

Graduate Year: 2022

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHAN Ka Pik

    Doctor of Education

Graduate Year: 2021

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2021

    Director, Myforestfun Academy


    Graduate Year


    CHENG Yin Ha Bonny

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Director, Myforestfun Academy

    • Thesis Title A Multi-Cohort Evaluation of a Forest Outdoor Education Program for Young Children in a Primary School
    • Supervisor Prof. Hau Kit Tai
  • 2021

    Teacher, Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School


    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Lui

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Teacher, Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School

    • Thesis Title How to Facilitate Positive Growth of Students with a School-based Youth Mentoring Programme? A Hong Kong Secondary School Case Study
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas and Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Wai Sing

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Study of Power and Role Conflicts of Hong Kong Secondary School Middle Leaders under School-based Management
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn
  • 2021

    Postdoctoral Fellow, China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC), Tsinghua University

    Graduate Year


    LYU Jiahui

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Postdoctoral Fellow, China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC), Tsinghua University

    • Thesis Title Socialization of Mainland Chinese PhD Students: A Case Study of Two Universities in Hong Kong and Beijing
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • 2021

    Principal, Po Leung Kuk C. W. Chu College


    Graduate Year


    MOK Sui Kei

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, Po Leung Kuk C. W. Chu College

    • Thesis Title An Exploratory Study of How Hong Kong Secondary School Principals Make Existential Choices
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • P

    Graduate Year


    PANG Yiu Kwan

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title 校長的願景領導 -- 四所香港中學的個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • 2021

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Education, Tsinghua University

    Graduate Year


    SHI Lan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Education, Tsinghua University

    • Thesis Title Academic Capitalism and the Emerging Negotiated Space for Academics in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • 2021

    Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    Graduate Year


    TAO Zhen

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    • Thesis Title 組織認受性的管理: 北京一所校外培訓機構的組織民族誌
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas

    Research Interests: Shadow Education; Sociology of Education; Discourse Analysis; Educational Policy; Culture Study

  • 2021

    Graduate Year


    WU Xi

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title 邁向全球公民教育? 中國初中德育課程的教科書話語研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • Graduate Year


    ZHANG Yanan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸初中階段家長參與子女教育的狀況及其對教育品質的影響
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther

Graduate Year: 2020

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2020

    Director, Quality School Improvement Project, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    CHAN Hung Cheong

    • Profile

      Director, Quality School Improvement Project, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title Exploring The Trajectories and Roles of External Change Agents in the Comprehensive School Improvement Process under a Self-financing University-school Partnership Mechanism for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Kwan Yu Kwong Paula
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHENG Kin Man Kenneth

    • Thesis Title A Case Study on The Strategies of Home-school Cooperation in Implementing Life Education in A Primary School
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • 2020

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

    Graduate Year


    PAN Dongdong

    • Profile

      Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Macau

    • Thesis Title Between Educators and Service Providers: the Identity of Tutors in Tutorial Centers in Beijing, China
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Yi Lee Eilly

    Research Interests: Education Policy; Sociology of Education; Higher Education

  • Graduate Year


    PAN Xiaochun

    • Thesis Title A Study on the Construction of Social Identities of Hong Kong Students in Tertiary Education in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas

    Research Interests: Citizenship Education; Media Education; Moral Education

  • 2020

    Lecturer, Institute of Higher Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZHUANG Tengteng

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Institute of Higher Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    • Thesis Title Researching Chinese Engineering Faculty Members' Teaching at University Level: A Social Realist Approach
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheung Chi Keung Alan

    Research Interests: Higher Education Policy; Engineering Education; STEM Education

Graduate Year: 2019

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Ngar Wing Anita

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title The Cake Moulding Machine? The Teaching and Learning of Visual Arts under HKDSE Examination
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • 2019

    Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology

    Graduate Year


    WU Wei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology

    • Thesis Title Research on the Educational Assimilation Outcomes of the Internal Migrants' Children in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther

    Research Interests: Economics of Education; Education Finance; Education Policy

  • 2019

    Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZHU Menghua

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    • Thesis Title Identity Construction of Novice Teachers in the Context of Teaching and Research Activities in Mainland China: An Analysis from Transformative Learning Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn

    Research Interests: Teacher Professional Development; Teacher Identity

Graduate Year: 2018

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2018

    Graduate Year


    CAO Jie

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title The strategies and effects of principals' leadership for teacher learning in Chinese schools
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas

    Research Interests: School Organization and School Effectiveness; School Evaluation; Education Policy; Education Equity

  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHAU Lai Ming

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title 香港高中通識教育科成績的性別差異
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • 2018

    Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    Graduate Year


    GUO Xin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

    • Thesis Title Examining impact of the ABRACADABRA (ABRA) web-based literacy program on primary school students in Hunan, China: a mixed method study
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheung Chi Keung Alan

    Research Interests: Teacher Education; TESOL Pedagogy

  • 2018

    Lecturer, School of Humanities, Southeast University

    Graduate Year


    HUANG Liang

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, School of Humanities, Southeast University

    • Thesis Title 中國內地學校促進教師學習的組織能力: 特點及其影響
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas

    Research Interests: Educational Leadership; School Improvement; Educational Evaluation

  • 2018

    Graduate Year


    LI Jiali

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title 中國陸港兩地影子教育狀況比較及其對教育質量和公平的啟示
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther

    Research Interests: Shadow Education; Equality of Educational Opportunity; Parental Education Involvement and Investment

  • 2018

    Associate Professor and Director, C.V. Starr School in China (Kunming), Middlebury University

    Graduate Year


    LI Rong

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Associate Professor and Director, C.V. Starr School in China (Kunming), Middlebury University

    • Thesis Title Identity Construction of International Chinese Teachers within the Context of Communities of Practice: Cases of Teachers Working in the U.S.
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn and Prof. Cheung Chi Keung Alan

    My research interests include language education policy, language teacher education, teacher identity studies. My dissertation research is looking at the identity construction of guest Chinese language teachers under the policy of promoting Chinese as an international language.

  • M

    Graduate Year


    MIAO Zhuang

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Characteristics of Teacher Leadership Practices and Its Outcomes in Chinese Schools: Learning from Shenzhen and Zhengzhou
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas and Prof. KOH Soon Lee Aaron
  • 2018

    Lecturer, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    Graduate Year


    SONG Pingping

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    • Thesis Title 中國內地教師輪崗交流政策下的教師發展---基於上海兩所中學的個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong

    Research Interests: Educational Leadership; School Organization; School Effectiveness

  • 2018

    Chinese Vice Principal, Yew Chung International School of Beijing


    Graduate Year


    WANG Xiaorui

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Chinese Vice Principal, Yew Chung International School of Beijing

    • Thesis Title "東西融合"教育理念實施與教師意義建構: 一間中國大陸國際學校的個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheung Chi Keung Alan

    Research Interests: Sociology of Education; Media & Education; Private Education; International Education; Curriculum Design

  • 2018

    Associate Professor, Institute of International and Comparative Education, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    XIE Chen

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Institute of International and Comparative Education, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title The Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Mathematics Achivement in Mainland China: A Meta-Analysis
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheung Chi Keung Alan

    Research Interests: Teacher Education

Graduate Year: 2017

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    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2017

    Principal, Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School


    Graduate Year


    LAU Yiu Hung

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

    • Thesis Title 校長教學領導對建構學校專業學習社群的影響--中學個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • 2017

    Principal, Hop Yat Church School


    Graduate Year


    NG Lai Ha

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, Hop Yat Church School

    • Thesis Title 香港小學校長的衝突管理與策略應用:從教師角度分析之研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas
  • Graduate Year


    POON Yu Hin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title 複雜的陽剛氣: 以交會性來分析香港高中男生
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas

    我擅長的研究方法是族誌學研究,也替一些教育機構做過質性的方案評估(qualitative program evaluation)。
    我幾年前做的哲學碩士研究,是在本港一所中學做的族誌學探究,在4個多月期間,我參與了一班中一學生每一次通識課堂,並在他們的休息時間跟他們相處,這研究令我對中學生的身份/主體性建構(construction of identities/subjectivities) 的複雜性及重要性,有全新的體會。
    Research Interests: Sociology of education; Learning and teaching of Liberal studies in HK; Gender issue in education; Boys’ education; Masculinities studies; Feminist pedagogy; Critical pedagogy

  • 2017

    Assistant Professor, Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

    Graduate Year


    QI Xiang

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

    • Thesis Title 私營化對教育質量與公平的影響- 以上海民辦學校為例
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther and Prof. Ou Dongshu

    Research Interests: Economics of Education; Sociology of Education; Education and School Finance; Educational Administration and School Organization; Causal Evaluation of Education Policy

  • 2017

    Researcher (Professor), Research Institute for International and Comparative Education, Shanghai Normal University

    Graduate Year


    SONG Jia

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Researcher (Professor), Research Institute for International and Comparative Education, Shanghai Normal University

    • Thesis Title 教師對高等教育問責機制的觀感與回應: 中國內地兩所大學的個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong

    Research Interests: Higher Education Policy; The Internationalization of Higher Education in China; Comparative Education

Graduate Year: 2016

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2016

    Assistant Professor, College of Education, Zhejiang University

    Graduate Year


    HUANG Yating

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, College of Education, Zhejiang University

    • Thesis Title Academic Identities of Chinese University Faculty under the Context of Employment Reform ― Case Studies on two Research Intensive Universities
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas

