Course List
The faculty reserves the right to cancel major subject(s) or course(s) based on admission and enrollment situation. The course list below is for reference only. The offering of courses varies from year to year. Please click here for the major subjects offered in 2022-23.
Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme
Course Description
In course code sequence
Micro-teaching is a part of the SCT (major) courses. It is a systematic scale-down training method in teaching, and is usually conducted in groups. The characteristics are:
(1) Time is short (usually taking about 5 minutes in training one specific teaching skill);
(2) Number of students is small (about 3-5 students as “simulated pupils”);
(3) Teaching skills can be trained and practised individually, e.g. motivation, questioning, closure, body language... The training is recorded, then played back for analysis. The trainee-teacher reteaches the same skill until it is mastered. Method of training depends on the instructor’s teaching principle. |
PGDE 5001 & 5101 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Chinese Language)
This course is designed to equip the students with essential techniques and knowledge in the teaching of Chinese Language. It will focus on the following topics:
( 1 ) Objectives of Chinese Language teaching;
( 2 ) Preparation of teaching material;
( 3 ) Lesson planning;
( 4 ) Teaching tools;
( 5 ) Teaching methods;
( 6 ) Evaluation; and
( 7 ) Extra-curricular activities.
PGDE 5002 & 5102 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: English)
This course seeks to equip teachers of English Language with the skills necessary for future self-development in the face of changing theories of language and language teaching/learning by offering a foundation in both areas, together with practical experience of classroom teaching, action research, self evaluation and the design, implementation and evaluation of the language curriculum. The following topics are also covered:
( 1 ) The teaching of grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing;
( 2 ) Preparing students for public examinations;
( 3 ) Student motivation, cooperative learning and the roles of spoken and written discourse in the language learning process;
( 4 ) Planning the language learning process and units within it;
( 5 ) The needs of remedial and ‘mixed ability’ language learners.
PGDE 5003 & 5103 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Chinese History)
PGDE 5004 & 5104 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: History)
This course will first examine the value of learning history and then go on to discuss the objectives of teaching the subject in secondary schools. It will also explore areas including:
( 1 ) The suitability of the existing curriculum and curriculum design;
( 2 ) Effective teaching methods;
( 3 ) The use of teaching aids;
( 4 ) The planning of backing activities;
( 5 ) Examination and evaluation methods. The course consists of lecture seminars, excursions and simulated teaching sessions. Emphasis will be put on assisting students in developing practical and feasible solutions to meet educational objectives.
PGDE 5005 & 5105 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Geography)
This course aims at helping teachers to understand more deeply the trends of geographical education and different kinds of curriculum design in geography, to learn how to adopt a student-centred approach and to use appropriate teaching strategies. The course content includes:
( 1 ) Trends in geography and geographical education;
( 2 ) The junior and senior secondary curricula in Hong Kong;
( 3 ) Teaching strategies in- and out-of-the-classroom;
( 4 ) Use of teaching aids and other teaching materials;
( 5 ) Methods of student evaluation.
PGDE 5006 & 5106 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Economics)
This course is designed for local secondary economics teachers. It aims at helping teachers to teach this subject effectively. Throughout the course particular attention is given to recent developments in the following areas:
( 1 ) The objectives of economics education;
( 2 ) Curriculum design & evaluation;
( 3 ) Instructional methods;
( 4 ) The design and use of audio-visual materials; and
( 5 ) The assessment of economics understanding.
PGDE 5008 & 5108 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Mathematics)
This course is designed for mathematics teachers in secondary schools. It covers the following areas:
( 1 ) Mathematics education past and present;
( 2 ) Aims of mathematics education;
( 3 ) Evolution of the mathematics curricula;
( 4 ) Instructional theories applied to mathematics teaching;
( 5 ) Psychological basis of mathematics learning;
( 6 ) Models of mathematics teaching: discovery learning, inquiry method, individualized learning, problem solving and the use of games;
( 7 ) Preparation of mathematics lessons and classroom techniques through micro-teaching;
( 8 ) Use of information and communication technology in mathematics teaching;
( 9 ) Diagnosis of learning and evaluation of instruction;
( 10 ) Professional development of mathematics teachers.
PGDE 5009 & 5109 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Physics)
This course aims to equip participants with
the appropriate pedagogical strategies and
skills for effective teaching and learning
of physics in secondary schools. Throughout
the whole course, the participants will
critically reflect on various issues related
to physics education.
