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Application Period




Start Date




of Classes

Research Postgraduate Programmes

Doctor of Philosophy


1 Sept 2022

1 Dec 2022

by 12 noon (for RGC submission)

by 5 pm (for CUHK submission)

Aug 2023


Main Round:

1 Dec 2022

Clearing Round:

31 Jan 2023

Master of Philosophy

Professional Doctorate Programme

Doctor of Education

17 Oct 2022

28 Feb 2023

Sept 2023

Master’s Degree Programmes

Master of Education

17 Oct 2022

28 Feb 2023

Sept 2023

Master of Arts Degree in Chinese Language Education

Master of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Education

Master of Arts Degree in English Language Teaching

Master of Arts Degree in Professional Educational Psychology

Master of Arts Degree in School Guidance and Counselling

*Master of Arts Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Master of Science Degree in Mathematics Education

Master of Science Degree in Sports Science and Physical Activity

Priority Round:

28 Feb 2023

Final Round:

28 Apr 2023

Master of Arts Degree in School Improvement and Leadership


*Subject to University Approval