    Research Interests: Academic Profession, Comparative Education

  • 2016

    Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    KEUNG Pui Chi

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title Post-secondary Educational Expectations of Hong Kong Adolescents : Integrating Pierre Bourdieu's Social Reproduction Theory and Amartya Sen's Capability Approach
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • L

    Graduate Year


    LAM William

    Doctor of Education

    • Supervisor Prof. Kwan Yu Kwong Paula and Prof. Chung Yue Ping
  • 2016

    Lecturer, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    Graduate Year


    LIAO Qing

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    • Thesis Title Against the Flow: Class Identity Negotiation of the Rural Students in Elite Universities in Shanghai
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas and Prof. Wong Yi Lee Eilly

    Research Interests: Higher Education, Junior Faculty’s Academic Identity

  • 2016

    Principal, Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School/ Chairman of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council


    Graduate Year


    POON Suk Han Halina

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary School/ Chairman of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council

    • Thesis Title The Strategy of Principal Leadership for Teacher Professional Development : Case Study of two Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • 2016


    Graduate Year


    SY On Na

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Discursive Battle over Language Benchmark Policy : Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union and Its Resistance
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora
  • 2016

    Assistant Professor, Normal College, Shenzhen University

    Graduate Year


    WANG Xiaofang

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, Normal College, Shenzhen University

    • Thesis Title Teacher Learning in the Context of School-University Partnership in China : An Organizational Learning Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn

    Research Interests: Professional Learning Community, Teacher Development, Education Policy and Law

  • 2016

    Lecturer, Yunnan Normal University

    Graduate Year


    WU Wei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Yunnan Normal University

    • Thesis Title Educational Practice of the Volunteer Organization in Rural China ― From the Perspective of Social Justice
    • Supervisor Prof. Chen Shuangye and Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther

    Research Interests: Educational Policy in China; Social Justice; Balanced Development of Compulsory Education

Graduate Year: 2015

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2015

    Lecturer, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Graduate Year


    CHEN Liyuan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    • Thesis Title Empirical Research on Student Choice of Transnational Higher Education in Mainland China from the Perspective of Social Capital
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther

    Research Interests: Higher Education; Comparative and International Education Policy

  • 2015


    Graduate Year


    HO Bik Yue

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Rethinking the Possibilities of Teacher Professional Development : Conceptualization of Teacher Secondment Experience
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • 2015

    Lecturer, Southwest University

    Graduate Year


    HOU Yuna

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Southwest University

    • Thesis Title Intergenerational Income Mobility in China and Its Implications for Education Finance Policy
    • Supervisor Prof. Ou Dongshu and Prof. Chung Yue Ping

    Research Interests: Economics of Education; Education Policy and School Evaluation

  • K

    Graduate Year


    KONG Siu Ping

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Case Study of Teaching and Learning in General Education at a Community College in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas and Prof. Li Jun
  • 2015

    Zhuhai Huafa Education Investment Holdings Co. Ltd.

    Graduate Year


    MENG Liujin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Zhuhai Huafa Education Investment Holdings Co. Ltd.

    • Thesis Title The Enactment of "Quality Project Policy" in Chinese Higher Education : A Case Study of University-state Relations in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Chen Shuangye

    Research Interests: Higher Education and Public Policy Research

  • 2015

    Teacher, Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School


    Graduate Year


    NG Wai Keung

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Teacher, Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School

    • Thesis Title Social Capital Transformation : The Strategies of Turnaround School in Quasi-education Market
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora
  • 2015

    Principal, The Church of Christ in China Kei Wa Primary School


    Graduate Year


    TANG Sui Ying

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, The Church of Christ in China Kei Wa Primary School

    • Thesis Title The Development of Teacher Leadership in the Policy of Teaching Chinese in Putonghua in Hong Kong Primary Schools : A Situated Learning Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn
  • 2015

    Associate Professor, College of Education, Zhejiang University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Jia

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, College of Education, Zhejiang University

    • Thesis Title Exploring the Characteristics and Impacts of Teachers' Professional Learning Communities in Shanghai Schools in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas

    Research Interests: Teacher Professional Development; Professional Learning Community

  • 2015

    Lecturer, School of Education, Guangzhou University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Limin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, School of Education, Guangzhou University

    • Thesis Title The Construction of Preschool Teacher Identity in the Context of Education Reform in the Chinese Mainland
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas

    Research Interests: Teacher professional development, education policy

  • 2015

    Lecturer, Beijing University of Technology

    Graduate Year


    ZHU Heling

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Beijing University of Technology

    • Thesis Title The Institutionalization Process of 'Academic Issues Governed by Professors' : A Case Study of A Research University in the Chinese Mainland
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong

    Research Interests: University Governance, Higher Education Policy

Graduate Year: 2014

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2014

    Associate Professor, Institute of Higher Education, School of Education Science, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    CAO Yan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Institute of Higher Education, School of Education Science, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title Household Expenditure and Governmental Supply : The Determinants of Migration Decision for Migrant Children and Its Impact on their Education Expenditure in China
    • Supervisor Prof. Ou Dongshu, Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Cheung Chi Keung Alan