PGDE 5010 & 5110 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Chemistry)
This course provides basic skills and knowledge of teaching chemistry in secondary schools. The content includes:
( 1 ) Aims and purposes;
( 2 ) Psychology of student behaviour;
( 3 ) Curriculum;
( 4 ) Teaching methods;
( 5 ) Use of teaching equipment;
( 6 ) Lesson planning;
( 7 ) Testing and evaluation; and
( 8 ) Classroom and laboratory management.
PGDE 5011 & 5111 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Biology)
To examine the development and implementation of biology curricula in Hong Kong as well as in overseas countries (e.g. BSCS in the U.S. and the Nuffield Biology project in the U.K.); to formulate instructional goals and objectives for secondary school biology educational; and to devise instructional plans to achieve such goals. These plans include the use of classroom, lectures, laboratory experiments and outdoor field-trips. Contents include:
( 1 ) Role of Biology in secondary education and its relationship with science education;
( 2 ) Development and treatment of the biology curriculum;
( 3 ) Treatment of special topics in biology education.
PGDE 5014 & 5114 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Music)
This course focuses on the following topics:
( 1 ) Music
learning theories;
( 2 ) Teaching
integrative music activities: Creating,
Performing and Listening;
( 3 ) Hong
Kong and IB music
( 4 ) Lesson
and assessment;
( 5 ) Recent
trend in music teaching;
( 6 ) Fostering
a positive learning environment for
( 7 ) Music
subject administrative work
PGDE 5015 & 5115 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Religious Studies)
This course includes the following topics:
( 1 ) The present situation of religious education in schools in Hong Kong;
( 2 ) Issues facing church schools today;
( 3 ) Justification of religious education as a school subject;
( 4 ) How can educational religious education be possible?
( 5 ) Theory of curriculum development;
( 6 ) Critique on teaching materials
PGDE 5018 & 5118 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Physical Education)
This course will focus on the following topics:
( 1 ) Analysis of learners and the learning-teaching process for teaching movement and sports skills.
( 2 ) Diagnose of local students’ characteristics and content selection in physical education programme.
( 3 ) Analysis of current physical education curriculum models and designs.
( 4 ) Reflection of teaching in physical education.
( 5 ) Future development of physical education teaching and curriculum.
PGDE 5019 & 5119 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Putonghua)
This course aims at equipping students with basic skill and knowledge in teaching Putonghua. The following topics are included:
( 1 ) The phonetics of Putonghua;
( 2 ) Teaching methods and lesson planning;
( 3 ) Correction of speech errors in Putonghua. Speaking Putonghua is a prerequisite.
PGDE 5020 & 5120 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Liberal Studies/Citizenship and Social Development)
This course consists of two parts:
(1) Curriculum and Teaching in Liberal Studies/Citizenship and Social Development and (2) Seminars on Teaching.
(1) Curriculum and Teaching: This part examines the curriculum design, teaching strategies and curriculum implementation of Liberal Studies/Citizenship and Social Development, and covers the following: (i) theories of curriculum integration; (ii) past experience and future development of the Liberal Studies/Citizenship and Social Development curriculum in Hong Kong; (iii) issue-based learning; (iv) cultivation of high-order thinking; (v) development of teaching materials; (vi) classroom interaction and learning evaluation; (vii) extended learning; (viii) pedagogical methodologies (teaching designs, microteaching and practical teaching).
(2) Seminars on Teaching: under professional supervision, student-teachers will examine and learn how to use multiple perspectives to turn "content knowledge" of topics from the two areas of study into "pedagogical content knowledge" that fits the classroom situations.
PGDE 5021 & 5121 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Visual Arts)
This course aims at equipping students with
the necessary knowledge and skills to be a
qualified visual arts teacher
or even a panel head in secondary
As a qualified visual arts teacher, they
should be familiar with the present visual
arts curriculum and hence they can
tailor-make and provide school-based
curriculum to different students.
PGDE 5022 & 5122 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Information &
Communication Technology)
This course provides basic teaching skills and pedagogical knowledge of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subjects in secondary education. It includes
( 1 ) The development of the curricula in Hong Kong, the aims, objectives, learning activities and assessments;
( 2 ) Instructional plans, teaching methods, classroom and laboratory management;
( 3 ) Treatment of selected topics in the ICT curriculum in the senior secondary education.
PGDE 5023 & 5123 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Major: Business,
Accounting & Financial Studies)
This course introduces students to
principles, concepts and techniques of
teaching Business, Accounting and Financial
Studies (BAFS) at secondary schools. It aims
at enabling students to integrate knowledge
of teaching methodology and skills in
practical teaching, subject curriculum and
assessment. Through taking part in various
learning tasks and classroom discussions and
engaging in critical reflection, students
will be encouraged to develop their personal
theory of teaching.
PGDE 5031 & 5131 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Visual Arts)
See PGDE 5021 & 5121 for course description
PGDE 5134 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development)
With reference to the Liberal Studies/ Citizenship and Social Development curriculum (New Senior Secondary Curriculum), this course is designed to provide opportunities for participants to acquire a basic understanding of the relationship between issue-based teaching and multidisciplinary learning, covering the following aspects: strategies for issue-based learning, development of teaching materials, classroom interaction and pedagogical methodologies, and assessment in this subject.
PGDE 5035 & 5135 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Information & Communication Technology)
See PGDE 5022 & 5122 for course description
PGDE 5036 & 5136 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Business, Accounting & Financial Studies)
See PGDE 5023 & 5123 for course description
PGDE 5043 & 5143 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Chinese History)
See PGDE 5003 & 5103 for course description
PGDE 5044 & 5144 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: History)
See PGDE 5004 & 5104 for course description
PGDE 5045 & 5145 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Geography)
See PGDE 5005 & 5105 for course description
PGDE 5046 & 5146 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Economics)
See PGDE 5006 & 5106 for course description
PGDE 5048 & 5148 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Mathematics)
See PGDE 5008 & 5108 for course description
PGDE 5049 & 5149 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Physics)
See PGDE 5009 & 5109 for course description
PGDE 5050 & 5150 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Chemistry)
See PGDE 5010 & 5110 for course description
PGDE 5051 & 5151 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Biology)
See PGDE 5011 & 5111 for course description
PGDE 5054 & 5154 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Music)
See PGDE 5014 & 5114 for course description
PGDE 5055 & 5155 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Religious Studies)
See PGDE 5015 & 5115 for course description
PGDE 5157 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Integrated Science)
This course examines the theoretical foundation of the teaching of Integrated Science, exercises the experimental discovery teaching approach and synthesizes different instructional strategies in teaching science. The course covers:
( 1 ) Meaning and purpose of Integration;
( 2 ) Basic theory of science teaching;
( 3 ) Laboratory safety and laboratory management;
( 4 ) Scientific inquiry;
( 5 ) Resources & homemade equipment.
PGDE 5159 Subject Curriculum and Teaching (Minor: Putonghua)
See PGDE 5019 & 5119 for course description
PGDE 5162 Design and Implementation of Student Activities
Contrary to common belief, student
activities are not “supplementary” to
school curriculum. They comprise an
indispensable part of the school
curriculum and often a significant part
of students’ memories of school life. As
the Hong Kong school curriculum reforms,
greater significance is focused on
extra-curricular, academic,
cross-curricular, integrated curricular
and life-wide learning activities.
Organizing student activities is an
integral duty of educators nowadays, and
it is a pre-requisite that they know how
to design and implement student
activities that are both safe and
meaningful. This course aims to equip
students with knowledge and skills
required in design and implementation of
student activities. The ultimate goal is
to enhance both the processes and
outcomes of student activities in the
school curriculum and meet educational
expectations on student learning through
activities. Another aim is to heighten
students’ awareness of safety and
insurance issues in risk assessment
through class activities.
PGDE 5164 Principles of Curriculum Design
This course aims at introducing the key concepts and techniques of curriculum development which involves designing, implementing and evaluating a curriculum. In order to help student teachers understand the present curriculum development situation in Hong Kong and identify ways of improving it, current issues in curriculum development in secondary schools will be discussed.
