In the light of the new wave of COVID pandemic in Hong Kong, face-to-face teaching will be suspended at all schools. All our student teachers who will conduct TP in 2021-22 Term 2 and TP supervisors please pay attention to the following:
Alternative TP and assessments:
- A student can teach around 4-6 online lessons a week to replace face-to-face teaching (actual numbers decided by TP schools). The online lesson can be assessed by TP supervisor synchronously or by recorded video.
- If a) cannot be done, TP supervisor should discuss with students on any other teaching related tasks as replacement, such as public online lessons through CU in the Cloud, microteaching, or previously recorded lesson videos.
All student teachers and TP supervisors are also reminded of the following:
- All teachers and school visitors (including TP supervisors) should have been vaccinated and use LeaveHomeSafe. For detail, please check: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202201/20/P2022012000766.htm
- When the school has changed the teaching timetable, students have the responsibility to inform the TP supervisors and SPCE office in due course.
If you have any individual problems related to TP, please let us know and we are here to help. We wish all a safe and fruitful TP despite the COVID challenges.
SPCE office contacts
Email: spce@cuhk.edu.hk Tel: 3943 6987/3943 6961