    Research Interest: Economics of Education

  • 2014

    Senior Facility Manager, Institute of Human Performance, The University of Hong Kong

    Graduate Year


    CHAN Mee Lee

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Senior Facility Manager, Institute of Human Performance, The University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title The Practice of Ethical Leadership of Principals in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora
  • 2014

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University

    Graduate Year


    QIAO Xuefeng

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Faculty of Education Science, Nanjing Normal University

    • Thesis Title Teacher Collaboration in the Context of Curriculum Reform in the Chinese Mainland: A Case Study of Two Primary Schools in Nanjing
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong

    Research Interests: Teacher Professional Development; Teacher Education; Teacher Professional Cooperation

  • 2014

    Lecturer, College of Public Management, South China Agricultural University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Wenwen

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, College of Public Management, South China Agricultural University

    • Thesis Title Educational Opportunities of Ethnic Groups in China : The Disparities in Attainment and Achievement
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas and Prof. Pong Suet Ling
  • 2014

    Associate professor, School of Education, Tianjin University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Xiaolei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate professor, School of Education, Tianjin University

    • Thesis Title How Do Teachers Learn Together? A Study of Teachers' Learning in School-based Teaching Research Groups (TRGs) within the Context of Curriculum Reform in China
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn

    Research Interests: Teacher professional development; Teachers’ knowledge and its development; School-based teacher development

Graduate Year: 2013

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHENG Kwan Kit

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title The Wage Effects of Education-occupation Match of Sub-degree Graduates in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Ou Dongshu
  • 2013

    Chief Curriculum Development Officer (AE), Education Bureau


    Graduate Year


    KUNG Eton

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Chief Curriculum Development Officer (AE), Education Bureau

    • Thesis Title Engaging Students in Aesthetic Experience through Arts Education in Schools of Hong Kong: A Critical Discourse Study on the Continuity and Changes from 1948 to 2012
    • Supervisor Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • 2013

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    LI Linlin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title Faculty's Perceptions on Academic Work in the Employment Reform : A Comparative Study of Two Universities in the Chinese Mainland
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • 2013

    Senior School Development Officer [School-based Curriculum Development (Secondary)], Education Bureau

    Graduate Year


    THONG Yan Yee

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Senior School Development Officer [School-based Curriculum Development (Secondary)], Education Bureau

    • Thesis Title Narrating the Role Identity of Liberal-Studies Teachers in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2013

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    WANG Lijia

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title Teacher's Professional Responsibilities and their Construction under Quality Assurance System in the Chinese Mainland
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • 2013

    Assistant Researcher, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Graduate Year


    YANG Xi

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Researcher, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    • Thesis Title Market and Financial Mechanism on Human Capital Investment in Science and Technology : An Investigation of Science and Engineering Graduate Student's Aspiration for Doctoral Degree
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Ou Dongshu
  • 2013

    Associate Professor, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZENG Yan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University

    • Thesis Title A Research on the Interaction between Teacher Leadership and Teacher Learning in School in NCR in Mainland China : A Case Study on Two Primary Schools in Beijing
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • 2013

    Associate Professor, College of Education, Fujian Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Yinxia

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, College of Education, Fujian Normal University

    • Thesis Title The Academic Identity Construction of Junior Faculty in the Context of Higher Education Reforms : Case Study of two Universities in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • 2013

    Lecturer, Institute of International and Comparative Education, Zhejiang Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Yuting

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Institute of International and Comparative Education, Zhejiang Normal University

    • Thesis Title The Way to College : A Study on College Choice in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

Graduate Year: 2012

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2012

    Yew Chung Education Foundation


    Graduate Year


    AU Wai Man

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Yew Chung Education Foundation

    • Thesis Title Distributed Leadership in Hong Kong Early Childhood Education Sector
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas and Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • 2012

    Senior Curriculum Development Officer (Technology Education), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau


    Graduate Year


    CHAN Kar Yee Grace

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Senior Curriculum Development Officer (Technology Education), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau

    • Thesis Title Teachers' Perception on Nurturing Students' Employability Skills : A Study on Vocational Course Offerings in Secondary Schools on the Topic of "Tourism and Hospitality" and "Fundamental Cosmetology" in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Suk Yuen Christina

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Study on the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organisational Learning -in Teachers' Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping, Prof. Kwan Yu Kwong Paula and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2012

    School Development Officer, Quality School Improvement Project, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    LEUNG Shing Him

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      School Development Officer, Quality School Improvement Project, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title How Does Change Happen : The Learning and Sense-making Process of Learning to Use Drama-in-Education as a Teaching Tool
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2012

    Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    Graduate Year


    LIU Yunbo

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    • Thesis Title Major Inputs and Employment of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges — Impacts of Teachers, Curricula and College-enterprise Collaboration
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Ou Dongshu

    Research Interests: The Economics of Education; Education Finance and Policy; The Fiscal Policy of Early Education

  • 2012

    Lecturer, College of Education, Central China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    MA Hongmei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, College of Education, Central China Normal University

    • Thesis Title Teachers' Wage Variations and Determinants : Empirical Evidence from Rural Gansu, China
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Ou Dongshu

    Research Interest: Economics of Education(teacher salaries, student growth, curriculum evaluation for high school) and Labor Economics (income distribution)

  • 2012

    Associate Professor, Party Secretary, Institute of International and Comparative Education, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    SHEN Wei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Party Secretary, Institute of International and Comparative Education, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title Teaching-research Officers in Educational Quality Assurance System of Mainland China : Changes in their Roles, Identities and Agency in H City
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Lai Man Hong

    Research Interests: Educational policy, Comparative education, Teacher professional development

  • W

    Graduate Year


    WAN Wing Fong

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Policy Implementation and Teacher Cognition : ICT in Education in Hong Kong Secondary Schools
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas, Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong and Prof. Wong Lai Ngok Jocelyn
  • 2012

    Associate Professor, School of Education Science, Guizhou Normal College

    Graduate Year


    ZHENG Yulian

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, School of Education Science, Guizhou Normal College

    • Thesis Title The Construction of Principal Training Process in Mainland China : Case Study on Advanced Training of Senior High School Principals
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Chen Shuangye

    Research Interests: School Leadership Preparing and Development

Graduate Year: 2011

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2011

    Lecturer, College of Mass Communication, Shenzhen University

    Graduate Year


    CHEN Jian Jack

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, College of Mass Communication, Shenzhen University

    • Thesis Title Social Capital among Distance Learners in Mainland China : the Network Society Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong and Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther

    Research Interests: Sociology of distance/online education; Lifelong learning; Educational technology

  • 2011

    Associate Professor, School of Public Administration, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    DONG Hui

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, School of Public Administration, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title Implementation of School Choice Policies in Compulsory Education in the Chinese Mainland : A Study Based on the Case of City G
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

    Research Interests: Politics of School Structure and Governance; School Reform Issues

  • L

    Graduate Year


    LAU Pui Kwan Carol

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Tale of Two Universities : Organizational Culture and General Education Reform
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora
  • 2011

    Graduate Year


    LI Xiaolei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title School Leadership in the Context of Education Reform in China : A Case Study of two Junior High Schools in Beijing
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Lai Man Hong

    Research Interests: Principal leadership; Professional learning; Organizational Learning

  • 2011

    Lecturer, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    LI Yuk Yung Charlotte

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title Sustained School Improvement in a Turbulent Reform Environment : Case Studies of Four Primary Schools' Nine-year Trajectories in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Walker Allan David
  • L

    Graduate Year


    LO Kwok Fai Timmy

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Study of Risk Factors, Protective Factors and Resilience of Drug Abuse among Secondary School Students in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • M

    Graduate Year


    MAK Hok Kiu Edward

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Gender Difference in Learning Mathematics in Hong Kong : PISA 2003 Study
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong and Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther
  • 2011

    PDO(HKTC)1. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Team, Education Bureau

    Graduate Year


    MAK Kwan Wing Kelvin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      PDO(HKTC)1. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Team, Education Bureau

    • Thesis Title Making Sense of New Senior Secondary Liberal Studies in Hong Kong Curriculum Reform : Teacher Perspectives
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

    Research Interests: Education Policy Analysis; School Reform; School improvement

  • 2011

    Lecturer, Higher Education Research Institute, Shantou University

    Graduate Year


    WANG Xueju Frank

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Higher Education Research Institute, Shantou University

    • Thesis Title School Micropolitics in the Context of Reforms for Educational Decentralization and Accountability in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong and Prof. Walker Allan David

    Research Interests: Educational Policy and Administration; Educational Leadership; Sociology of Education; Educational Equity

  • 2011

    Senior Programme Manager, Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong

    Graduate Year


    WOO Chak Kei Jacqueline

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Senior Programme Manager, Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title School Choice of Parents in the New Education Market : A Case Study of aided-turn-Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

    Research Interests: Sociology of Education; Basic Education of Urban China; Inequality in Education

  • 2011

    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    Graduate Year


    YE Juyan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    • Thesis Title The Construction of Teacher Identity in Chinese Education
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie

    Research Interests: Teacher Development; Sociology of Education; Educational Policy Studies

Graduate Year: 2010

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • C

    Graduate Year


    CHOI Oi Ling

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title 從教師的視角看香港中學的組織學習障礙
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas
  • 2010