PGDE 5170 Curriculum Evaluation: From Assessment to Self-evaluation
Assessment of student learning and evaluation of the quality of school curriculum are two interrelated professional responsibilities of every teacher. This course aims to facilitate pre-service or in-service teachers to improve instruction through better assessment of students and evaluation of their curricula. Topics include:
( 1 ) The concepts of school curriculum evaluation;
( 2 ) Assessment for / as learning;
( 3 ) The use of alternative assessments;
( 4 ) The implementation of curriculum
PGDE 5171 Introduction to Models of Teaching
Knowing well about different teaching strategies can facilitate teachers’ professional development and enhance the effectiveness of their classroom teaching. This course provides students an overview of diverse teaching strategies and pedagogical orientations, such as information-processing model, personal model, social interaction model, behavioral model, constructivist teaching and transformative pedagogy. This course also offers opportunities for students to critically reflect on their pedagogical orientations and the common practices in their real-life teaching experiences, and explore how to improve classroom teaching in local contexts.
The advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) provides teachers and students with new teaching and learning opportunities. This course aims at equipping participants with both pedagogical knowledge and technical skills to integrate ICT into the process of teaching and learning in secondary education. Topics include:
(1) Development of multimedia and online resources for educational use;
(2) Integration of multimedia and eLearning into classroom teaching;
(3) Information literacy framework and development at secondary school;
(4) Application of ICT in instructional design in the secondary teaching context.
STEM stands for Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics collectively.
With its interdisciplinary nature, STEM
education fosters problem solving,
innovation, creativity, invention and
logical thinking, so as to develop students'
key competencies for the 21st century. This
course aims at equipping participants with
both pedagogical knowledge and practical
skills to design and implement STEM
education in secondary schools. Topics
(1) Historical background and development of
STEM education;
(2) Pedagogical concepts and principles of
STEM education;
(3) Case analysis of STEM teaching and
learning activities;
(4) Design and implementation of STEM
activities; and
(5) Assessment strategies.
PGDE 5191 Individual Project: Curriculum and Teaching Method
This course aims to train students in writing research papers. Students are required to do research projects on approved topics individually or in small groups under the supervision of a lecturer. (For part-time students only, and with permission of the Faculty)
PGDE 5206 Environmental Education
This course will focus on the following topics:
( 1 ) Concepts and issues in designing environmental education programmes: the aims and nature of environmental education; the content of environmental education; the formal and informal curriculum; cross-curricular
approach versus separate subjects.
( 2 ) Teaching environmental education: from experiential learning to conceptual understanding; case studies;
teaching controversial topics: teaching environmental values.
( 3 ) Co-ordination and evaluation of environmental education in schools.
( 4 ) Support and resources for environmental education.
( 5 ) Understanding the complexity of environmental issues.
PGDE 5211 Structure and Process of Schooling
Schooling is an integral part of modern society. As active participants and contributors of this modern institution, teachers should have a thorough understanding of their roles in school organization and process of schooling. This course is designed to facilitate understanding of school organization and the nature of this process. It explores the nature of school organization and important dimensions of the schooling process from different perspectives:
( 1 ) At classroom level, in the form of teacher-student interaction;
( 2 ) At organizational level, in the form of school structure and culture;
( 3 ) At societal level, in the form of socializing and stratifying mechanism;
( 4 ) At cultural level, in the form of selection and transmission of knowledge.
PGDE 5213 Educational Policy & Practice in Hong Kong
This course aims to help perspective teachers to gain an understanding of the Hong Kong education system in relation to their occupational well being and working environment. It is designed to provide perspective teachers with analytical tools to comprehend and review educational policies and their implementation. Educational issues and policies in Hong Kong will be analyzed from an international-comparative perspective and a local concern for efficiency and equity. With a brief historical background, the empirical analysis of policies will begin with the 1982 Llewellyn Report and then extend to other educational policy papers and reports. Topics for analysis may include:
( 1 ) The school system and the curriculum;
( 2 ) Allocation, selection and examination;
( 3 ) Technical and vocational education;
( 4 ) Quality in school,
( 5 ) Gender and class differentials in education;
( 6 ) Teacher education and qualification.
PGDE 5221 Educational Reform in Chinese Societies
This course employs comparative approaches to analyze educational changes among Chinese societies. An emphasis is placed on the investigation of major reform issues in the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan, and includes reference to the developmental experiences of Macau. These issues are also of major interest to educational reformers in Hong Kong. The course will include the following topics:
( 1 ) The pursuit of quality education;
( 2 ) Curriculum reform and curriculum integration;
( 3 ) Reform in teaching and teacher professionalism;
( 4 ) Decentralization and school-based management;
( 5 ) The expansion of higher education. By drawing insights from the reforms within and across societal contexts, the course aims to discern implications for the general reform movement as well as teaching and learning in Hong Kong.
