Department of Educational Psychology


Professor, BA (Auckland), BA (1st Class Honours) (Canterbury), MA, PhD (NTU)

Timothy Teo holds a PhD in psychological studies from the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Prior to joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong, he has worked at universities in Singapore, New Zealand, Macau, and Australia. Besides CUHK, Professor Teo is an Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University (Australia), Honorary Chair Professor at the National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg (South Africa), and Visiting Professor at the Universiti Tengku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia).

Personal CV: download
My research interests are inter-disciplinary and include both substantive and methodological areas, organized into three clusters. These are ICT in Education (Technology acceptance and adoption; Internet Addiction; E-learning), Educational Psychology (Self-efficacy-teachers and students; Beliefs about teaching and learning; Meta-cognition), Music Education (Psychological processes of music teaching and learning), and Quantitative Methods (Psychometrics; Instrument development and validation; Cross-cultural measurement; Measurement invariance; Issues in survey development and administration; Structural equation modelling; Multilevel modelling; Latent growth modelling, Meta-analysis).