    Lecturer, Beijing Institute of Education

    Graduate Year


    HU Rongkun

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, Beijing Institute of Education

    • Thesis Title School Principals in Mainland China: Core Leadership Practices
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 2010

    Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK


    Graduate Year


    KOO Wai Sze

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK

    • Thesis Title The Sense-making Process of Teachers in Institutional Change in Curriculum: A Case Study on the Implementation of the Subject Liberal Studies in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong and Prof. Tse Kwan Choi Thomas
  • 2010

    Associate Professor, Shandong Normal University

    Graduate Year


    WANG Fuyan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Shandong Normal University

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸素質教育改革中的教師專業身份及其建構
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Lai Man Hong
  • W

    Graduate Year


    WONG Wai Lun

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Implementation of School Self-evaluation in secondary schools: Teachers' Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2010

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Science, South China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZHONG Jingxun

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Science, South China Normal University

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸大學生對教育公平的感知研究 - 分配和關係公平的視角
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

Graduate Year: 2009

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2009

    Professor, Director of the Center for Public Finance Research, Associate Dean of the School of Public Finance and Taxation, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics

    Graduate Year


    HUANG Bin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Director of the Center for Public Finance Research, Associate Dean of the School of Public Finance and Taxation, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics

    • Thesis Title Intergovernmental Transfers and Local Fiscal Spending for Compulsory Education : A Qualitative Study Based on County-level Data in China
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping
  • 2009

    Associate Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong

    Graduate Year


    QIAN Haiyan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title The Secondary School Principalship in China : Leading at the Cusp of Change
    • Supervisor Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 2009

    Associate Professor, South China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    WANG Xiaoli

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, South China Normal University

    • Thesis Title 教師對教學專業倫理的理解及其影響因素:中國大陸D市的個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • 2009

    Associate Professor, School of Education, Soochow University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Jiawei

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, School of Education, Soochow University

    • Thesis Title Construction of Teacher Leadership in University-School Collaboration for School Improvement - Case Studies in Beijing
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas
  • 2009

    Ningbo Dahongying University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Yongping

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Ningbo Dahongying University

    • Thesis Title An Exploration of the Characteristics of Marketization of Chinese Higher Education in a Global Context : The Case of Independent Colleges
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • 2009

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    Graduate Year


    ZHOU Jinyan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    • Thesis Title Change of Income Inequality in the Transition of Economic Institutions : The Effects of Schooling
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping

Graduate Year: 2008

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2008

    Professor, The Institute of Curriculum & Instruction, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    KE Zheng

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, The Institute of Curriculum & Instruction, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸課程政策實施研究 :以制度理論視覺探討〝研究性學習〞政策在A市的實施狀況
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2008

    Principal, Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School


    Graduate Year


    LEUNG Kam Bor

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School

    • Thesis Title The Scope and Pattern of Distributed Leadership and Its Effects on Organizational Outcomes in Hong Kong Secondary Schools
    • Supervisor Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 2008

    Senior Graduate Master, Tin Ka Ping Secondary School (Fanling)


    Graduate Year


    LEUNG Kin Sun

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Senior Graduate Master, Tin Ka Ping Secondary School (Fanling)

    • Thesis Title The Effects of Key Performance Measures of Hong Kong Schools on Teachers' Work : A Power Perspective
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora
  • 2008

    Associate Professor, Institute of Higher Education, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

    Graduate Year


    LIU Yang

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Institute of Higher Education, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸高中生海外留學高等教育的專業選擇及影響因素研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Hung Fan Sing
  • 2008

    Associate Professor, Institute of Education, Xiamen University

    Graduate Year


    XU Lan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, Institute of Education, Xiamen University

    • Thesis Title The Conceptualization of Academic Duties by University Teachers in the Chinese Mainland : Case Studies on Two Research Universities
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie

Graduate Year: 2007

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2007

    Lecturer, College of Education Science, Wuhan University

    Graduate Year


    CHEN Zheng

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, College of Education Science, Wuhan University

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸新課程改革下的教師領導與教師專業發展
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • 2007

    Principal, The Yuen Yuen Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College

    Graduate Year


    FUNG Kam Yin

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, The Yuen Yuen Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College

    • Thesis Title Sex Differences in English Learning in Junior Secondary School in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • K

    Graduate Year


    KWAN Lee Wing

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Study of Primary School Teachers' Perceptions of the Development of Information Technology in Education in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas
  • 2007

    Professor, Normal College of Shenzhen University

    Graduate Year


    ZHANG Zhaoqin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Normal College of Shenzhen University

    • Thesis Title 中國大陸學校發展過程中學習型組織學校的研究─深圳市教師組織學習的視角
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas
  • 2007

    Director, Academy of Educational Science Talent Capital Base, Beijing Institute of Education

    Graduate Year


    ZHONG Yani

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Director, Academy of Educational Science Talent Capital Base, Beijing Institute of Education

