In Dialogue with Humanity
Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
HUI Ying Kit Year 1, Mathematics, Morningside College Harm Principle and Marx

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
CHAN Wai Year 1, History, United College 對民主的再思考:意義與形式

CHUNG Yuen Tung Joyce Year 1, Laws, Morningside College An Open Letter to Undergraduate Students at My University: My Journey in Search of Hope

LEUNG Ho Ching Year 1, Government and Public Administration, Shaw College 論苦難之自我超越 — 東西今古文本對讀

MAN Cheuk Ying Tiffany Year 1, Engineering, New Asia College (Major in Mechanical and Automation Engineering in the academic year 2018-2019) How Much to the Individual, and How Much to Society? Of Self-interest and Common Good

Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
LAU Yat Ying Year 1, Contemporary China Studies, Wu Yee Sun College 夢中啟示錄

MANG Ming Fai Year 1, History, New Asia College 公利、私利與代議政制的未來

NG Wing Yee Year 1, Global Studies, Chung Chi College Reconstructing Jesus's Social Order in the Secular World

SONG Jialin Year 2, Professional Accountancy, Chung Chi College 淺談《心經》與《聖經》中對人類自我的認知

WONG Ho Cheong Year 1, Government and Public Administration, C.W. Chu College 風雨中抱緊民主

WU Ho Yee Year 1, Chinese Language and Literature, Shaw College 《明夷待訪錄》前傳 — 論孔莊對美好人生之看法

In Dialogue with Nature
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Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
No prize awarded this year

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
CHONG Man Hin Year 3, Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, Wu Yee Sun College 現代科學與基督宗教能否和諧共存?

FENG Yuxiao Year 1, Science, New Asia College (Major in Risk Management Science in the academic year 2018-2019) Why Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans — or Will It?

TSANG Hing Yeung Year 3, Linguistics, Chung Chi College 從生物學革命論人類的獨特性

Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
CHAN Chak Fu Year 1, Medicine, Morningside College How Does Science Address the Question of "Divinity of Humans"?

CHEN Qifan Year 1, Mathematics, Shaw College Why Use Mathematization? And Why Not? — Superiorities and Limitations of the Mathematization in Science

CHIK Lok Yee Year 1, Global Communication, Chung Chi College How Do We Know the Soul Exists? And, What If We Would Never Know? A Reflection on John Horgan's "We Have Souls, and So Do Crows."

HUI Wai Fong Year 2, Laws, Shaw College 擁抱枷鎖的自由人

SO Ping Yuen Year 1, Professional Accountancy, Shaw College 與人工智能對話 • 與自然對話

WANG Tianshi Year 2, Laws, New Asia College The Interaction of Law and Nature

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