 3C-based (Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking) Activities, Self-regulation Strategies and e-Learning Tools | Quality Education Fund, HK | |
SCOLAR English Alliance 2019-20 e-Writing in Action and Learning English with Drama Fun | Education Bureau, HK | |
DAI Yun | Design-based research on leveraging the student-facing learning analytics to enhancing self-regulation in the flipped classroom | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning (PDTL) Grant 2019-20 |
LAU Kit Ling Dinky | Using e-learning activities to facilitate students’ learning of classical Chinese reading | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning (PDTL) Grant 2019-20 |
LAU Wing Fat Wilfred | Teachers’ Concerns about STEM Education: A Territory-wide Evaluation | Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme, HKSAR |
WAN Wai Yan Sally | ||
Evaluation of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust British Council Core Skills for Life Programme | British Council | |
Needs Assessment and Curriculum Design | The Nature Conservancy Hong Kong Foundation Ltd |
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
BAI Barry | ||
Macao Professional Development Series for Primary and Secondary English Teachers 2018/19 | Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region Education and Youth Affairs Bureau | |
Provision of “In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers” in the 2018/19 School Year | Education Bureau, HK | |
Read to Write – An Intervention to Improve Students’ English Writing Competence Through Teaching Self-regulated Reading and Writing Strategies, Facilitated by e-Learning Resources in Primary Schools | Quality Education Fund, HK | |
JONG Siu Yung Morris | Integrating the flipped classroom paradigm into issue-based enquiry learning and teaching: Design-based research on teachers’ in-class and out-of-class facilitation strategies | General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, HK |
LAU Wing Fat Wilfred | The Effects of Mathematical Beliefs, Mathematics Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on Teaching and Learning Conceptions of Pre-service Teachers | Direct Grant, CUHK |
PARK Moonyoung | Investigating strategic online reading processes of college English readers in Asian EFL settings | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning Grant, CUHK |
TANG Lai Yiu Eunice | Supporting the Development and Implementation of Internationalized Curricula | Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, CUHK |
WONG Yu Ka Gary | Foundational Chinese Literacy Skills for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students: An Intervention Research | Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, HK |
ZHAO Weili | ||
Development Effective Pedagogical Practices to Cultivate Students’ Critical Thinking at CUHK | Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant, CUHK | |
Re-examining Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese teachers’ identity at a crossroads: Life history, cultural memory, and classroom teaching | Direct Grant, CUHK |
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
BAI Barry | Provision of “In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers” in the 2017/18 School Year | Education Bureau, HK |
CHAN Yip Cheung | Flipped Classroom implementation for Subject, Curriculum and Teaching in Primary Mathematics | Micro-module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK |
JONG Siu Yung Morris | ||
From coding to STEM | Quality Education Fund, HK | |
Pedagogical design and strategic use of information technology to enhance inquiry-based learning on climate change | Education Bureau, HK | |
Pedagogical Design and Strategic Use of IT Tools to Enhance Students’ Computer-based Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Skills | Education Bureau, HK | |
Pedagogical Design and Strategic Use of Mobile Learning to Enhance Student Engagement and Learning Effectiveness in Secondary Schools | Education Bureau, HK | |
Strategic Use of e-Assessment to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness | Education Bureau, HK | |
Supporting Parents on e-Learning | Education Bureau, HK | |
LAU Kit Ling Dinky | The effectiveness of self-regulated learning-based instruction on students’ classical Chinese reading comprehension and motivation | General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, HK |
LAU Kwok Chi Victor | ABE Years 2017-2020 | Amgen Foundation – Education Development Center |
LEE Kit Bing Icy | Focused written corrective feedback in Hong Kong secondary classrooms | General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, HK |
LEE Kit Bing Icy, WONG Yu Ka Gary |
Provision of Services for Supporting Programme on Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Small Class Teaching | Education Bureau, HK |
NG Oi Lam | ||
Teachers’ Noticing as an Action Research Method: A Flipped Classroom Approach for Enhancing Video-based Noticing in Teacher Education | Micro-module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK | |
Using Emergent Technologies to Enhance the Learning and Teaching of STEM in Hong Kong’s Secondary Schools | Direct Grant, CUHK | |
PARK Moonyoung | Integrating mobile augmented-reality technologies in English education: An exploratory case study in Hong Kong context | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning Grant, CUHK |
WAN Wai Yan Sally | Exploration of the use of Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) pedagogy in developing student teachers’ global citizenship | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning Grant, CUHK |
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
CHAN To Tom | ||
Effectiveness of video design in Flipped Classroom: Effect of timing of questions and feedback on learning | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning Grant, CUHK | |
Flipped Teaching for Application of ICT in Education | Micro-module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK | |
JONG Siu Yung Morris | ||
Harnessing Mobile Technology in Outdoor Experiential Learning: Teacher Facilitation in Context-aware Social Inquiry Activities in Formal School Education | General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, HK | |
Introducing Virtual Reality Techniques into Learning and Teaching of Physical Geography in Hong Kong Secondary Schools | Education Bureau, HK | |
Parent Education on E-learning | Education Bureau, HK | |
Specification for Enhancing WiFi Infrastructure in Schools | Education Bureau, HK | |
Writing Mobile Apps for Investigative Study of Physics | Education Bureau, HK | |
KOU Zhihui Christy | Development of a mobile assisted language learning app for enhancing the Putonghua listening and pinyin skills of Chinese language education students | Pedagogical Development and Technology-enhanced Learning Grant, CUHK |
LAU Kit Ling Dinky | Hong Kong Senior Secondary Students’ Problems in Reading Classical Chinese Texts and The Effectiveness of Current Classical Chinese Reading Instruction | Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, HK |
LAU Wing Fat Wilfred | Understanding the Relationships between Social Media Use, Media Multitasking, and Academic Performance among University Students | Direct Grant, CUHK |
MAXWELL-REID Corinne | Hong Kong Secondary Students’ Argumentative Writing in English: The Use of Embedding in Nominal Groups | General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, HK |
TANG Lai Yiu Eunice | Learning to Teach: an Online Education Hub for Professional Craft Knowledge Development Teaching | Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for 2016-19 Triennium, CUHK |
ZHAO Weili | ||
Inclusion as exclusion: Re-examining HK’s inclusive education discourse from a “difference” perspective | Direct Grant, CUHK | |
Student-centered and/or Teacher-authoritative?: Interpreting Real Teacher-student Engagements in Hong Kong Classrooms from an Ethno-methodology Perspective | Direct Grant, CUHK |
Principal Investigator(s) | Project Title | Funded By |
CHAN Yip Cheung, LAU Wing Fat Wilfred |
Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Student-teachers Through Self-directed Learning in An Online Learning Environment | Teaching Development Grant, CUHK |
CHUN Ka Wai Cecilia, CHAN To Tom |
Development of A Web-based Resource Package on Curriculum Design and Implementation for Designing and Delivering Courses in Both Face-to-Face Inline Modes | Teaching Development Grant, CUHK |
JONG Siu Yung Morris | ||
Effective Use of Cloud Computing to Facilitate E-learning in Schools | Education Bureau, HK | |
Effective Use of Free Learning Management Systems to Facilitate the Implementation of E-learning | Education Bureau, HK | |
Information Technology in Education Professional Development Programmes for Teachers in Special Schools Admitting Students with Intellectual Disabilities | Education Bureau, HK | |
To Enhance Student’s Interaction and Collaboration by Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Systems | Education Bureau, HK | |
TANG Lai Yiu Eunice | ||
Teaching awareness enhancement: A video repository for Chinese language teacher education | Micro-module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK | |
Transferring Teacher’s Craft Knowledge: A Video Repository for English Language Teacher Education | Courseware Development Grant, CUHK | |
WONG Yu Ka Gary | The Chinese Literacy Development of Upper-primary Ethnic Minority Students in Hong Kong: A Longitudinal Study | Direct Grant, CUHK |
YIN Hong Biao | ||
Emotional Labor in Teaching and Its Relationship to Teacher Efficacy and Psychological Well-being | General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, HK | |
Workshop Series for Primary School Curriculum Leaders on Learning to Learn 2.0: Basic Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1- Primary 6) 2014 | Education Bureau, HK |
Research Clusters