    • Thesis Title Teacher Learning in the Context of University-School Collaboration : Case Studies in Hong Kong and Beijing
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie

Graduate Year: 2006

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2006

    Professor, Eastern Scholar and Zijiang Young Scholar, School of Education Science, East China Normal University

    Graduate Year


    CHEN Shuangye

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Eastern Scholar and Zijiang Young Scholar, School of Education Science, East China Normal University

    • Thesis Title When Universities Meet Market : Emergence of New Undergraduae Programs in Two Chinese Universities
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • L

    Graduate Year


    LAM Yuk Ping Terence

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Effects of Family Social Capital on Hong Kong Students' Literacy
    • Supervisor Prof. Ho Sui Chu Esther and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • L

    Graduate Year


    LAW Chan Fai

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title Perceived External Environment and Individual Decision Making in Schools
    • Supervisor Prof. Lam Yee Lay Jack and Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas
  • 2006

    Associate Professor, School of Education, Renmin University of China

    Graduate Year


    LUO Yun

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Professor, School of Education, Renmin University of China

    • Thesis Title A Narrative Study on Identity Reconstruction of a Chinese University
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2006

    Associate Researcher, National Centre for Education and Resources Development

    Graduate Year


    WANG Rui

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Researcher, National Centre for Education and Resources Development

    • Thesis Title Determinats of Employees' Participation in Adult Education and Training in China : A Multilevel Study
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Xiao Jin
  • W

    Graduate Year


    WONG Chung Leung

    Doctor of Education

    • Thesis Title A Case Study of "Patriotic Schools" in Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie

Graduate Year: 2005

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2005

    Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    Graduate Year


    DU Ping

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

    • Thesis Title Effects of Economic Consideration & Individual Modernity on the Career Aspiration of College Students under Economic Transition in China
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping
  • 2005
    • Principal, Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School
    • Vice-Chair, Hong Kong Association of Careers Maters and Guidance Masters


    Graduate Year


    HO Yuk Fan

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile
      • Principal, Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School
      • Vice-Chair, Hong Kong Association of Careers Maters and Guidance Masters
    • Thesis Title Teachers' Lives and Struggles in a Context of Education Reforms
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2005

    Teaching Fellow I, The Education University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    TANG Wai Yan

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Teaching Fellow I, The Education University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title The Discursive Formation of the Medium of Instruction (MOI) Policy in Hong Kong (1982-1997) : A Critical Analysis
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora
  • 2005

    Adjunct Professional Consultant, Department of EAP, CUHK


    Graduate Year


    YU Wai Ping Winnie

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Adjunct Professional Consultant, Department of EAP, CUHK

    • Thesis Title The Certificated Teachers Pay Dispute in 1973 : A Case Study on the Collective Insurgency of Hong Kong Teachers
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

Graduate Year: 2004

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2004

    Associate Professor and Leader of PGDE & BGS Programmes, School of Education & Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    CHAN Chi Wai

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Associate Professor and Leader of PGDE & BGS Programmes, School of Education & Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title The Effects of Education and Information Technology Changes on Earnings and Earnings Distribution - A Case Study of Hong Kong
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping
  • 2004

    Adjunct Professional Consultant, Department of EAP, CUHK


    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Man Biu

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Adjunct Professional Consultant, Department of EAP, CUHK

    • Thesis Title A Qualitative Study of Beginning Principals in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Operating within an Educational Reform Environment
    • Supervisor Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 2004

    Professor and Dean, College of Education, Central China Normal University


    Graduate Year


    LEI Wanpeng

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor and Dean, College of Education, Central China Normal University

    • Thesis Title A Study on the Demand for Higher Education in the Chinese Mainland : Disparities in the Urban and Rural Regions
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Hung Fan Sing
  • W

    Graduate Year


    WONG Lai Fong

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title Changes in Visual Art Curricula in Taiwan and Hong Kong : Comparative Study of Curriculum Paradigm
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong
  • 2004

    Researcher and Director, Shanghai Cross-Cultural Research Centre of Basic Education

    Graduate Year


    ZHAN Shengli

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Researcher and Director, Shanghai Cross-Cultural Research Centre of Basic Education

    • Thesis Title Privatization of Higher Education : Study on the Demand for Minban Higher Education by High School Students in Mainland China
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping

Graduate Year: 2003

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2003

    Associate Dean and Professor, Institute of Education, Nanjing University


    Graduate Year


    CAO Taisheng

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Associate Dean and Professor, Institute of Education, Nanjing University

    • Thesis Title Teacher Professionalism in University-School Collaboration: A Comparative Study of Cases in Hong Kong and Shanghai
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • K

    Graduate Year


    KO Kwok Wai

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Thesis Title The Effects of Compensation Structure and Working Conditions on the Retention Tendency of English Subject Teachers in Hong Kong Secondary Schools
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping and Prof. Hung Fan Sing
  • 2003

