![]() | Colten Cheuk-Yin Yam Curriculum Vitae: |
Research Interests |
- RGC Grant, Early Career Scheme “Contextualizing De spiritu et littera: Analysis, Commentary and Latin-Chinese Bilingual Edition” Award Year: 2021/22, Project no.: 24620421, HKD 355,000 (with an additional amount HKD 50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
- “Sickness and Spirituality in Early Christianity: A Case Study via Basil of Caesarea” (Direct Grant 2020/2021, CUHK)
- “A Commentary on Homiliae in hexaemeron 6-9 of Basil of Caesarea” (Habilitation thesis, previously funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in 2016-2018)
Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. Trinity and Grace in Augustine: An Analysis of De trinitate 8-10 in Light of De spiritu et littera. Augustinus. Werk und Wirkung Band 10 (Schöningh / Brill, 2019), XXXII + 731 pages, ISBN: 978-3-506-70409-2.
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Basil’s Use of Oppian in Homilies in hexaemeron 7: His Source of Zoological Knowledge Reconsidered.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum (Berlin: DeGruyter, forthcoming in 2022).
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Basil’s Knowledge of Astronomy.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 26 (Berlin: DeGruyter, forthcoming in 2022).
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Basil on the Souls.” Studia Patristica (Leuven: Peeters, forthcoming in 2021).
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Marius Victorinus’ Influence on Augustine’s Trinitarian Theology.” International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 19 (2020): 124-140.
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “From Gift to Love: The Development of Augustine’s Pneumatology in De trinitate.” In Proceeding of Chinese-German Conference on Augustine (forthcoming in 2021).
- 任卓賢。<地上之城與上帝之城:奧古斯丁上帝之城的歷史觀>。郭清容編。《辨識歷史 – 時機・終末・神學家》,頁29-58。香港:德慧文化,2019。Yam, Colten Cheuk Yin. “The Earthly City and the Heavenly City: On Augustine’s Concept of History in De ciuitate dei,” in Discerning History: Kairos, Eschaton and Theologians, ed. Ching Yung Kwok, 29-58 (Hong Kong: VWLink, 2019) [in Chinese].
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Augustine’s Intention in proceeding from mens, notitia, amor to memoria, intellegentia, uoluntas.” Studia Patristica 75 (Leuven: Peeters, 2017), 327-340.
- Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “Enfoque de la imago Dei centrado en la mente. Una construcción dinámica en De Trinitate 14.” Augustinus: revista trimestral publicada por los Padres Agustinos Recoletos 59 (2014): 219-254. [Translation of item 9]
- Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “A Mind-Centered Approach of Imago Dei. A Dynamic Construction in Augustine’s De Trinitate XIV.” Augustiniana 62/3-4 (2012): 7-43.
- Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “The Role of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Speaking of Trinity. A Study of the Neglected Book XV of De Trinitate.” La Ciudad de Dios. Revista Agustiniana 225/2 (2012): 325-59.
- Yam, Cheuk-Yin. “The Dynamism of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Anthropology and Trinity: A Study on De Trinitate XIV – XV.” Jiao Dao 36 (2011): 72-129.
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Review of Augustinus – Christentum – Judentum: Ausgewählte Stationen einer Problemgeschichte, edited by C. Müeller and G. Förster. Echter (Cassiciacum, 39; Res et Signa, 13).” Revue d’Histoire ecclésiastique (2021, forthcoming).
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Review of Desires in Paradise: An Interpretative Study of Augustine's City of God 14, by Adam Michael Trettel.” Augustiniana 71/3-4 (2021, forthcoming).
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Rezension zu: Karsten Junk, Der menschliche Geist und sein Gottesverhältnis bei Augustinus und Meister Eckhart.” Augustiniana 67 (2017), 319-325.
- Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Review of Augustine’s Early Theology of Image, by Gerard Boersma.” Augustiniana 66 (2016), 253-57.
- Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “Review of Image, Identity, and the Forming of the Augustinian Soul, by Matthew Drever.” Review of Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org] (2015).
“Developing Pronunciation and Mnemonic Techniques in Ancient Greek Learning,” Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant 2021-2022, CUHK.