Equipment Information

  • Equipment PI: Prof. C.H. Jonathan Choi
  • Location: G16, G/F, Run Run Shaw Science Building, CUHK
  • Note to user

  • First time users please provide the following information when making a booking request:
  • - Sample to be tested and the solvent used
    - Frequency of usage and duration of project

  • External user will be charged HKD 600 (HKD 1000 effective 2022.1.1) for an introductory training which takes approximately 1 hour. They can bring their samples to attend. After the training, they may become a qualified user.
  • Qualified external users can operate the Nanosight on their own at an hourly rate of HKD 300/hr (HKD 500/hr effective 2022.1.1).
  • Please wear full length slacks/trousers/jeans and closed shoes when entering G16.
  • In case of equipment damage, the user or the PI of the user will bear the cost for repair, including parts and manpower.
  • Equipment Booking Availability

    Contact Technical Person

  • Name: CHAN Cecilia K.W. / HE Yuan
  • Email: ceciliachan(at) / 1155168060(at)