Course Outlines

  • "CUHK Undergraduates" cover BA in Theology
  • "Associate Students" cover BD, MTheol and DTheol

2022-2023 Term 1

  • THEO2221 Early and Medieval Church
  • THEO2241 Pastoral Theology
  • THEO3213 (CUHK Undergraduates, BD-1 & BD-2) / (BD-3 or Above, MTheol & DTheol) Biblical Studies: Special Topics I: Ancient Near Eastern Culture and the Hebrew Bible
  • THEO3215 New Testament Greek I
  • THEO3221 History of Christianity in China
    [Updated: 2022-08-24]
  • THEO5002 Graduate Thesis I
  • THEO5005 Faculty Student Seminar I
  • THEO5213 Extracanonical Literature
    [Updated: 2022-08-26]
  • THEO5225 Christ, Church, and Spirit
  • THEO5242 History, Practice, and Theology of Christian Worship
  • THEO5303 New Testament Greek I
  • THEO5321 Early and Medieval Church
  • THEO5323 History of Christianity in China
    [Updated: 2022-08-24]
  • THEO5324 History of Christianity in Asia
  • THEO5341 Pastoral Theology
  • THEO5906 Methods and Paradigms of Christian Studies
  • THEO5910 New Testament in Contexts
  • THEO5929 History of Christian Thought
  • THEO5950 Special Topics on Biblical Studies I: Ancient Near Eastern Culture and the Hebrew Bible
  • THEO5958 Special Topics on Christianity in China I: Empire, War, and Revolution in Twentieth-Century Chinese Christianity
  • THEO5959 Special Topics on Christianity in China II: “IMAGES OF CHINA” CHINA IN THE EYES OF THE WEST

2021-2022 Term 2