Feedback from Students
Lee Han Chun Amanda (Year 3 as in 2019)

Internship Organization: Chung Ying Theatre Company (Education and Outreach Department)
Working as an intern at the Chung Ying Theatre Company allows me to get a taste of arts administration and prepare myself for my future career. During the three-month internship, I assisted in a youth musical theatre, which has enriched my knowledge of theatre and left me an unforgettable memory of working with teenagers. Not only did I gain valuable work experience from this internship programme, but I also applied what I have learned from Cultural Management courses in a professional workplace, discovering my strengths and weaknesses. I have strengthened my practical skills and understand the ecology of the arts and cultural industry. Besides, working with people from different backgrounds has expanded my horizons and developed my interpersonal skills. This internship is truly a great growing experience that ignites my passion for performing arts. I am excited to continue my journey as an arts administrator in the future.
SIN Yat Nam, Ruby (Year 3 as in 2019)

Internship organisation: Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
It was a fruitful experience for being an intern in Hong Kong Repertory Theatre. I worked in the outreach and education department and my job duties was very broad. Such as the administration work, manage the outreach classroom and pre-work of performance. These experience offered me to learn the communication strategy, the skills for building relationship with children and parents. Through the internship, I gained lots of opportunities to experience the preparation, planning, organizing work of the outreach programmes. It helped me to have a depth understanding in performing arts and widen my horizon.
Lo Chor Kiu (Year 3 as in 2019)
Internship organization: Chung Ying Theatre Company (Programme and Communications Department)
Working as an intern for the Programme and Communications Department at Chung Ying Theatre Company was a fruitful and rewarding experience. I had mainly assisted in the marketing campaigns for main stage productions, which required a lot of research work and deepened my understanding regarding the operation of a theatre company. Moreover, I am very grateful that my kind colleagues had taught me a lot and entrusted me with handling diverse tasks. I was also allowed to attend weekly departmental meetings and understand how the theatre company runs and responds under different circumstances. Besides, I have learnt the interesting part and versatility of working as an arts administrator for performing arts. Lastly, my internship experience had also inspired me to rethink the relationship between drama and society, and the impact that arts could exert in society in times of hardship, such as to entertain, to relieve, to serve as a getaway from reality, and as a channel for audiences to vent their emotions.
Lam Yan Yan (Year 3 as in 2016)
Internship Organization: Hong Kong Civic Education Foundation
「…我在兩個月的實習工作中,主要負責完成三個大項目:《Try To Remember》音樂會、《香港夢藝術中心 周年音樂會2016》及《Dreamstar歌唱比賽2016》。資源緊絀是小型非牟利藝術機構所面對的一大難題,不論是資金或人力資源也不多,故此員工需要負責的工作較廣泛,而作為實習員工除了要協助製作音樂會中兒童音樂劇的佈景和道具外,協助音樂劇排練、音樂會綵排,擔任兒童合唱團和幼兒音樂班的助教等,都是我的工作,當然亦包括日常的行政和宣傳工作。或者有人會認為我的實習較一般短期實習繁重,但我認為這家機構使我有更多機會學習不同事務,例如以最少的資源消耗去完成最多的舞台工作,及如何與二十個月至十二歲的小朋友相處,並要適切地教導他們等。…自問比起學術研究,我更擅長知識實踐。很慶幸自己選對了實習機構,在香港夢藝術中心裡實習使我不單能發揮所長,用我的舞台經驗去協助音樂會製作,從中獲得經驗、友誼和成功感外,亦能跟不少前輩學習,令我更了解兒童藝術教育的重要性,是社區教育發展不可或缺的一環。」

Kelvin, Leong Ka Hou (Year 3 as in 2016)

Internship Organization: The Conservancy Centre for Heritage
Doris, Chan Wai Yan (Year 3 as in 2015)
Internship Organization: Hong Kong Contemporary Dance Company
“I believe that practical experience in cultural management is as important as textbook learning. I was grateful for being an intern in City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) and involved in the show named “365 ways of doing and undoing orientalism”. It gave me an opportunity to put my previous years of learning into real life practice. Beyond my expectation, Marketing Department had to undertake a number of small different tasks in order to promote a contemporary dance programme successfully. This was something that I haven’t learnt from books. Apart from the main performance, we had to organize different additional activities, such as preshow talks, aftershow cocktails and backstage tours to attract more audiences. I was excited to co-organize and manage such a programme as a crewmember of CCDC. Being a layman in contemporary dance and professional stage management, I have learnt and received so much from this internship experience.”
Anthony, Lui Tsz Hing (Year 3 as in 2016)

Internship Organization: Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Marketing Department
The two-month internship in Hong Kong Repertory Theatre (HKREP) experience was much fruitful and all-rounded than I expected. This internship offers me many opportunities to take part in both planning and execution of various marketing campaigns. Apart from providing general administrative support to the marketing team, my duties also involve assisting marketing and cooperate events, conducting marketing research and support and attending various production meetings and rehearsals.
Having been an actor for many years, through this internship, I can have the opportunity to understand the preparation work behind the scenes. From photo shooting, production meetings, read-through, final rehearsals, I was given many valuable chances to experience thoroughly how a stage performance is organized, produced and presented.
Practical experience is curial in the studies of Cultural Management. All in all, the internship experience provokes me to reflect on what we have learnt in our studies. More significantly, the internship experience offers us to know –in-depth the unique art ecology in Hong Kong.
Chris, Chu Kai Fung (Year 3 as in 2015)
Internship Organization: Make a Difference Institute
“The Bachelor of Arts Programme in Cultural Management offers internship opportunities for students to put theories into practice and contribute to society. In the 3-month internship, what excited me most was the strong passion and enthusiasm for culture and arts promotion exhibited by my colleagues. They inspired me to think of my own goals and direction. Moreover, this internship programme has widened my social network. This was an interesting and valuable experience to meet people from different walks of life. The internship is significant if I develop my career in creative industry or cultural art.”