To advance scholarship of teaching and learning, Office of University General Education and Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education together work on various research and publication projects. The latter include a periodical, the University General Education Bulletin, a GE book series, and selections of Best Essay Award. From 2010, a set of textbooks for the General Education Foundation Programme has also been released.

In order to improve GE development, Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education has conducted a series of studies on University General Education.  These studies include three parts:

(i) the effectiveness of GE programme and (ii) the idea of General Education worldwide.

(i) Effectiveness of GE programme

  • Assessment of the Effectiveness of the General Education Programme in CUHK
  • Course and Teaching Evaluation
  • Study on Double-coded and Non Double-coded GE courses
  • Alumni Focus Group (2009)
  • Student Focus Group Study

(ii) Idea of General Education worldwide

  • Study on contemporary GE issues (2010)

Read more about Research Projects

OUGE has co-operated with the Chinese University Press to publish the General Education Series since 1999. The purpose of this series is to provide a wide variety of subjects on GE for general readers in order to enhance their understanding of, and interest in GE in Hong Kong.  All GE teachers were invited to contribute writing proposals, which are related to their GE courses or relevant area. Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education has taken up this duty since its establishment in 2005. 

Published books in this series include The Pursuit of Philosophy, Nature and Culture, Crisscrossing in the World of Physics, Gazing at Death, Understanding Japanese Culture through Japanese Language, The Difficult Transition: Modernization and the Chinese Society, Dialogues on Religion and Philosophy, Global Justice and Universal Values and Butterflies in the Stomach: A Philosophical Investigation of Human Emotions.

Read more about GE Series

To facilitate student learning, the General Education Foundation (GEF) Programme puts together a set of anthologies of the required readings, resulting in two textbooks: In Dialogue with Humanity and In Dialogue with Nature. The readings are accompanied by carefully written introductions tailored for GEF students. The latest editions of these textbooks are the fourth edition released in January 2016 for In Dialogue with Humanity and the revised second edition released in August 2016 for In Dialogue with Nature.

More details about the content of the Course Books

The Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education has started publishing University General Education Bulletin since 2006 and five issues have already been published. The Bulletin serves as a platform for the discussion on GE, the publication of research findings, and the exchange of information on relevant issues within the Chinese-speaking regions. The main components of the Bulletin include "Special Topic", "Teaching and Learning in GE", "Forum", etc. In order to report on the most updated research results and innovative experiences from tertiary sectors across the globe, the Bulletin has become a bilingual publication from the fifth issue onwards.

Having accumulated the experience of publishing six volumes, the University General Education Bulletin has brought in a review system for the 7th Issue, with all articles to be reviewed anonymously by professional reviewers. With the move to the review system, the title of the University General Education Bulletin changed to the Journal of General and Liberal Education. Under the heading the Humanism in 21st Century General Education, volume 7 of the Journal of General and Liberal Education, published in June 2012, explores the challenges and burdens faced by general education in holding to the humanist ideal (人文精神理想) in the midst of the continuously changing university system.

Special topics include "Overview of GE in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan", "Meaning and Development Directions of General Education", "University Students and GE", "The Idea of University and GE", "Assessment of University General Education Curricula", "Humanistic Concern of General Education in the 21st Century", "Excellence in Leadership and Administration of General Education Programs in University", and "Reading Classics and General Education Programme".

Read more about Journal of General and Liberal Education
