

Below are the job post(s) referred by the following schools/companies to our student teachers: 

Post Date*

Hiring School/Company

Post Target Student Teachers Job Details and application
29/8/2022 新界鄉議局大埔區中學 數學科教學助理 [文憑程度]  薪金:月薪 17,530元

合約期:至2023年8月31日 (**官立中學非公務員職位空缺**)



Application Deadline: Sep 2, 2022

申請手續:申請人須於截止申請日期或之前把填妥的申請表格 [通用表格第 340 號 (3/2013 修訂版)] 送達下列地址(新界大埔大元邨 新界鄉議局大埔區中學 校長收)。 

25/8/2022 保良局錦泰小學

1. 2 文書及會計助理

2. 資訊科技技術人員 (TSS)

1. – 中學會考 / 中學文憑試 / 會計文憑或以上學歷
– 熟悉辦公室應用電腦軟件操作及中、英文輸入法
– 中、英文良好
– 負責一般校務及會計工作
– 具團隊精神、責任感及勤奮
– 具學校工作經驗優先

2. – 中六或以上學歷
– 持有創意媒體、資訊科技、電子或電腦課程證書者優先
– 有學校工作經驗者優先考慮
– 能獨立工作,有責任感,善於溝通及具團隊精神
– 負責資訊科技各項技術支援工作
– 協助老師使用資訊科技教學上的有關工作
– 管理及維護學校的伺服器、網絡、網頁、電腦設備和影音系統等工作
– 協助管理學校各個系统户囗、協助拍攝、錄影、編輯、儲存學校活動和相關的資料
– 協助採購資訊科技設備和服務,以及管理資訊科技資產 

Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2022

以上所有職位2022年9月到職,申請者須通過「性罪行定罪紀錄」查核及符合教育局頒佈「接種疫苗或定期檢測」的規定。有意申請者,請連同履歷及近照寄九龍黃大仙蒲崗村道180號保良局錦泰小學校長收或電郵: plkgpsrecruit@gmail.com(申請人資料絕對保密,只用作聘用有關職位用途。)


Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School

1.Teaching Assistant (STEM)

2.Teaching Assistant (English Language)

– A Higher Diploma / Associate Degree / Bachelor Degree, preferably in relevant field of study (STEM).
– Preferably with Teacher training.
– to assist school-based STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) curriculum development
– to provide support to teachers in STEM curriculum planning and teaching materials preparation
– being STEM class helper and the coach of STEM competition
– to provide general administrative and clerical support


– A Higher Diploma / Associate Degree / Bachelor Degree, preferably in relevant field of study (English Language).

– Preferably with Teacher training.


– to provide support to teachers in teaching materials preparation (English Language)

– to provide general administrative and clerical support

Application Deadline: Sep 2, 2022

Please send application letter and resume, including expected salary, to the Principal by email to ksl@frcss.edu.hk or by post at No. 1 Luen Yick Street, Luen Wo Market, Fanling, N.T.. Only short-listed candidates will be invited to interviews.

27/6/2022 Hon Wah College

1. Primary Teachers (English Language)
2. Secondary Teachers (English Language, Mathematics)
3. Teaching Assistants (both Primary & Secondary Sections)

1. Applicants for the posts of English Language teachers should meet the LPR requirements set by EDB.
2. Applicants for the posts of English Language teachers should meet the LPR requirements set by EDB.
3. Recognized degree holders
Application Deadline: Aug 30, 2022

Covering letter with detailed CV to Mr. Kwan Wing Bun, Principal :
1. By mail :
Hon Wah College, 3 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong
2. By email :



 1. 教學助理兼課後功輔班導師(合約)
2. 特殊教育需要教學助理(合約)
3. 資訊科技教學助理/支援助理(合約)


– 2022年9月1日到職

– 2022年9月1日到職

– 2022年9月1日到職

Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2022

有意申請者,請連同履歷及近照寄九龍黃大仙蒲崗村道180號保良局錦泰小學校長收或電郵: plkgpsrecruit@gmail.com




1. 常額學校圖書館主任(助理小學學位教師)

2. 中文科/數學科助理小學學位教師(常額/合約)

– 須持有認可學士學位、教育文憑及須有學校圖書館主任文憑證書
– 能兼任教常識科、體育科、電腦科、音樂科、視藝科、STEM或普通話科優先
– 任教語文科目須符合語文能力基準
– 須通過教育局《基本法》測試的要求
– 具教學熱誠、勤奮
– 到職日期: 2022年9月1日

– 能兼任教體育科、電腦科、音樂科、視藝科、STEM或普通話科優先
– 須持有認可學士學位、教育文憑及本科專業資格
– 任教語文科目須符合語文能力基準
– 須通過教育局《基本法》測試的要求
– 具教學熱誠、勤奮
– 到職日期: 2022年9月1日

Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2022
31/5/2022 保良局錦泰小學 中文科助理小學學位教師(合約) – 能兼任教體育科、音樂科及普通話科優先
– 須持有認可學士學位、教育文憑及本科專業資格
– 須符合語文能力基準
– 須通過教育局《基本法》測試的要求
– 具教學熱誠
– 到職日期: 2022年9月1日
Application Deadline: Aug 31, 2022


Hon Wah College

Secondary and Primary Teachers for Various Forms and Subjects

Applicants for the posts of Chinese Language & English Language teachers should meet the LPR requirements set by EDB

Application Deadline
申請截止日期 Aug 31, 2022

Application Procedure

Covering letter with detailed CV to Mr. Kwan Wing Bun, Principal :

1. By mail :
Hon Wah College, 3 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong; or

2. By email :

Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience

* The date that we received the job post information from the hiring school.

The Office of School Partnership and Community Engagement of CUHK accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising from any omission to provide accurate information; or any use or misuse of or reliance on any information in this website/posted jobs. The Office will NOT collect or screen CVs from potential candidates of the aforementioned jobs referred by the schools/companies; or provide candidate’s information to the hiring schools/companies.