Family Therapy in China

22 January 2022

“Family Therapy in China” with Teresa Kuan

After “accidentally” taking one introductory course as an undergraduate student, Teresa Kuan, now Associate Professor at CUHK Department of Anthropology, decided to declare anthropology as her major. In this episode, Teresa walks us through her anthropology journey: how the first encounter of China anthropology blew her mind, how the experience of filmmaking can be related to fieldwork, and how her latest research on family therapy in mainland China engages with recent theoretical debates in the anthropology of morality and ethics, from people’s efforts in problematizing and addressing certain realms of human suffering and flourishing, to anthropologists’ positioning between “being suspicious of the power relation” and “appreciating the practical wisdom”.

(This episode is conducted in English.)


01’11 An unexpected enter into the world of anthropology 

18’34 Motivation behind the research on family therapy in China 

2’’20 Mental illness, psycho boom and family therapy 

40’54 The logic of social practice 

55’28 Anthropology being eye-opening

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