Curriculum Studies
Coordinator: Dr. WAN Wai-Yan Sally
The purpose of the Curriculum Studies research cluster aims to create a dynamic network for facilitating research in the area of curriculum studies through inquiring into contemporary curriculum issues, exploring and enacting curriculum and pedagogical approaches, and fostering collaborations among researchers so as to inform curriculum development and practice in the local and international contexts.

Language Education
Coordinator: Prof. WONG Yu-ka Gary
The purpose of the research cluster is to provide a platform for members to share experiences and ideas in language education related research or activities. Regular meetings are held for substantive research communications in which members are invited to relate their past research projects and brief on current ones. By cultivating a supportive environment, the cluster also aims at developing members’ research capacity and fostering collegial collaboration.

Mathematics Education
Coordinator: Prof. LAU Wing-fat Wilfred
The Mathematics Education research cluster is primarily interested in understanding how students learn and do mathematics, and how these behaviours are influenced by various individual, socio-cultural, and contextual factors in order to inform pedagogical decisions and actions. This research interest spans a broad range of related areas in mathematics education, such as teaching, learning, and assessment, policy and practice, teacher education and professional development, technology use in and outside the classroom, and affect in the educational process.

STEM Education
Coordinator: Prof. JONG Siu-yung Morris
The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education research cluster aims to address specific challenges in developing new curricula, advancing students’ achievement, as well as motivating and engaging students in STEM education. The foci of the cluster include design, implementation, and evaluation of STEM-oriented technology-enhanced learning environments, innovative pedagogies, and curricula that promote successful learning in K-12 education and teacher education.

Teachers’ Professional Development
Coordinator: Prof. BAI Barry
The purpose of the Teachers’ Professional Development research cluster is to build up and update our knowledge and understanding of teachers’ professional development and related concepts. Members/Invited speakers present their research findings at meetings and receive feedback. Other group activities include research outputs/articles sharing as well as discussion and exploration of relevant projects for future research and publication.