    Lecturer, The Education University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    LO Wai Yin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Lecturer, The Education University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title Education for Development? A Case Study of Guizhou, China
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie and Prof. Mak Chiu Ling Grace
  • 2003

    Professional Consultant, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    NG Mei Lin

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professional Consultant, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title Values of Education and Education of Values - A Philosophical Investigation into Values Education
    • Supervisor Prof. Lau Kwok Keung

Graduate Year: 2002

Graduate Year: 2001

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 2001

    Professor, Nanjing Normal University. Vice Registrar, Registry of Nanjing Normal University


    Graduate Year


    CHENG Xiaoqiao

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Nanjing Normal University. Vice Registrar, Registry of Nanjing Normal University

    • Thesis Title 課堂互動中的均等機會:對中國小學的個案研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Mak Chiu Ling Grace
  • 2001

    Principal, St. Stephen College


    Graduate Year


    LAW Yi Shu Louise

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Principal, St. Stephen College

    • Thesis Title The Values of Protestant Secondary School Principals in Hong Kong and How They Influence the Perception and Management of School Problems
    • Supervisor Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 2001

    Senior School Development Officer, Education Bureau


    Graduate Year


    LEE Chi On Clement

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Senior School Development Officer, Education Bureau

    • Thesis Title External Environments and Teacher Stress
    • Supervisor Prof. Lam Yee Lay Jack
  • 2001

    Principal, HKTA Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial School


    Graduate Year


    LEUNG Tsan Wing

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, HKTA Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial School

    • Thesis Title A Study of the Impacts of External Environment on School Organizational Health
    • Supervisor Prof. Lam Yee Lay Jack
  • 2001

    Principal, Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School


    Graduate Year


    WONG May May

    Doctor of Education

    • Profile

      Principal, Tack Ching Girls’ Secondary School

    • Thesis Title Assessing Medium of Instruction Policy on Secondary School Internal Management
    • Supervisor Prof. Lam Yee Lay Jack
  • 2001

    Professor, Jiangsu Soochow University

    Graduate Year


    XU Qingyu

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Jiangsu Soochow University

    • Thesis Title 九十年代中國大陸教育分流體制研究
    • Supervisor Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • 2001

    Senior Teacher Fellow, The Education University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    YU Wai Bing

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Senior Teacher Fellow, The Education University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title The Hong Kong General Teaching Council : A Policy Discourse
    • Supervisor Prof. Tsang Wing Kwong

Graduate Year: 1999

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 1999

    Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University


    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Wai Chun

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University

    • Thesis Title Education and Identity: A Case Study of the Christian Miao Ethnic Group in Shimenkan, Guizhou (1900-49)
    • Supervisor Prof. Choi Po King Dora and Prof. Lo Nai Kwai Leslie
  • 1999

    Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University

    Graduate Year


    LU Genshu

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University

    • Thesis Title Cost Recovery for Higher Education: A Study of Undergraduate Students' Ability and Willingness to Pay in the Chinese Mainland
    • Supervisor Prof. Chung Yue Ping
  • 1999

    Principal, Hong Kong Adventist Academy

    Graduate Year


    TAM Wai Ming Frank

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Principal, Hong Kong Adventist Academy

    • Thesis Title A Study of School Education Quality from Organizational Perspectives
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong and Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 1999

    Professor (Practice)/ Associate Dean, The Education University of Hong Kong


    Graduate Year


    TSUI Kwok Tung

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Professor (Practice)/ Associate Dean, The Education University of Hong Kong

    • Thesis Title A Study of Multi-dimensional Teacher Performance
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong and Prof. Walker Allan David
  • 1999

    Principal, Tin Ka Ping Secondary School (Fanling)


    Graduate Year


    YUEN Pong Yiu

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Principal, Tin Ka Ping Secondary School (Fanling)

    • Thesis Title A Study of Principals' Leadership for Teachers' Acton Learning in Hong Kong Primary Schools
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong and Prof. Walker Allan David

Graduate Year: 1998

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 1998

    Principal, Caritas Lok Kan School


    Graduate Year


    NG Kwok Hung Simon

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Principal, Caritas Lok Kan School

    • Thesis Title A Study of School Organizational Change : The Case of CAI in a Special School
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong

Graduate Year: 1996

  • Name
    Graduate Year
    Current Status
  • 1996

    Deputy Secretary General, HK Examinations and Assessment Authority


    Graduate Year


    CHEUNG Wing Ming

    Doctor of Philosophy

    • Profile

      Deputy Secretary General, HK Examinations and Assessment Authority

    • Thesis Title A Study of Multi-level Self Management in School
    • Supervisor Prof. Cheng Yin Cheong and Prof. Chan Yeuk Man Benjamin