PGDE 5222 Values and Moral Education
As instituted: “This course aims to help
teachers to reflect on their own values
and on the ways they teach values,
especially moral values, in school.
Among other important considerations,
students are asked whether teachers
should teacher their own values in the
classroom, and whether this is indeed
inevitable. Taking education as a means
aiming at nurturing human qualities for
the sake of personal and social
well-being, the course examines a range
of values such as truth, beauty,
goodness and sageness/ saintlness as
embodied in ‘whole-person education’.
The course holds that education is
unavoidably value-laden and that moral
values form an important core of the
aims of schooling. During the course
students will discuss the nature of
morality and a number of important
approaches to moral education, and then
compare these to other types of values
education. Students will also be asked
to reflect upon how they understand
their own personal and professional
development in relation to values and
moral education and how to enact their
various roles in the school.” Topics
included please see the lecture outline.
PGDE 5224 Citizenship Education
This introductory course aims to
explicate the philosophical, historical,
social, psychological & pedagogical
foundations of citizenship education,
particularly in the five key domains of
human rights, rule of law, democracy,
nation-state, and globalization. Also,
it serves to illuminate the limitations
& possibilities of Hong Kong situations.
The topics likely to be covered in the
course are
(1 ) Basic political concepts related to citizenship;
(2 ) Different approaches to citizenship education;
(3 ) An examination of policy and orientation in Hong Kong school education in the light of a historical-comparative perspective;
(4 ) Citizenship in the formal curriculum;
(5 ) Citizenship in the informal curriculum.
PGDE 5226 Teachers Development and Leadership
Teachers are expected to play an
increasingly important role in the
education reform process.
Shifting expectations require
teachers to have a firm understanding of
how schools operate and how reforms
affect their roles both in and outside
of the classroom. To effectively reshape
their work in line with growing
expectations teachers must commit to
career long professional development and
consider strategies for maximizing their
effectiveness, especially in terms of
learning and teaching. This course is
designed to help teachers to understand
and shape their roles in a reform
environment. In other words it aims to
help teachers to become leaders of their
own professionalism. It does this in two
ways, first it helps teachers understand
life in schools undergoing reform and
the effect this can have on their
professional life. Topics covered in
this area include organizational
culture, micropolitics, organizational
behaviour and teacher leadership. The
second thrust aims to nurture teacher
awareness of their own professional
growth and how they can maximize the
latest opportunities available in this
area. Topics covered in this area
include models of teacher development,
stages of professional development,
mentorship and internship, teacher
appraisal and teacher professionalism.
PGDE 5228 Legal Issues in School Education
The school context in Hong Kong has
complicated. The social and
policy environment after 1997 is
exerting a great impact on education.
Part of this impact
is that teachers risk facing litigations
or their rights being evaded if they are
not careful and
guarded enough in their daily school
lives. In order to reduce these risks,
this module will
introduce some of the most significant
legal issues that arise in primary and
schools and their implications for
teachers. The module will: i) explore
evolving legal
standards on a variety of issues
including employment, school safety,
student discipline,
student well-being, infringement of
copyright, free speech, services for
students with special
education needs and non-Chinese
learners, sexual harassment, and
violence and bullying; ii)
examine educational, political, ethical,
and administrative questions that legal
issues often
generate; iii) draw on real cases and
legal/policy dilemmas that teachers are
facing; and iv)
provide teachers with knowledge and
skills they need to make sound
decisions, advance
important educational objectives, and
minimize legal problems.
PGDE 5230 Media Literacy and Media Education
Nowadays people are bombarded with
information from various sources of mass
media. Mass media is also closely
related to an array of social phenomena
like popular culture, fashion, youth
problems, consumer society, political
mobilization, globalization, and so on.
These topics also attract young people
because of their relevance to their
daily lives. Mass media plays an
important role in contemporary societies
and they are both subject and means of
education. Governments and educators
around the world have increasingly paid
attention to media education and media
literacy. Locally, these efforts have
also realised into various curricular
initiatives and a number of media
education projects. To address the
growing needs in this area, the course
aims to equip learners with basic ideas
about media literacy, informational and
digital literacy, informational and
media education. This is particularly
relevant to teachers in subjects like
Liberal Studies and language learning,
as well as whose working in citizenship,
moral, and values education.
