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Career Development Board
Terms of Reference and Composition:  


  1. To advise the University on all matters related to graduate employment.
  2. To maintain awareness of the University in respect of community needs.
  3. To promote employers' interest in and understanding of graduates of the University.
  4. To advise the Career Planning and Development Centre on the induction of graduating students into employment and on ways and means for improving the employment opportunities of graduates of the University.



  1.  A person to be invited by the Vice-Chancellor


  1. A representative from the Civil Service Bureau of the Government Secretariat
  2. Two school principals invited by the Vice-Chancellor
  3. Not more than 15 persons invited by the Vice-Chancellor from the business, industrial and professional community
  4. One teacher from each Faculty of the University, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
  5. President of the Federation of Alumni Associations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ex-officio)
  6. The University Dean of Students (ex-officio)
  7. The Director of Student Affairs (ex-officio)
  8. Two representatives from the Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  9. Chairman of the Convocation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ex-officio)


                To be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor


  1. The terms of office of all members other than the ex-officio members shall be two years, dating from August the first in the year of appointment.
  2. Members are eligible for re-appointment.


  1. The Board shall meet at least once each year.
  2. The quorum shall be six members.
  3. The Vice-Chancellor or the Chairman may invite any person to attend a meeting of the Board.
Contact Information of Secretariat:  
Person in Charge: Ms. Stefani NG
Telephone Number: 3943 7213