BA, MDiv (CUHK); PhD (London)

电话: (852) 3943 6465
电邮: pclai@cuhk.edu.hk

Interim Dean, Faculty of Arts
  1. Modern Christian Thought
  2. Chinese Christian Theology
  3. Inter-religious Dialogue
  4. Environmental Ethics
  5. Religion and Natural Science


  1. Contemporary Chinese Christian Discourses on Religious Diversity (2014-2016)
  2. Christian Theological Responses to Mahayana Buddhism (2009- 2012)
  3. Cultural Christians in Cultural and Theological Perspectives (2008-2009)
  1. 《开放与委身:田立克的神学与宗教对话》。香港:基督教中国宗教文化研究社,2000。
  2. 《边缘上的神学反思—徘徊在大学、教会与社会之间》。香港:基督教文艺出版社,2001。
  3. 《近代中国佛教与基督宗教的相遇》。香港:道风书社,2003。修订版:《佛耶对话:近代中国佛教与基督宗教的相遇》。北京:宗教文化出版社,2008。(与何建明、苏远泰、何庆昌及陈伟强合著)
  4. 《传承与转化:基督教神学与诸文化传统》。香港:文艺出版社,2006。
  5. 《儒耶对话与生态关怀》。北京:宗教文化出版社,2006。(与林宏星合著)
  6. 《多元、分歧与认同:神学与文化的探索》。新北市:中原大学宗教研究所/台湾基督教文艺出版社,2011。
  7. 《大乘基督教神学:汉语神学的思想实验》。香港:道风书社,2011。
  8. 《是敌?是友?科学与宗教的多元关系》。香港:明风出版社,2012。(与林子淳及苏远泰合著)
  9. 《广场上的汉语神学:从神学到基督宗教研究》。香港:道风书社,2014。
  10. 《谁的宗教?何种改革?—十六世纪宗教改革的多元性与政治性》。香港:明风书社,2017。(与高莘合著)
  11. 《从文化全球化看中外宗教交流史》。香港:香港中文大学崇基学院宗教与中国社会研究中心,2017刊印中。(赖品超编著,合著者:张雪松、朱东华、余之聪、周萍萍、高莘、何庆昌。)
  1. “God of Life and Ecological Theology: A Chinese Christian Perspective.” The Ecumenical Review 65.1 (March 2013), pp.67-82.
  2. “Christian Discourses on Religious Diversity in Contemporary China.” In: Religious Diversity in Chinese Thought, edited by Perry Schmidt-Leukel & Joachim Gentz (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp.215-230.
  3. “Human Rights and Christian-Confucian Dialogue.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 23.2 (2013): 133-149.
  4. “Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China and the Globalization of Culture.” In: Globalization and the Making of Religious Modernity in China, edited by Thomas Jansen, Thoralf Klein and Christian Meyer (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2014), pp.272-294.
  5. “Shaping Humanity with Word and Spirit: Perspectives East, West and Neither-East-Nor-West.” In: Word and Spirit: Renewing Christology and Pneumatology in a Globalizing World, edited by Anselm K. Min and Christoph Schwöbel (Berlin & Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2014), pp.131-149.
  6. “Teaching Global Theology with Local Resources: A Chinese Theologian’s Strategies.” In: Teaching Global Theologies: Power and Praxis, edited by Kwok Pui-lan, Cecilia Ganzaléz-Andrieu, and Dwight N. Hopkins (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2015), pp.91-104, with notes on 190-194.
  7. “Karl Barth and the Buddhist-Christian Studies in China.” Journal of Comparative Scripture 6 (2015), pp. 69-112.
  8. “Religion-Science Dialogue and the Secondary Education in Hong Kong: An Inter-Religious Perspective.” Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 40 (2016), pp.15-27.
  9. “Religious Diversity and Public Space in China: A Reconsideration of the Christian Doctrine of Salvation.” Interactive Pluralism in Asia. Religious Life and Public Space, edited by Simone Sinn and Tong Wing Sze (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016), pp.43-58.
  10. “Confucian Understanding of Humanity and Rationality in Conversation: A Chinese Christian Perspective.” Rationality in Conversation: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives, hg. v. Markus Mühling et al (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016), pp.321-335.
  11. “Buddhist-Christian Relations in China: A Christian Perspective.” Buddhist-Christian Relations in Asia, edited by Perry Schmidt-Leukel (St. Ottilien, Germany: EOS Verlag, 2017.05), pp.375-398.
  12. “Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Peace-Building: A Sino-Christian Perspective,” In: Who is My Neighbour? Crossing Boundaries of Prejudice and Mistrust, edited by Pauline Kollontai, Sue Yore and Sebastian Kim (London: Jessica Kingsley Publishing, 2018), pp.35-51.
  13. “Tillich’s Concept of Ultimate Concern and Buddhist-Christian Dialogue.” In: Paul Tillich and Asian Religions, edited by William Ng and Keith Chan (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2017), pp.47-67.
  14. “Chinese Catholic Response to Sino-Japanese War: A Study of Xu Zongze’s Public Theology of War and Peace.” Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2017 (Leiden: Brill, 2017), pp.166-189. Co-authored with Li Li-li.
  15. “Ecological theology as Public Theology: A Chinese Perspective.” International Journal of Public Theology (Leiden: Brill) 11.4 (2017), pp.477-500.
  16. “Chinese Explorations of Orthodox Theology: A Critical Review.” International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 14 (June 2018), pp.27-41.
  17. 〈从佛教反思基督宗教上帝观:取道保罗.蒂利希的「终极关切」〉。《辅仁宗教研究》26(2013春),页91-119。
  18. 〈从基督宗教、儒家及演化论看利他主义〉。《汉语基督教学术论评》15(2013.06),页183-214。(与王涛合著)
  19. 〈利他主义与儒耶比较〉。《天主教研究学报》4(2013),页168-188。
  20. 〈存有与非有:蒂利希、耶佛对话与汉语神学〉。《道风》43(2015秋),29-50。
  21. 〈汉语神学与拯救论〉。《道风》44(2016春),页153-179。
  22. 〈位格与理性:当代儒学的论述及其对儒耶对话的意义〉。《基督教文化学刊》36(2016.11),页70-93。
  23. 〈神爱与人爱:路德与多玛斯之间〉。《国学与西学国际学刊》12(2017.06),页109-119。
  24. 〈公共领域中的宽恕与和解:一个跨学科的处境神学反思〉。《道风》47(2017秋),页281-307。
  25. 〈从后世俗视域诠释好撒玛利亚人故事〉。《基督教文化学刊》39 (2018.05),页51-74。