
Our Faculty is going to launch a new series of learning supports to pre-university students during the COVID pandemic. We are now recruiting our dedicated student teachers to join this voluntary scheme, CU in the CLOUD, to produce online lessons to support the students in need, especially the underprivileged. A certificate will be issued to participants to recognize their contributions. Details are as follows:

Objectives: Support students’ learning, especially the underprivileged in HK
Enhance your online teaching skills
Foster a positive attitude to teaching
Who can join: 1. ALL PGDE/P/C (full time/part time)
2. Year 3 or above UG students*
* Y1 and 2 students supervised by their teachers or senior peers are also welcome
Two ways to support the students:

A. Self-learning videos
☁ Produce a less than 20-min video for the learning of a topic for specific levels of students (Videos for TP assessment can also be used)
☁ Share the video link with SPCE office by 22 Apr 2022
☁ All the learning videos will be shared to schools, teachers and students via CU in the Cloud Youtube channels
☁ Each video will be added with the header of CU in the Cloud, which will be provided for you or done by our helpers

B. LIVE online class
☁ Teach an online class via ZOOM or other platform on a specific topic for specific levels of students
☁ The class size is around 15 and in 30-45 mins
☁ You may teach more than 1 class and co-teach with other student teachers
☁ The class is expected to be promoted in late Mar and delivered between 4 and 28 Apr 2022.  You are free to decide on the date and time suitable to you and give us the lesson links (e.g. ZOOM).
☁ It will be recorded for internal reference. If the recorded teaching is made public later, the parts showing students’ faces have to be deleted.
☁ Obtaining unnecessary personal details of the students, including their contacts, and any paid work are prohibited.

All the videos and lessons should be free of any contents that are deemed illegal or obscene. They should be showcasing a high quality of teaching expected by the Faculty. Student teachers may seek help from their teachers during the video production and lesson planning.

Check out the videos on our CU in the Cloud Youtube channels:  


Interested students* please apply via and provide your planned teaching mode and the class details (e.g. topic, level, MOI, date/time) by 18 Mar 2022.  

* Certificate will be issued by mid-May 2022


1. Trista Cheung : / 3943 6961
2. Janet Cheung : / 3943 1033


Let’s join hands to contribute to the education of HK students !