Course List
The faculty reserves the right to cancel major subject(s) or course(s) based on admission and enrollment situation. The course list below is for reference only. The offering of courses varies from year to year.
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education) programme
Course Description
PGDC 5001 & 5101 Early Childhood Education: Curriculum and Teaching
The course
to introduce the basic principles in
curriculum development and
practical classroom delivery skills in
early childhood education (ECE).
Aspects to be covered in the course include:
( 1 ) Learning and teaching
principles of learning areas;
( 2 ) Principles and key concepts underpinning
the design, implementation, and evaluation of ECE curriculum;
( 3 )
developmentally appropriate learning
( 4 ) Skills in delivering quality learning experiences for young children;
( 5 ) Assessing the learning of young
children; and
( 6 )
Adaptation to school life
(transition from home to school) and interface
between preschool and primary school.
PGDC 5201 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
The course aims to introduce the key principles of early childhood education
(ECE). Topics to be covered include:
( 1 ) basic principles and
theories of ECE;
( 2 )
social and cultural factors influencing ECE;
( 3 )
ECE approaches: Developmentally Appropriate
Practice (DAP), inquiry-based learning,
thematic approach, play-based curriculum,
project, integrated curriculum, and
( 4 )
ECE issues in
Hong Kong; and
( 5 )
professional roles of early
childhood educators.
PGDC 5202 Creative Arts for Early Childhood
This course is designed for students to
understand the concept of creativity, its
theories and the techniques of enhancing
creativity, and how adults can facilitate
young children’s creative expressions using
different forms of arts. These forms
comprise visual arts such as drawings and
paintings, language arts such as poetry and
picture books, expressive arts such as music
and dance, as well as the integrated arts.
The interrelated development of play,
imagination and creativity through the arts
is highlighted. Strategies to enhance
creative expressions of young children in
and outside the school context (i.e.
kindergarten, home and community) are also
PGDC 5203
Teaching and learning through play in
Early Childhood Education
The course aims to introduce the
characteristics, theories and practices of
play as a teaching and learning strategy in
ECE. Aspects to be covered in the course
( 1 ) characteristics of play;
( 2 )
theories and practices of play;
( 3 ) values
of play for children's language, cognitive,
social, emotional, and physical development;
( 4 )
fostering playful learning through formal and
informal, indoor and outdoor activities;
( 5 )
play and technology; and
( 6 )
assessing children's learning and development
in play.
PGDC 5301 Educational Management and Sustainable Development of Early Childhood Settings
This course provides an introduction to
various organizational and management
theories to early childhood education
practitioners. The application of these
theories and knowledge in early childhood
education institutions will be illustrated
in three levels: the social, school and individual level. First, rationales of
accountability and quality assurance
mechanism, data driven school improvement
and matters in preparation for school
self-evaluation and external review are
examined. Second, the implementation of
school-based management such as resource
management, professional development of
teachers and team building are discussed.
Third, teacher professionalism and ways to
equip early childhood practitioners with
sufficient knowledge in order to fulfill
their respective roles as school leaders or
teacher leaders are presented. The course
provides participants with conceptual
knowledge in school management that serves
as the basis of sustainable development of
early childhood education
PGDC 5302 Parental Involvement in Young Children’s Education
The course aims to help participants develop
competency in working with families and
communities for young children’s education.
Special emphasis is placed upon the roles of
parents in fostering children’s development,
dynamics of the parents-teacher
relationship, policies of home school
collaboration under the current and local
educational reform, and practices for
enhancing home-school-community
collaboration within the changing local and
international context.
PGDC 5303 Ethics and Professional Standards
for the Teaching Profession |
Professionalism is essential to practices of
educators and there must be proper value
orientations and solid ethical foundation
for the teaching profession. This course
covers issues related to law, professional
ethics, values and conduct by providing an
overview of professional standards for
teachers in Hong Kong like T-standard+ and
professional code. Case studies are used to
examine the rights and responsibilities of
teachers vis-a-vis other major stakeholders
like students, employers, colleagues,
parents/guardians, and to explicate the
values and principles teachers can use to
make ethical decisions and take ethical
actions. Latest issues related to
professional development such as education
about constitutional order and national
security are also addressed.
PGDC 5401 Early Childhood Development
This course aims to introduce the main
aspects of child development, including
physical, cognitive, affective and social
development, from birth to the eighth year
of age. The development of various
competencies in early childhood and the
factors that affect the development will be
illuminated with major developmental
theories/perspectives and relevant empirical
research. The course will also help students
appreciate that a deep understanding of
child development can inform the practice of
early childhood education, such as how to
identify and cater for the needs of
individual children effectively and how to
conduct child observation and assessment
PGDC 5402 Supporting Young Children with Diverse Needs
course employs a
cross-disciplinary perspective to introduce
important issues in supporting young
children with diverse needs in mainstream
school settings. First, contemporary
policies and available support for young
children with diverse needs in preschools
will be examined. Second, the developmental
characteristics and basic principles of
early identification will be addressed.
Most importantly, evidence based
interventions for young children with
diverse needs, in particular, those with
difficulties in cognitive, communication,
early literacy, social, behavioral and
emotional development will be discussed. The
3-tier support model and home-school
collaboration will be emphasized in
delivering the interventions for those
children in needs.
Teaching Fundamental Movement Skills and
Rhythmic Activity for Young Children
This course enables students to acquire the
necessary skills and knowledge to plan and
implement an effective movement program
considered developmentally appropriate for
preschool classrooms to support the
development of physical literacy in young
children. Students will be introduced to
both theoretical and applied aspects of
movement education for young children in
different development stages, as well as
being put through an interactive learning
process to understand to understand the
current practices in evaluating motor
behaviors of the early years. Students will
also learn to identify creative and
innovative solutions to support the
development of physical literacy in young
children using a range of fundamental
movement skills (FMS) and rhythmic
PGDC 5901 Teaching Practicum |
Teaching Practicum (TP) is an integral part
of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education
(Early Childhood Education) Programme.
