The 5th International Conference of Prosodic Grammar
Notification | Keynote and Invited Speeches | Young Scholarship of Prosodic Grammar | Program | Accommodation | Contact us
ICPG5-First Circular
First circular, January 2018
The 5th International Conference of Prosodic Grammar (ICPG5)
Fudan University
14-15 July 2018
Call for Papers We are pleased to announce that the 5th International Conference of Prosodic Grammar (ICPG5) will be held at Fudan University in Shanghai on 14-15 July 2018. Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research in any aspects of prosodic grammar, including, but not limited to, the following: 1) Synchronic and diachronic studies on prosodic phonology; 2) Synchronic and diachronic studies on prosodic morphology; 3) Synchronic and diachronic studies on prosodic syntax; 4) Synchronic and diachronic studies on prosodic stylistics; 5) Synchronic and diachronic studies on prosodic literature; 6) Typological studies on prosodic grammar; 7) Prosodic grammar in language teaching and language acquisition. The conference will also confer the Young Scholarship of Prosodic Grammar (YSPG) on two to three of the contributors, and the eligible applicants include young scholars, M.A. or Ph.D. candidates under the age of 40. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Abstracts can be submitted to the conference email ( enclosed with the author’s name, institution, research field, postal address, email address and contact phone number. An author may submit at most one single author or first author paper. Abstracts should be written in English or in Chinese. Please use Times New Roman for English and Song or SimSun font for Chinese (size 12 pt.). Abstracts should be limited to one page in length (A4, including examples and references), in both WORD and PDF format. Every abstract will be reviewed anonymously by at least two peer reviewers. After a check and approval of papers, the conference committee will send invitations via emails to would-be participants and guests on March 31, 2018. Applicants for the Young Scholarship of Prosodic Grammar should send their full papers to the conference committee at REGISTRATION FEE: Non-student attendees: RMB ¥900; Student attendees: RMB ¥500 IMPORTANT DATES9 March 2018: Deadline for abstract submission
31 March 2018: Notification of acceptance
Contact Person:Yu Mengwei(15201918354)、Ding Lili(18916905226)
Download the Conference Reply Slip here:第五届韵律语法国际研讨会第一号通知
Keynote and Invited Speeches
Dafydd Gibbon:Time and Frequency: Methods in Discourse Prosody
Yen-Hwei Lin:Syllable Structure Domains and the Obligatory Contour Principle: A Case Study of Taiwanese Labial Co-occurrence Restrictions
李智強:Positional Asymmetry in Prosodic Mapping: Phonology and Phonetics
Young Scholarship of Prosodic Grammar (YSPG)

Transport and Accommodation
Recommended hotel: Guangdong Hotel Shanghai.
Contact Us
Contact Person:Yu Mengwei(15201918354)、Ding Lili(18916905226)