BSc, MSc, PhD (CUHK), MCS (Lutheran Theol. Sem.) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interests
Dr. Wong received his B.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 1996 to 2008, he taught at Department of Physics, CUHK, as instructor and then senior instructor. From 2000 to 2004, he studied Christian theology and was awarded Master of Christian Studies by Lutheran Theological Seminary. In 2009, he came to the Office of University General Education as senior lecturer. For a long time, he has been taking up administrative work as Associate Programme Director and presently Deputy Programme Director. His research interests include theoretical solid-state physics, history of science and the dialogue between science and religion. Dr. Wong is active in teaching. In recent years, his attention has been paid to science education, core-text general education and gifted education.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- 2021:
- 廖梁、王永雄、彭金滿,〈標準參照評估的行動實踐—以香港中文大學通識教育基礎課程為案例〉,《復旦教育論壇》,19:4期,頁52-59 (2021)。
- 2019:
- 周志仁、容艷琼、鄧思穎、王永雄、楊陽,〈以通識教育為建立自主能力的途徑〉,《通識教育評論》總第五期,頁164-173 (2019)。(前一篇文章的中譯及擴充,獲Association of American Colleges and Universities ( 同意翻譯。)
- 2018:
- Ian Chow, Paula Hodgson, Sze-Wing Tang, Wing-Hung Wong, Yang Yeung, “General Education as a Gateway for Establishing Self-directedness”, Peer Review (2018).
- 王永雄、于超藝,〈通識教育自然科學課程的定位和教學徑路〉,《通識教育評論》總第四期,頁90-102 (2018)。
- 2010:
- 王永雄、趙茱莉,〈進入對話的傳統:香港中文大學的通識教育基礎課程〉,《大學通識報》第6期,頁113-134 (2010)。
- 彭金滿、王永雄、陳天機,〈宏轟?穩態?宇宙起源的大爭論〉,《大學通識報》第6期,頁151-181 (2010)。
- 2009:
- 彭金滿、王永雄、陳天機,〈光天化日下的「不軌行為」:太陽系的「多體問題」〉,《大學通識報》第5期,頁141-173 (2009)。
- 2008:
- 陳天機、彭金滿、王永雄,〈名雖正而言未順:太陽系行星的新定義〉,《大學通識報》第4期,頁197-221 (2008)。
- 2007:
- 王永雄:〈路,不是一個人走〉,《大學通識報》第3期,頁207-213 (2007)。
- 陳天機、彭金滿、王永雄:〈太陽系理論的突破〉,《大學通識報》第3期,頁133-151 (2007)。
- 陳天機、彭金滿、王永雄:〈地心論面臨挑戰〉,《大學通識報》第2期,頁125-149 (2007)。
- 2006:
- 王永雄:〈物理科學在通識〉,《大學通識報》第1期,頁 91-101 (2006)。
- H. M. Lai, S. W. Chan and W. H. Wong, "Nonspecular effects on reflection from absorbing media at and around Brewster's dip", JOSA A 23, 3208 (2006).
- 2004 and before:
- Lai Hon Ming, Wong Wan Yan and Wong Wing Hung, "Extinction paradox and actual power scattered in light beam scattering: A two-dimensional study", JOSA A 21, 2324 (2004).
- Lai Hon Ming, Lau Yan Pan and Wong Wing Hung, "Understanding wave characteristics via linear superposition of retarded fields", Am. J. Phys. 70, 173 (2002).
- W. H. Wong and C. F. Lo, "Optimal coupled-cluster approximation for the ground-state properties of a spin-boson model", Eur. Phys. J. B 6, 213 (1998).
- K. M. Lui, W. H. Wong, and K. P. Chik, "Charge-transport properties of dendritic germanium thin films", Phys. Rev. B 58, 16110 (1998).
- W. H. Wong and C. F. Lo, "Optimal coupled-cluster approximation for the linear E-e Jahn-Teller effect", Phys. Lett. A 223, 123 (1996).
- W. H. Wong and C. F. Lo, "Ground state of a dissipative two-level system: Coupled-cluster approximation", Phys. Rev. B 54, 12859 (1996).
- C.F. Lo and W.H. Wong, "Ground state of a simple spin-boson system: exact results", Chem. Phys. Lett. 256, 159 (1996).
- C.F. Lo and W.H.Wong, "Correlated squeezed-state approach for a dissipative two-state system", Phys. Rev. B 52, 3333 (1995).
- W.H. Wong and C.F. Lo, "Coupled-cluster approximation for the linear E-e Jahn-Teller effect", Phys. Rev. B 50, 17615 (1994).
- W.H. Wong, C.F. Lo, and Y.L. Wang, "Coupled-cluster approximation for a spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with anisotropic exchange interaction and easy-plane single-ion anisotropy", Phys. Rev. B 50, 6126 (1994).
- 2013:
- 王永雄、彭金滿、陳天機:《天問:宇宙真貌的探索》。香港:牛津大學出版社,2013。
- 2005:
- 鄭啟明、王永雄:《物理縱橫》。香港:香港中文大學出版社,2005。