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Programme Description

In both Hong Kong and mainland China, early childhood education has been targeted by the government as a major area of expansion. Educators working in kindergartens, child care centres and related sponsoring bodies are charged with leading school-based improvements, and are increasingly held accountable in this regard. Kindergartens and child care centres must develop and drive their own quality programmes in line with global trends and local needs. This programme is designed to provide motivated early childhood educators with both the theoretical and applied knowledge as well as skills needed to lead successful improvements of early childhood education and to nurture children to attain a balanced development.

The objectives of this programme are to help students:

  1. develop an in-depth understanding of the literature of whole child development and how it applies to early childhood education in Hong Kong and elsewhere;
  2. understand the types of leadership necessary for principals, mid-level leaders, teachers and other educators to lead pre-schools successfully towards improved student development and learning outcomes;
  3. develop knowledge-sharing and professional learning networks;
  4. critically review the issues involved in the reform of as well as policies and practices related to early childhood education; and
  5. become proactive in facilitating school-based curriculum and teaching reforms and institutional improvement.


Who Should Apply?

Applicants for the full-time programme should be graduates of an early childhood education, psychology, education or other related programme.

Applicants for the part-time programme should be serving pre-school principals, supervisors, teachers, school development consultants or government officials, although applicants who have no relevant professional experience but have taken specialised courses in equivalent programmes offered by recognised institutions may also apply. In addition, applicants should preferably hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Education / Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent.

Study Scheme

(1) Coursework Requirement

Students are required to complete a total of 24 units for graduation.

Core Courses
4-5 courses to be chosen from:
MECM6101, 6201, 6202, 6301, 6302
12-15 units
Elective Courses
2-3 courses to be chosen from:
SGCL6101, MECM6401, MECM6901, PEDU6048, PEDU6051, PEDU6052, PEDU6054, PEDU6072, PEDU6121, PEDU6206, PEDU6207, PEDU6209, PEDU6210, PEDU6503, PEDU6504, PEDU6508, PEDU6701, PEDU6704, PEDU6705, PEDU6706, PEDU6707, EXSC6210 (SSPA6203#), SSPE6001 (SSPA6302#), SSPE6002 (SSPA6301#)
6-9 units
Courses on Research Methodology
2 courses to be chosen from:
PEDU6003-6004, 6401-6406
(There are pre-requisites for PEDU6404 & 6405, please refer to Faculty Handbook – Course Descriptions for details.)
3 units

# New Course Code adopted for use starting from 2020-21

(2) Other Requirements

(a) A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement.

(b) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. A student who obtains a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 in the preceding term will be put on academic probation. For details, please refer to Section 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage: