Diploma (Hong Kong Baptist College); MATS (Gordon-Conwell); MPhil (ABD) (CUHK); PhD (Edinburgh)

电邮: yamchikeung@cuhk.edu.hk

Research Associate, The Centre for Christian Studies
  1. Theological and religious dimensions of popular media cultures
  2. Historical development of Hong Kong popular media in religious, cultural, and socio-political contexts
  3. Theology in a post-anthropocentric age — in particular animal theology and posthuman theology
  4. Theology of food

I dream of a theological laboratory which is deeply rooted in ancient scriptural traditions and actively engaged with contemporary experiences of people, where people of different theological persuasions and interests can enlighten one another on a daily basis, through experimentations with and vigorous conversations over a wide range of ideas. In this laboratory there is no fear of religious persecution of any kind. There is little doubt that our Divinity School, though still far from that ultimate ideal, is the closest we can get to the dream world amidst the many limitations of present reality.

  1. Confronting Mission Challenges in the Age of the Internet and Social Media
  2. Identifying Spiritualities and Pastoral Needs of the ‘Post-Umbrella’ Generation


  1. 〈网络生态乜乜乜:对网络媒体的经验与观察〉,收录于王家辉主编,《新.网中人—网络与牧养》。香港:崇基学院神学院,2017,A94-100。
  2. “Regarding the Interplay between Media and Religion in Hong Kong”, in Religion and Media in China: Insights and Case Studies from the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, edited by Stefania Travagnin (Routledge, 2017), 35-52.
  3. “The Curious Case of Discovering Noah’s Ark in Hong Kong.” in Religion and Media in China: Insights and Case Studies from the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, edited by Stefania Travagnin (Routledge, 2017), 241-255.
  4. 〈合一与多元:传统,实况与挑战〉,收录于林荣树主编,《多元氛围下的证道与教导》。香港:崇基学院神学院,2016。
  5. 〈「恐惧政治」下的身体与灵魂〉,收录于罗民威主编,《举伞待天明:占领运动基督徒文集》。香港:时代论坛、香港教会更新运动、德慧文化联合出版,2015。127-132。
  6. 〈从媒体文化的比喻窥探阈中人:阈间神学刍议〉,收录于邢福增、关瑞文、吴青主编,《人言我为谁乎?卢龙光院长荣休纪念文集》。香港:基督教文艺出版社,2014。603-614。
  7. “Contemporary Christianity and the Religiosity of Popular Chinese Cinema”, in Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-Cultural Perspectives, edited by Francis K.G. Lim. London and New York: Routledge, 2013, 91-104.
  8. 〈人算什么?从《猩凶革命》与猿人电影系列再思人的角色与位置〉,载于王礽福编,《睇电影,学神学》。香港:宣道出版社,2013。37-50。
  9. 〈关于香港普及文化与青少年的十条命题:给教会群体的提示〉,载于李耀全编,《再思青少年牧养》。香港:崇基学院神学院,2011。31-43。
  10. “Inspiring Education for Sustainable Life through Japanese Animation Films of Hayao Miyazaki.” in Fragmenta Ioannea Collecta: Special Volume 2010. (co-authored with Ching Pui Sun)
  11. “A Secular Gospel for the Marginal: Two Films of Stephen Chow as Hong Kong Cinematic Parables.” in Religion and the Sacred in a Media Age, edited by Christopher Deacy and Elisabeth Arweck. Surrey England and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2009. 203-218.
  12. “Projecting Christian Faith on the Hong Kong Screen.” Studies in World Christianity 15.2 (2009) 113-130.
  13. “Engagement in Television by Protestant Christians in Hong Kong.” Studies in World Christianity 11.1 (2005) 87-105.