PGDE 5231 From Whence We Came: The Historical Contexts of Hong Kong Education
This course is designed to help students reflect on the social context and education system which they have lived with. By applying the historical perspective, the course will explain the key features of education in different periods, and analyse the relations between the social development and the educational changes in Hong Kong since 19th century. It is intended to help them to have a broadened and more penetrating understanding the uniqueness of Hong Kong education.
PGDE 5232 Home-school-community Collaboration for Managing Learning Diversity
The purpose of the course is to provide
a comprehensive account of the
relationship between home, school, and
community for managing children’s
learning diversity. The course aims to
help teachers develop their competency
in communicating and collaborating with
families and communities for students
with different learning needs. Special
emphasis is placed upon better
understanding of the roles of parents in
school education, the dynamics of the
parents-teacher trust relationship, and
the effective practices of home school
community collaboration under the
current educational reform to enhance
teachers’ inclusive attitude to manage
children’s learning diversity and
promote student engagement in learning
and schooling.
PGDE 5233 Education and Economic Development: An Introduction
This course provides an introductory
survey of the links between education
and economic development applied to the
case of Hong Kong and Mainland China.
The course starts with an overview of
current educational attainment and schooling investments across the
world. This is followed by exploring the
demand for human capital and educational
investments aligned with economic
development, public financing of
education. Students will also be able to
examine interactions between education
and development from social and economic
perspectives on other issues, including
compulsory education reform, manpower
planning and curriculum reform, gender
gap in schooling, inequalities in
education, education and demographic
PGDE 5234 Ethics
and Professional Standards for the Teaching
Profession |
Professionalism is essential to
practices of educators and there must be
proper value orientations and solid
ethical foundation for the teaching
profession. This course covers issues
related to law, professional ethics,
values and conduct by providing an
overview of professional standards for
teachers in Hong Kong like T-standard+
and professional code. Case studies are
used to examine the rights and
responsibilities of teachers vis-a-vis
other major stakeholders like students,
employers, colleagues,
parents/guardians, and to explicate the
values and principles teachers can use
to make ethical decisions and take
ethical actions. Latest issues related
to professional development such as
education about constitutional order and
national security are also addressed.
PGDE 5235 School Improvement: Theory
and Practice
This course aims to familiarize students
with major theories and practices in school
improvement and school reform to enhance
student learning in school. The course is
designed for novice teachers to understand
the critical role they play in school
improvement. Students will critically
examine how school culture, process and
outcomes contribute to the holistic school
improvement and effective student learning.
Concepts and issues that are associated with
school improvement will be addressed, such
as understanding educational and school
contexts, setting school improvement plans
and priorities, building teacher capacity
and effective practices in classroom setting
for school improvement. A series of school
improvement cases will be studied to
facilitate student acquisition of practical
issues and improvement strategies for
PGDE 5236 Life Education and Pursuit
of Meaning |
Using the tripartite intrapersonal,
interpersonal and transcendence competencies
framework, this course aims to help students
reflect on the meaning of life and examine
the importance of physical, psychological
and spiritual well-being in life. It will
draw on philosophical, socio-cultural,
psychological, pedagogical and religious
sources, where relevant, to help students
reflect on their attitudes towards life
through their pursuit of meaning and
exploration of ultimate concerns in life
education. Students will also learn how to
prepare themselves as teachers to help their
future pupils cope with related issues in
life educatio
PGDE 5291 Individual Project: Society, Institution and Organization
This course aims to train students in writing research papers. Students are required to do research projects on approved topics individually or in small groups under the supervision of a lecturer. (For part-time students only, and with permission of the Faculty.)
PGDE 5311 Psychology of Learning and Teaching
This course attempts to introduce
psychological theories pertinent to the
teaching of adolescents in secondary
schools. With an emphasis on the
application of theories in practice, the
following topics are explored:
behavioral and cognitive theories of
learning, complex cognitive processes,
biological basis of learning, motivation
and affect, instruction and assessment
design and classroom management.
PGDE 5312 Adolescent Development
course aims to explore the context,
nature and dynamics of adolescent
development. The roles of family,
school, and community in adolescent
development will be highlighted.
Moreover, teen subcultures will be
examined as a key to understanding the
psychological needs of adolescents.