It provides opportunities for
students to put theory into classroom
practice. In order to support students’
professional development, practicum
supervision will be conducted by the
Faculty’s TP supervisors during the TP
period. TP supervisors will assess students
through formative and summative assessment,
taking into consideration students’ teaching
performance as well as their professional
behaviour and attitude.
PGDP 5207 Teaching & Learning with Information & Communication Technology
The advancement of information and
communication technology (ICT) provides
teachers and students with new teaching and
learning opportunities. This course aims to
equip participants with both pedagogical
knowledge and technical skills to integrate
ICT into the process of teaching and
learning of subject matter in primary
education. More importantly, participants
will learn how to integrate their
technological, pedagogical and content
knowledge with reference to students’
characteristics and school contexts to
design ICT-enhanced lesson. The underlying
thinking capacity that this course
emphasizes is design thinking, which helps
the participants to become a designer of
learning environments.
PGDP 5209 Children’s Literature and Literacy Development
This course is designed to engage
participants in using children’s literature
to promote language development of young
children in pre-primary and junior primary
Apart from developing participants’
professionalism in children’s literature so
that they will have a systematic and
comprehensive knowledge of the basic
literary theories and genres of children’s
literature, this course also aims to enhance
their appreciation of the range and depth of
different kinds of children’s books, so as
to establish their knowledge base of
teaching activities and encourage them to
develop young learners’ literacy skills through using children’s
PGDP 5210 Play as an Integrated Learning Strategy for Children
The course aims to introduce theories,
characteristics, and practices of play as an
integrated learning strategy for children.
Aspects to be covered in the course include:
( 1 ) characteristics of play;
( 2 ) theories and practices of play;
( 3 ) play as an integrated learning
strategy for young children’s language,
cognitive, social, emotional, and physical
( 4 )
play environment and resources;
( 5 ) assessing children's learning and
development in play; and
( 6 )
teachers’ role in play.
PGDP 5306 Educational Policy & Practice in Hong Kong
This course aims to help prospective
teachers to gain an understanding of the
Hong Kong education system in relation to
their occupational well-being and working
environment. It is designed to provide
prospective teachers with analytical tools
to comprehend and review educational
policies and their implementation.
Educational issues and policies in Hong Kong
will be analyzed from an
international-comparative perspective and a
local concern for efficiency and equity.
With a brief historical background, the
empirical analysis of policies will begin
with the 1982 Llewellyn Report and then
extend to other educational policy papers
and reports. Topics for analysis may
(1) the school system and the curriculum;
(2) allocation, selection and examination;
(3) technical and vocational education;
(4) quality in school,
(5) gender and class differentials in
education; and
(6) teacher education and qualification.
PGDP 5312 Values and Moral Education
As instituted: “This course aims to help
teachers to reflect on their own values and
on the ways they teach values, especially
moral values, in school. Among other
important considerations, students are asked
whether teachers should teacher their own
values in the classroom, and whether this is
indeed inevitable. Taking education as a
means aiming at nurturing human qualities
for the sake of personal and social
well-being, the course examines a range of
values such as truth, beauty, goodness and
sageness/ saintlness as embodied in
‘whole-person education’. The course holds
that education is unavoidably value-laden
and that moral values form an important core
of the aims of schooling. During the course
students will discuss the nature of morality
and a number of important approaches to
moral education, and then compare these to
other types of values education. Students
will also be asked to reflect upon how they
understand their own personal and
professional development in relation to
values and moral education and how to enact
their various roles in the school.” Topics
included please see the lecture outline.
PGDP 5317 From Whence We Came: The Historical Contexts of Hong Kong Education
This course is designed to help students
reflect on the social context and education
system which they have lived with. By
applying the historical perspective, the
course will explain the key features of
education in different periods, and analyse
the relations between the social development
and the educational changes in
Hong Kong since 19th century. It
is intended to help them to have a broadened
and more penetrating understanding the
uniqueness of Hong Kong education.
PGDP 5402 Psychological Development of the Child
This course provides an introduction to
major theoretical orientations in
understanding child development. The
interplay of family, school and community as
contexts of child development will be
deliberated. The core of the course lies in
different aspects of development (e.g.,
cognitive, moral, aesthetic, social, emotion
and self) in childhood, which will be
examined from both theoretical and applied
perspectives. Special issues of current
concern (e.g., gifted education and talent
development; psychological disturbances and
their intervention) will also be discussed.
PGDP 5408 Counselling Children
This course introduces basic counseling skills for
working with children in response to a
variety of developmental and/or adjustment
issues. Topics to be covered include: ways
to build rapport with children, use of toys,
art, music, drama, and other creative
techniques to work with children with
various abilities. Throughout the course,
participants are expected to gain a better
understanding of children’s feelings and
needs, and to become more aware of the ways
to respond to children that can facilitate
the development of positive emotional
relationship and improve behaviors which
eventually allow more learning to take
place. The roles of family and school in
working with children will also be
PGDE 5319 Personal Growth of Teachers
This course aims to promote among teachers
an interest and readiness for taking charge
of their personal growth. It draws students’
attention to the significance of
self-awareness, self-care, means to
and physical wellness, and a number of areas
related to teachers’ personal growth.
Through various class activities, sharing
and discussion, students will be introduced
issues/factors pertinent to self-care and
personal growth, and different means to
facilitate one’s
and physical wellness. Towards the end of
the course, it is expected that students
will be able to apply what they have learned
to their daily life.