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Period of Study

Research Postgraduate Programmes

  Full-time Part-time
Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme

For students with a research master’s degree:
36 months (Maximum 84 months)

For students without a research master’s degree:
48 months (Maximum 84 months)

For students with a research master’s degree:
48 months (Maximum 96 months)

For students without a research master’s degree:
64 months (Maximum 96 months)

Master of Philosophy Degree Programme 2 years (Maximum 4 years) —–

Professional Doctorate Programme

  Full-time Part-time
Doctor of Education Degree Programme 3 years (Maximum 7 years) 4 years (Maximum 8 years)

Master’s Degree Programmes

  Full-time Part-time
Master’s Degree Programmes
(except for MA in Professional Educational Psychology)
1 year (Maximum 3 years) 2 years (Maximum 4 years)
MA in Professional Educational Psychology 2 years (Maximum 4 years) —–