Current issues of major concern will
also be discussed. Emphasis will be
placed on students’ theoretical
understanding of adolescent development
in the social, emotional, cognitive, and
moral domains, as well as their
application of this knowledge in the
school contexts.
PGDE 5313 Guidance and Counselling in Secondary Schools
This course intends to provide for
secondary school teachers an overview of
the basic concepts of school guidance
and counselling and their applications
in the secondary school setting. Topics
include: social and psychological
perspectives and the need for school
guidance and counselling, basic
principles of guidance, goals and
objectives of school guidance and
counselling, qualification, roles and
function of professional counsellor and
guidance teacher, basic theories of
counselling, individual and group
counselling, and other contemporary
trends and issues in the local context.
In addition, the whole school approach,
the therapeutic conditions and the
counselling process are also introduced.
PGDE 5314 Understanding and Developing Achievement Tests in Secondary Schools
This course is designed to provide in-service or prospective school teachers with measurement theory and techniques for assessing educational achievements in school. Topics include
( 1 ) Basic concepts and principles of educational measurement and assessment,
( 2 ) Procedures for construction and appraisal of objective-type and constructive-type test items,
( 3 ) Use of standard achievement tests,
( 4 ) Uses of unconventional, informal assessment methods,
( 5 ) Methods of interpretation of test scores,
( 6 ) Issues in interpretation and uses of test results.
PGDE 5315 Classroom Management and Discipline in Secondary Schools
The course is designed to familiarize
students with both the theoretical and
the practical aspects of classroom
management and school discipline in
secondary schools.
It also aims at assisting
teachers to promote an optimum learning
environment and to encourage the
development of self-discipline among
Topics include: organizational
perspective of discipline, group
dynamics, management skills in context,
student-teacher relationship, school
rules and organization policies,
coordination between discipline and
guidance, home-school partnership and
whole school discipline.
PGDE 5316 Supporting Secondary School Students with Special
Educational Needs
This course
employs a cross-disciplinary perspective
to introduce important issues in
supporting adolescents with special
educational needs (SEN) in integrated
school settings.
First, we examine contemporary
policy changes and controversies in
special education and integration. We
then discuss basic principles of
identification and education of
exceptional SEN adolescents. Curriculum
and instructional
issues will be deliberated. In
particular, the types of SEN covered are
Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD),
Intellectual Disability (ID), Autistic
Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD),
Physical Disability (PD), Visual
Impairment (VI), Hearing Impairment
(HI), Language Impairment (LI), and
Giftedness and Talents (GT).
Developmental characteristics and needs
of these students in secondary school
years will be addressed, with a focus on
enhancing teachers’ professional
capacity in supporting them in the
regular classroom.
PGDE 5318 Sex Education in Secondary Schools
This course provides basic skills and knowledge of teaching sex education in secondary schools. Topics include: the need for sex education in secondary schools, definition and contemporary views on human sexuality, definition and scope of sex education, sex education and information, values, attitudes and behaviors related to sex, gender role and self-concept, relationship with self and others, friendship, courtship, marriage and family, social issues related to sex, sex education curriculum, ethical, sociocultural, psychological and physiological aspect of sex education, and implementation of sex education. Home-school partnership and parent education for sexual development are also explored.
PGDE 5319 Personal Growth of Teachers
This course aims to promote among
teachers an interest and readiness for
taking charge of their personal growth.
It draws students’ attention to the
significance of self-awareness,
self-care, means to facilitate
and physical wellness, and a number of
areas related to teachers’ personal
growth. Through various class
activities, sharing and discussion,
students will be introduced
issues/factors pertinent to self-care
and personal growth, and different means
to facilitate one’s
and physical wellness. Towards the end
of the course, it is expected that
students will be able to apply what they
have learned to their daily life.
PGDE 5391 Individual Project: Psychology and Counselling
This course aims to train students in writing research papers. Students are required to do research projects on approved topics individually or in small groups under the supervision of a lecturer. (For part-time students only, and with permission of the Faculty)
PGDE 5901
Teaching Practicum |
Teaching Practicum (TP) is an integral part
of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education
It provides opportunities for
students to put theory into classroom
practice. In order to support students’
professional development, practicum
supervision will be conducted by the
Faculty’s TP supervisors during the TP
period. TP supervisors will assess students
through formative and summative assessment,
taking into consideration students’ teaching
performance as well as their professional
behaviour and attitude.