Chung Chi Theological Education Fund

Inheritance of Chung Chi Spirit, Devotion in Theological Education;
Nurturing New Generations, Meeting Challenges of an Epoch

Aims and the Needs

Vision, teachers, students and funds are four key assets to the administration of a Divinity School which nurture leaders and ministers for God. Intelligent teachers with a mutual commitment to God are essential to achieve vision and equip students for being servants of discernment. However, the expenses for the salaries of teaching staff take up the most costs for a theological education institution.

In gratitude of the blessings from God, our Divinity School has been developing immensely in different aspects which are not possible without the contribution of our teaching staff who are truly servants of discernment. Many of our experienced full-time teachers will retire one by one in the coming 10 years. Therefore, establishing a team for Chung Chi Theological Education in this new era is an immediate task with great urgency. In response to the current and long-term developmental needs, it is vital to further build up and expand our team of teaching staff who can inherit and practice the vision of Chung Chi Theological Education.

Fundraising Target

In order to relieve our financial burden which come from the cost of teachers’ salaries, Chung Chi Theological Education Fund is set up to recruit new teaching staff and to meet with the demand when many teachers are going to retire. According to the development plan of our School, there is a need for recruiting three professorial-graded teachers who will be appointed as Assistant Professor while the estimated cost per each will be around HKD2 million for three consecutive years. The total amount will be approximately HKD6 million.

Your Support

We cannot feel satisfied with the current situation but to take duly action and complete the transition between new and old teaching staff smoothly so as to build up and strengthen the teachers’ team of Chung Chi Theological Education in this new era. We hope all fellows who support us not only to pray for our School as well as especially for the foundation of our teachers’ team, and pray to God for preparing the most suitable candidates to supply what we lack, but also actively contribute by donations. If you are touched and interested in giving donations to the Chung Chi Theological Education Fund, please contact our Director, Professor Francis YIP at 3943-6706.