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CUMT4101 文化專題:古物與文物遺產管理
Prof. CHAN Yuk Keung, Kurt
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Prof Chan is a retired professor after teaching 27 years in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK. He is a practicing artist and an art educator, who has participated in over 100 exhibitions which include The 51st Venice Biennale and the chief editors of the Hong Kong Visual Art Yearbook for several years. Now serving as member of board of directors of Para/Site, Sau Kee School of Creativity and Rooftop Institute.
Course Taught
Fall Term, 2017-18:
CUMT4101 Special Topics in Cultural Management: Art in Public Realm
Mr. CHUI Wan Shun, Vincent
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Graduated from Communications Arts Department of Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Started his career in Hong Kong Broadcast Television Company. He’s been working in the independent field since 1993. Founded Ying E Chi, a Hong Kong Independent film Collective, with the fellow independent filmmakers to promote and distribute their films in the 1997. Now the artistic director of the above organization and has been curating the Hong Kong independent film festival since 2011. Made his first feature Leaving in Sorrow in 2001.
The second feature Fear of Intimacy was selected in competition category in Moscow International Film Festival, 2004. The most recent film was Fig(2013). In recent years, he has produced two documentary films Yellowing and Lost in the Fumes.
Course Taught
Spring Term, 2019-20:
CUMT4101 Special Topics in Cultural Management: Film Appreciation and Film Curatorship
Dr. Hugo Chan Chun Kwok
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Dr. Hugo Chan holds degrees in architecture, business administration, urban planning and built heritage conservation, and he is one of the few Hong Kong and Mainland China based professional practitioners with well-rounded expertise in the key disciplines of the built environment field. A Registered Town Planner with extensive private practice experience in architectural, conservation and urban revitalization projects in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, he was appointed a key consultant for the Yangon Heritage Trust and co-authored the conservation master-plan for the city of Yangon, entitled Yangon Heritage Strategy: Combining Conservation and Development to Create Asia’s Most Liveable City (published in August 2016). His research interests cover vernacular architecture, historic urban landscapes, heritage management and urban conservation in Asia.
Course Taught
Spring Term, 2021-22:
CUMT4101 Special Topics in Antiquities and Heritage Management
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戲劇學者(教學、實踐和硏究) 。
CUMT 4201 文化專題:文化機構與策展
近期出版 (選項)
Zu einer Ästhetik des Hybriden: Eine Geschichte der Verflechtung von deutschen Theaterkünstlern mit chinesischer Theaterkultur im frühen 21. Jahrhundert [邁向交融美學:廿一世紀初一段德語戲劇藝術工作者與中華戲劇文化交織的歷史] ,柏林自由大學論文網,2011。
書籍章節 / 期刊文章
<當代德港紀錄劇場的比較>, 快將發表。
<德语舞台上的华文戏剧>, 上海艺术评论,2016年第3期。
The Interweaving of the German and Chinese Theatre Cultures in the Early 21st Century <廿一世紀初德中戲劇文化的交織> , 在《中國歷史與社會》, 2011年第39期,59-80 頁。
Von der Flucht zum Weltbild eines >Kosmopoliten<: Eine Verknüpfung der Theaterperformance fluchtVERSUCHE mit den Texten und dem Leben von Gao Xingjian <從逃亡到達世界主義觀: 戲劇演出逃走試驗與高行健的文本和生命的聯繫>,在Forschung trifft Literatur. Aktuelle Forschungsthemen im Spiegel literarischer Werke, 2011年,153-166 頁。
<一道透过叙事和场面教人反思差异的习题> ,上海艺术评论,2018年第5期。
<怪誕和反諷 — 析當代德國諷刺劇公司感謝你>,《公司感謝你演出塲刊》,2018年7月 。
<紀錄劇場也可以感性>,國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)網上評論, 2017年12月。
<戲劇學指導的三言兩語: 賦權多面觀>,《高加索灰闌記演出塲刊》,2016年8月 。
Dr. Simon Tu
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Trained as an anthropologist, Dr. Simon Tu holds degrees in design culture and theory, anthropology, and Japanese studies. He has conducted extensive research on art festivals and other cultural activities for social purposes in Japan, and was invited by a Japanese nonprofit organization to join as a staff member for the Setouchi Triennale in 2016. His earlier research discusses artist space in Hong Kong. Tu’s research interests include the arts in urban and rural revitalization in Japan, Japanese visual cultures, and socially-engaged art. Before embarking on his academic journey, he was an active classical music critic.
Course Taught
Spring Term, 2021-22:
CUMT4005 Art and Propaganda
媒體藝術策展人、微波國際新媒體藝術節節目總監、太陽流動傳訊亞太區超媒體部門的藝術總監。2010至2014年主理出入口畫廊(香港唯一專門推廣新媒體藝術的商業藝廊),2011亞洲Siggraph的ART GALLERY副主席,自2008年起為本地媒體藝術組織VIDEOTAGE的董事,並在2014至2015年為香港知專設計學院客席硏究員,致力推廣及硏究超媒體發展。一直以來為多項新媒藝術項目策展、製作, 並致力將新媒體藝術引入商業市場。自2006年開始策劃及製作年度新媒體藝術節至今,每年以不不同策展主題推動藝術發展及成就香港本地最大新媒體的交流平台。2008年策劃UVA—Volume戶外作品—的香港台北兩地展及又於2011年製作明和電機 Voice Mechanics 巡迴演唱會。
2012至13年開拓海外策展市場,包括美國Transmutation 展,參展藝術家來自日本、香港及上海。2012年11—12月英國創作團隊 Circumstance 的現場電影巡迴演出,城市包括香港、台北與厦門。2013至14年,與多個台灣單位合作,舉辦多個藝術項目及展覧,合作單位包括台北當代藝術館、台北誠品生活及誠品書店、台中勤美術館等。
CUMT3003 新媒體藝術管理
Dr. TING Wing Yan, Vivian
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As an independent curator and researcher, Vivian works with universities and art organizations to develop curatorial projects that encourage multiple narratives of local history, articulated through creative means. She trained as a historian at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and particularly interested in exploring communication and interpretation of material culture in cross-cultural context. In considering what the arts and culture means to the public and how to articulate multiple voices of the city, she has been writing about arts and culture on various platforms (e.g. https://www.objecttravelogue.net/), and developing art projects, such as Sparkle! Let’s Art (2015, Oi!) and Talkover/Handover 2.0 (2017, 1A Space).
Course Taught
Fall Term, 2021-22:
CUMT4008 Advanced Museum Studies