Faculty of Education, CUHK
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Major Subjects Offered


Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education) Programme

One-year Full-time
  Early Childhood Education
Two-year Part-time
  Early Childhood Education

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) Programme

One-year Full-time
Chinese Language# English#
General Studies
Visual Arts
Physical Education^    
Two-year Part-time
Chinese Language# English#
General Studies
Visual Arts
Physical Education^


Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme

One-year Full-time
Chinese Language# English#
Mathematics Physics
Chemistry Biology
Information & Communication
Business, Accounting & Financial Studies
Chinese History History
Geography Economics
Liberal Studies/Citizenship and Social Development    
Two-year Part-time
Chinese Language# English#
Mathematics Physics
Chemistry Biology
Information & Communication
Business, Accounting & Financial Studies
Chinese History History
Geography Economics
Liberal Studies/Citizenship and Social Development Visual Arts
  △ The Faculty reserves the right to cancel programme(s) or major subject(s) based on admission situation.
#  Applicants for the major subjects of Chinese Language and English please refer to the Report of Language Education Review published by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) in June 2003 (

* Full-time English major students are invited to apply for “Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers” which is set up by the Education Bureau (EDB) to attract persons proficient in English to pursue relevant teacher training programmes which will qualify them to become English teachers on graduation. More information could be found from the website of EDB ( > Teachers Related > Qualifications, Training and Development > Training > Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers).

^ Applicants for the major subjects of Physical Education, please refer to "Teachers' Eligibility to Teach Physical Education (PE)" published by the Education Bureau ( Applicants would need to fulfill the required contact hours in skill proficiency for admission to the programme.

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