




[New Course info] CUMT4201 Special Topics in Cultural Institutions and Curation — 1st term, 2022-23

The course “Theatre and Production” introduces the nature and significance of theatre as well as the relationships of theatre institution with cultural policy and globalisation. It also covers the managerial aspects of theatre production, such as programming, fundraising, outreach and education, etc. The current curatorial practice of “cultural exchange” in local and global contexts and the crisis management of “theatre goes digital” during the pandemic are explored as well. Besides, fieldtrips at theatres and guest sharing sessions by theatre practitioners are organised for students to interpret performances or reflect the challenges faced by theatre-makers in a globalised world.

Dr. Miu Lan Law
Dr. Miu Lan Law is a theatre scholar (teaching, practice and research). Apart from teaching in the BA Programme in Cultural Management at CUHK since 2016, she is also a guest lecturer in the programme of Master of Arts in Theatre Studies at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Since the 1990s, she has conducted theatre practices in over 20 productions and performances for various societies, companies, institutions, as well as festivals in Hong Kong, the USA and Germany. Her theatre critiques and research essays are published in academic journals, cultural and art review magazines and online in Hong Kong, Germany and China.

Time : Tue 15:30 – 18:15
Venue : William M W Mong Eng Bldg 405
Medium of instruction : English and Cantonese
Course Instructor : Dr. LAW Miu Lan

[New Course info] CUMT4101 Special Topics in Antiquities and Heritage Management — 2nd term, 2022-23



Time : Mon 12:30 – 15:15
Venue : Li Dak Sum Bldg 218
Medium of instruction : English and Cantonese
Course Instructor : Prof. CHAN Sau Yan

[New Course info] CUMT3003 New Media Arts Management — 2nd term, 2022-23

The course aims to provide basic introduction of media arts management to the students, enhance their knowledge towards the understandings of the art and cultural environment in Hong Kong based on the global media arts development. The objective is to introduce the importance of how management skills could be applied in creative industries, and how the management processes enhance a media art project from curatorial idea to execution. The course will also provide an overall picture to the students about the current media arts global scene and serve as a basic foundation to enhance their understandings and interest in the arts and cultural field.

Joel Kwong is an international media art curator, writer, producer and educator based in Hong Kong. She is currently the Programme Director for Microwave International
New Media Arts Festival (www.microwavefest.net), and the founder of SIBYLS – a creative Arts x Tech consultation and production agency. Joel has a strong belief in art and technology, and her curated projects have been shown in many different cities around the globe; most recent projects includes Future Media Art Festival in Taiwan, Microwave Festival edition 2021, Glow Shenzhen online media art showcase “Fireflies: The Glowing Dots”, Connecting the Dots – a media art archaeology online exhibition & website etc.

Time : Wed 15:30 – 18:15
Venue : Y.C. Liang Hall G06
Medium of instruction : Cantonese
Course Instructor : Ms. Joel KWONG

[New Course info] CUMT3002 Performing Arts Management — 2nd term, 2022-23

The theoretical insights and professional practice skills of performing arts management would be combined and presented in the course.
In this course, you will cover key performing arts management concepts such as:

• Definition of performance and performing arts
• The creation of performance
• Managing performing arts organisations and cultural businesses
• Funding systems and fundraising
• Creativity and marketing
• Audience development and audience evaluation
• Contemporary performances and art-technology
• Cultural policy and critical thinking

You will learn and finish the creative and interactive projects about fundraising, art proposals and the critical discussions in the presentation and the project/ essay.

Mr. Wai-ki CHAN (Felix)  M.A. (Goldsmiths University of London, UK)

Felix Chan holds the Master Degree in Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship – Theatre & Performance Pathway, Goldsmiths University of London. He is a part-time lecturer in the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University since 2019. He is an experienced art curator and producer who have worked with the theatre and film companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan since 2008. Founded FELIXISM CREATION, a cross-discipline creative enterprise in theatre, art-tech, critical writing and illustration. He focuses on multi-cultural, technological, political and immersive theatre, dance and independent film performances.

He is an experienced art critic and had the award of Young Artist (Critic), Hong Kong Art Development Awards (2015) by Hong Kong Development Council.

Time : Tue 09:30 – 12:15
Venue : Y.C. Liang Hall G03
Course Instructor : Mr. Felix Chan
Language of Instruction : Cantonese and English

[New Course info] CUMT2005 Management of Public and Non-profit Cultural Organization — 2nd term, 2022-23

Hong Kong and countries all over the world, or indeed most developed countries and some developing countries, both their public and the private sectors, invest a lot of resources in developing art and culture with a view to enhancing its citizens’ life and developing their countries’ cultural economy. Hence, it is essential for such countries to have adequate and able human resource to manage either the public or the private non-profit cultural organizations. This course aims to equip students with knowledge and skills for managing such organizations. They would learn the different management functions and skills to interact effectively with different stakeholders in the art ecology whereby art making, art promoting, art seeing, art selling, art financing, art archiving and art learning are all interwoven into a colourful tapestry making a city culturally rich and vibrant.

Ms. May Fung
Independent Art & Cultural Worker
Master of Art (Human Resource Management), McQuarie University, Australia
Chair, Art & Culture Outreach
Expert Adviser for the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme under the Advisory Committee on Arts Development (ACAD) of the Home Affairs Bureau
Assessor, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Advisor, Leisure & Cultural Services Department
Video Artist

Time : Thur 12:30 – 15:15
Venue : William M W Mong Eng Bldg 703
Course Instructor : Ms. May Fung
Language of Instruction : Cantonese and English

[New Course info] CUMT3001 Visual Arts Management — 1st term, 2022-23

This course aims at providing a basic understanding of the professional management of visual arts projects in non-profit organizations. With the emphasis on the local and international cases of visual arts projects, exhibitions and festivals, this course would cover topics about the strategies and practices ranging from planning and operation of a non-profit arts organization and its projects. Through class discussions and course works, students shall build up their independent capability and analytical perspectives to the visual arts managment.

Mr. Jeff LEUNG
Leung Chin Fung, Jeff, is an independent curator and part-time lecturer at local universities. Jeff had worked on exhibition administration and curation in art institutions and galleries over ten years. Jeff is engaged on presenting Hong Kong art in diverse formats of curatorial exhibition, for instance ‘Art in Construction’ (2020) about sustainability of art at Zero Carbon Park, and the K11 Art Mall’s inaugural show ‘Hiking Arte’ (2009) inside the shopping mall. Besides, Jeff often contribute exhibition review and guided tours to promote Hong Kong art.

Time : Mon 12:30 – 15:15
Venue : William M W Mong Eng Bldg 408
Course Instructor : Mr. Jeff LEUNG
Language of Instruction : Cantonese and English


We are pleased to announce that a Minor programme in Curation and Artistic Strategies would be offered starting from the academic year 2021 – 22. The programme is co-organized by the BA Programme in Cultural Management and the Department of Fine Arts. Students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter are eligible to take this minor programme.

For more detailed information and the study scheme, you are encouraged to visit our website https://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/cumt/programme/minor-program/