
Darius Kwan-Shing CHAN
Teaching Areas
- PSYC4910- Senior Thesis Research I
- PSYC4920- Senior Thesis Research II
- PSYC1030- Psychology of Personal Growth
- PSYC1630- Communication for Healthy Relationship
- PSYC5230- Independent Study in Social Psychology
- PSYC6520- Engagement & Motivation in Organization
Research Interests
Affum-Osei E., Goto, S.G., Wang, R., Lam, H., Yeung, C.J., Abdul-Nasiru, N., & Chan, D.K-S. (In press). Examining the Factorial Validity of the Entrepreneurial Career Motive Scale: A Five-Culture Comparison. Journal of Career Development.
Wang, R., & Chan D.K-S. (2020). Subordinate reactions to ethical leaders’ abusive behavior: a multiple-wave study. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 58, 427-449. doi:10.1111/1744-7941.12222
Cheung, S.F., Sun, R.W., & Chan, D.K-S. (2019). Correlation-Based Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling: Effects of Parameter Covariance on Point and Interval Estimates. Organizational Research Methods, 22(4), 892-916. DOI: 10.1177/1094428118770736
Cheng, G.H-L., Chan, D.K-S., & Yeung, D.Y. (2019). Correlates of acceptance of wealth
inequality: A moderated mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, article 900. doi: 10.3389
Zhang, H., Chan, D. K-S., Xia, S., Tian, Y., & Zhu, J. (2107). Cognitive, emotional, and motivational consequences of dehumanization. Social Cognition, 35(1), 18-39.
Zhang, H., Chan, D. K-S., Teng, F., & Zhang, D. H. (2015). Sense of interpersonal security and preference for harsh actions against others: The role of dehumanization. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 165-171.
Li, T. Y., & Chan, D. K-S. (2012). How anxious and avoidant attachment affect romantic relationship quality differently: A meta-analytic review. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42(4), 406-419.
Li, Y. M., Chan, D. K-S., & Law, V. W-S. (2012). Gender differences in covert fidelity management among dating individuals in China. Sex Roles, 67, 544-558.
Chan, D. K.-S., Ng, T. T, & Hui, C. M. (2010). Interpersonal relationships in rapidly changing Chinese societies. In M. H. Bond (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology. Oxford University Press.
Chan, D. K-S., Lam, C. B., Chow, S. Y., & Cheung, S. F. (2008). Examining the job-related, psychological, and physical outcomes of workplace sexual harassment: A meta-analytic review. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32, 362-376.
Cheng, G. H-L., & Chan, D. K-S. (2008). Who suffers more from job insecurity? A meta-analytic review. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57(2), 272-303.
Chan, D. K-S., & Cheng, G. H-L. (2004). A comparison of online and offline friendship qualities at different stages of relationship development. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21(3), 305-320.
Cheung, S. F., & Chan, D. K-S. (2004). Dependent Effect Sizes in Meta-Analysis: Incorporating the Degree of Interdependence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 780-791.
Chan, D. K-S., & Goto, S. (2003). Conflict resolution in the culturally diverse workplace: Some data from Hong Kong employees. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 52(3), 441-460.
Chan, D. K-S, Tang, C. K. S., & Chan, W. (1999). Sexual harassment: A preliminary analysis of its effects on Hong Kong women in the workplace and academia. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 23(4), 661-672.